Many clients and colleagues have reached out to me over the past two months to ask whether they should apply for PPP1 forgiveness yet, and my answer (and that of the AICPA) is still “not quite yet”. But rather than just pushing off the question of “but when” into the future, I wanted to publicly share our company’s strategy and timeline for handling these applications.
The deadline to apply for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) forgiveness is 10 months after the end of the covered period — which for most folks for the first round was 24-weeks — so that wouldn’t be until sometime in July 2021 for the earliest borrowers. (It’s not really a deadline, but it’s the date on which the lender will start requiring loan payments, so I think of it as one.)
We’re planning to dedicate May & June 2021 to working through all our existing clients’ PPP forgiveness applications. There are many clarifications we’re still waiting for (they keep dribbling out of Congress, IRS, and the SBA bit by bit, with occasional leaps), and the interaction between the PPP and other types of financial relief is complex.
In particular, the rules surrounding the 2020 Employee Retention Credit — which until recently was not an option for PPP borrowers — are vague and complex, even with the recent IRS Notice and FAQ. Furthermore, most payroll companies have not figured out how to collect the information and prepare the 4th-quarter Form 941 forms for partial quarters, and we may end up having to file some ERC requests manually. (Don’t get me started on this one.)
An example of how the changing rules affect applications: the EIDL advance grant was previously supposed to be subtracted from PPP forgiveness; but by asking our clients to wait on their forgiveness applications, they were able to take advantage of a December 2020 change that removes this requirement, saving them many thousands of dollars. (Though thankfully, it sounds like SBA will eventually refund those amounts to businesses who applied before this new rule went into effect.)
As if these reasons weren’t enough, in a recent on-demand AICPA Town Hall, they mentioned that:
– Most lenders are not actively taking forgiveness applications because their teams are focused on administering PPP2.
– SBA is working very slowly on forgiveness process because they are also focused on PPP2.
– The new simplified form for $150k and under will not be worked into the SBA system until sometime in March.
Between the constantly-changing rules for PPP and the guidance and calculations needed for ERC, we’re still following the recommendation of the AICPA and asking folks to hold off on PPP1 forgiveness applications, until tax season is behind us all and the IRS can focus on the remaining questions, allowing us to be methodical and consistent in our approach.
There’s no reason to be nervous about holding off on forgiveness — of the one-third of PPP loans that have been submitted for forgiveness, fully 99% of the loan dollars have been forgiven. The very small amount that have not are small loans at only 1% interest. Furthermore, by waiting you are giving your business the best chance at maximizing other types of financial relief, especially as the new Biden-Harris administration is in the process of changing rules to make them more attainable for a larger number of the smallest businesses out there, as well as Congress creating new funding opportunities.
(For tips on planning for the potential Employee Retention Credit, see my next blog post.)
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