Wanted to give you a heads-up on a January 30th webinar offered through National Society of Accountants for Cooperatives‘ Cooperative Learning Network. (You do not have to be a member to attend.)
I took a webinar a couple of months ago through NSAC by this same presenter, Steve Dawson of Dawson Forensics. I found his style to be approachable and friendly, and the information useful and applicable to all small businesses, not just cooperatives. He even kindly took the time to speak with me afterwards when I emailed to ask for some follow-up information, and offered his time gratis to a client with a time-sensitive question. Clearly he is passionate about helping others in the field.
This upcoming 1-hour webinar (which I will also be attending) seems like something that would be useful for any small business that has grown enough that it has a need for internal controls, but does not know which ones or how to implement them — as well as for accounting and bookkeeping professionals who would like to assist their small business clients in this area. I am eager to hear actual case examples as illustrations of what went wrong and what could have been done to prevent the issues in the first place.
This session focuses on the most common types of internal fraud occurring in Cooperatives. Actual case occurrences serve as the backdrop for presenting what went wrong, the lack of or failure of internal controls, and what can be implemented now to alleviate these types of occurrences in the future.