From the IRS e-News for Small Business Issue 2020-13 today, a note encouraging businesses to use a new fax line to file Form 7200. The IRS still is ramping up staff and catching up departments post-quarantine, so in order to get your advance payment as quickly as possible, please follow their instructions and use the dedicated fax line.
(If you are working with a payroll company who is filing Form 7200 for you, confirm they are taking care of it — do not simply assume. I’ve already come across two companies so far who won’t do it. Time to switch payroll companies, in my opinion.)
IRS Form 7200 fax line:
Employers use Form 7200 to request an advance payment of the tax credits for qualified sick and qualified family leave wages and the employee retention credit. The employer tax credits for qualified sick leave wages and qualified family leave wages apply to those wages paid from April 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020.
Businesses should fax the completed form to 855-248-0552.
Due to scheduled maintenance, the 7200 fax line will be unavailable from August 7 at 10 p.m. to August 8 at 7 a.m. ET.
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I filed a form 7200 via fax on 4/30/21 for Q1. But no fax confirmation was received. Can I fax the form again? Or is there a way to check to see if it was received?
Unfortunately, there’s no way to know without calling the IRS and speaking to an agent to confirm. But if you re-fax something that’s already being processed in their system, it could hold things up further, so I don’t recommend that. Most folks just magically see a paper check show up in the mail 2-6 months later. Wish I could be of more help — in this case, I think not enough time has passed and it’s worth waiting until the end of July, then trying to call if you still don’t see anything.
Thank you for the information!
i am getting failed report when tried to fax the for 7200 do you know if there’s a different fax number?
Form 7200 was only to request *advance* payment of the tax credits — at this point, given that the ERC expired after the third quarter of 2021, this approach is no longer valid. You’ll want to prepare amended 941 forms and snail mail them.
I too am getting a failed fax notification and I have tried faxing to the correct number for 10 straight days, multiple times per day. Is there an alternative fax number that is not 1(855)248-0552? Or is the email or a mailing address and/or department I can mail the form 7200 to? Any guidance you can provide is much appreciated.
Form 7200 was only to request *advance* payment of the tax credits — at this point, given that the ERC expired after the third quarter of 2021, this approach is no longer valid. You’ll want to prepare amended 941 forms and snail mail them.
A mail address.? Or email? Or another fax ? Where do we send form 7200
Form 7200 was only to request *advance* payment of the tax credits — at this point, given that the ERC expired after the third quarter of 2021, this approach is no longer valid. You’ll want to prepare amended 941 forms and snail mail them.