4/7/2021 UPDATE: I attended yesterday’s Independent Restaurant Coalition zoom call, and wrote up notes here. Please give it a read after you’ve taken a look at the blog post below, as it answers some FAQs.
4/1/2021 UPDATE: the SBA just announced that RRF applicants will not need a DUNS number or SAM account. This is a change from March, when it was expected that applications would require this process as they currently do under the Shuttered Venues Operators (SVO) grant program. The shift by SBA recognized the significant demand for the program – up to hundreds of thousands of applicants are expected.
From the start of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), my small business clients — specifically the restaurants, bars, cafes and caterers — were confused and frustrated. We put so much time and effort into applying for PPP funds, working through the tortuous planning for spending in a way that would lead to 100% forgiveness, and had practically nothing left to show for it. Shuttered or take-out only, there was simply not enough revenue coming in to support the extremely high labor, inventory, and overhead costs typical of the industry. Had it not been for state and local grants, most of them would have had to close their doors permanently.
They weren’t alone — in fact, restaurant lobbyists have been working for many months on crafting financial relief legislation that suits the specific needs of the hospitality industry. And I’m amazed to say — they did a great job, and most of it made it into the final law. Unlike the constantly-changing mess that the PPP has been, this new program is thought-through, carefully-written, and has clearly learned from PPP’s mistakes. (It’s also taken the better part of a year to bring it into existence, so there are two sides to this coin, as is usually the case.) And it will be opening soon.
The Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF), as it is now known, was signed into law as part of the recent American Rescue Plan Act. Unlike the PPP, which was based on payroll costs, the RRF is structured to disburse tax-free federal grants in the amount of a restaurant’s “pandemic-related revenue loss“.
Grants are calculated by subtracting 2020 receipts from those of 2019. PPP funds received will offset (reduce) the grant amount, but those funds will not be considered part of gross receipts. The total grant amount for an eligible business and any affiliated businesses is capped at $10 million and is limited to $5 million per physical location of the business.
An example set of calculation scenarios from the National Restaurant Association:

In addition to basing the award amount on revenue loss rather than any other measure, other features of the RRF program that seem a better fit for restaurants are the flexibility on how the funds can be spent and over how long (Feb 15, 2020-Dec 31, 2021). Categories of eligible costs include:
- payroll;
- principal or interest on mortgage obligations;
- rent;
- utilities;
- maintenance (including construction to accommodate outdoor seating);
- supplies such as protective equipment and cleaning materials;
- normal food and beverage inventory;
- operational expenses;
- and many other expenses that the SBA determines to be essential to maintaining operations.
Another area where there is a great deal of flexibility — eligible entities can be “a restaurant, food stand, food truck, food cart, caterer, saloon, inn, tavern, bar, lounge, brewpub, tasting room, taproom, licensed facility or premise of a beverage alcohol producer where the public may taste, sample, or purchase products, or other similar place of business in which the public or patrons assemble for the primary purpose of being served food or drink.”
There will be an initial 21-day period when the SBA will prioritize awarding grants for businesses owned by women, veterans, or socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.
To learn more, I strongly encourage you to read the Independent Restaurant Coalition’s FAQ, and attend one of their upcoming zoom “round table” webinars. The next ones will be held on Tuesday, April 6th at 12pm ET / 9am PT, and Wednesday, April 7th at 11am ET / 8am PT.
It’s looking like the program will be opening up in the next few weeks, and there are steps you can take now to prepare.
First and foremost: get educated:
– Register for one of the IRC zoom round-table webinars and review their other resources, including an excellent FAQ.
– Watch the most recent National Restaurant Association (NRA) webinar (keeping in mind that the DUNS and SAM are no longer required) and visit RestaurantsAct.com/rrf for more resources, including a fact sheet.
– There are also many articles on the topic, including this extensive one from Forbes.
4/1/2021 UPDATE: In today’s AICPA Town Hall, they shared that the SBA has announced that RRF applicants should prepare with the following next steps —

The “checklist similar to SVOG” refers to another program, the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant — their checklist can be found on a download via the SBA website. We expect a similar one to be released specifically for RRF soon, but this is probably a good guideline.

I’m looking forward to seeing at least one Covid-19 financial relief program play out right and run smoothly — which I recognize may be too much to ask, but for the sake of all our beloved community watering holes, gathering spots, and the places that nourish our bodies and souls, I will keep my fingers crossed. They’ve been through so much already and I would love to see this program help them make it to the finish line.
If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.