Each month the City of Chicago offers twice-weekly (Wed & Fri) FREE business education workshops presented by experts in private practice as well as representatives from various city departments. There are quite a few good ones this month — see the list below — and they’re all offered at City Hall (right downtown and near public transit). To register for any of them, email BACPoutreach@cityofchicago.org or call 312.744.2086.
City Inspections – Ask Questions, Get Answers
Wed, June 5, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by the City of Chicago
To operate a successful business in Chicago you need to know what it takes to maintain compliance. Officials from several City departments will provide insight on how to operate safely, stay compliant, help prepare for inspections and highlight the do’s and don’ts of operating a business.
Is Your Business In Compliance With The City’s Wage And Sick Leave Ordinance?
Fri, June 7, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 11th Floor, Room 1103
Presented by the City of Chicago Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection (BACP)
Did you know that the minimum wage in Chicago will increase to $13 per hour on July 1, 2019? Learn which employers and workers are affected by the Minimum Wage and Paid Sick Leave Ordinance, how employers can calculate sick leave, and what is required to abide by the ordinance.
Overview of Workplace Harassment & Discrimination
Wed, June 12, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by Charles Krugel, a Management Side Labor, Employment and Human Resource Attorney
A round-table discussion with labor and employment lawyer Charles Krugel, about all forms of workplace harassment and protected class discrimination. As a business owner, learn how to prevent, create policies, investigate, and find solutions to employee misconduct.
Executive to Entrepreneur – Lowering Card Processing Costs for Your Business
Fri, June 14, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 11th Floor, Room 1103
Presented by Jonathan Simon, Horizon Payments LLC
Would you like to learn how to lower an important but often overlooked cost in your business? Unfortunately, the majority of business owners do not understand what they are paying for or why when they get their credit card processing statement. This workshop is designed to introduce you to the basics of credit card processing: industry and pricing structures, interchange fees, equipment and leases, contracts, surcharging and cash discounting, and how you can make simple changes to save your business money. Current business owners are encouraged to bring a processing statement so they can do their own analysis while new entrepreneurs will learn what to look for in a processor and equipment. Never be caught off-guard by a sales call again!
Executive to Entrepreneur (Part of ‘Hear Us Roar: Women’s Workshop Series’)
Wed, June 19, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Moderated by Kenya Merritt, Chicago Chief Small Business Officer
Are you ready to make the leap from corporate executive to entrepreneurship? If you’re thinking about taking this step, or have already launched your business, come and learn from experts who have transitioned from working for someone else to being their own boss.
Podcasting 101 for Small Businesses
Fri, June 21, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
City Hall, 121 N. La Salle Street – 11th Floor, Room 1103
Presented by Google Digital Coaches & Led by JinJa Birkenbeuel, Founder, The Honest Field Guide Podcast
with Special Guests Jessica Kupferman and Elsie Ecobar, Co-Founders of She Podcasts
Learn about the benefits of a podcast for your business and how to create, record, launch and distribute a podcast. Discover the easiest platforms to launch and how to select affordable equipment to record your podcast. You will also learn about types of content formats and to how to name, brand, market, and monetize your podcast.
Record Keeping, Compliance and Winning Strategy
Wed, June 26, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by Al Beheary, M.S., LUTCF, GRI, Financial & Insurance Consultants (F.I.C.)
This class will pave the way for anyone who wants to start a business endeavor or has an existing, to learn good financial habits. You will get a chance to learn how to keep your records, how long to keep them and best practices that may help you start or keep your business. Do not be victim to audits or compliance reviews. Be ready and proactive. Bring your questions, forms and paperwork and ask as many questions as you can.
Small Business Center on the Road Expo
Thu, June 27, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
1871, 222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza #1212, Chicago, IL 60654
The Small Business Center on the Road Expo is free and open to the public. It provides new and existing entrepreneurs resources to start or grow their business here in Chicago.
For more information and to register go to
Ten Practical Legal Tips for Small Business Success
Fri, June 28, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 11th Floor, Room 1103
Presented by Lema Khorshid, Fuksa Khorshid, LLC
Running a small business takes a lot of work. Often, a handful of employees fill a variety of roles, meaning that everyone has to bring serious hard work, dedication, self-motivation, and multitasking skills to the table. Amid all this, it can be easy to forget about the legal aspects of running a business. However, attending to these matters sooner rather than later is likely to save you time, stress, and expense in the long run. Join us in this workshop to learn our top 10 legal tips for small business success.
To register for a workshop, email BACPoutreach@cityofchicago.org or call 312.744.2086.
Also, in case you weren’t aware, BACP offers a Business Start-Up Certificate Program, designed to give business owners the essential elements in starting and growing a business. Attend nine workshops at BACP and learn the essentials of business planning, financing, marketing, legal issues, technology and more. Complete the program workshops within six months and earn your certificate, as well as get free advice on your business plan. You can register for the Business Start-Up Certificate Program at any BACP workshop. Learn about the full set of BACP offerings here.
And visit their Business Video Library here.
Source: City of Chicago :: Business Education Workshop Calendar