BACP offers free business education workshops or webinars every Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning. Due to COVID-19, all programs are currently being offered as webinars. Topics include business licensing, operations, financial resources, marketing, and more. Programs are free and open to the public and taught by industry professionals, not-for-profit agencies, and government agencies.
Wednesday, 5/5 Webinar at 3:00 PM
City Inspections – Ask Questions, Get Answers
Presented by the City of Chicago
The Chicago Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection, Department of Public Health, and the Department of Buildings will provide insight on how operate a compliant business in the City of Chicago. Topics covered will include how to prepare for inspections, building permits and sign display requirements, food inspection overview and necessary certificates, and zoning review procedures. Learn how to operate safely and avoid common setbacks.
Register for the 5/5 Webinar
Friday, 5/7 Webinar at 9:30 AM
Business Licensing 101
Presented by the City of Chicago Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection (BACP)
Attendees will learn the process to obtain a business license and how to access free resources and support for your business.
Register for the 5/7 Webinar
Wednesday, 5/12 at 3:00 PM
Understanding & Clarifying Your Brand Identity
Presented By: Stacey Pitts Caldwell, Center Director, SBDC at the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce & Owner, SMP Creative™ Business & Design
Now, more than ever it is critical that small businesses grasp the core concepts of branding to begin developing a strong brand position. In this webinar, you will gain a better understanding of your existing brand, learn what it takes to create a new brand, or simply refresh your basic knowledge of branding to help you connect and engage with your customers. All businesses, from pre-venture and start-ups to established enterprises are welcome to explore the following topics: Brand Identity, Brand Communications, Personality & Inspiration, and Storytelling.
Register for the 5/12 Webinar
Jueves, 5/13 Webinar at 10:00 AM
(workshop will be presented in Spanish)
Licencamiento Comercial 101
Presentado por la Ciudad de Chicago Departamento de Asuntos Comerciales y Protección del Consumidor(BACP)
Centro de Negocios Pequeños(SBC)
Los asistentes aprenderán el proceso para obtener una licencia comercial y como acceder a recursos y soporte gratuitos para su negocio.
Registrarse para the 5/13 Webinar
Friday, 5/21 Webinar at 9:30 AM
Grants, incentives, and FREE assistance for your business
Presented by Andrew Fogaty, Executive Director 36Squared Business Incubator
Every year the City, State and Federal government spends MILLIONS of dollars to provide grants, incentives and free assistance to Chicago area companies. Was your company one of them?
Come to this FREE informative event and learn how your business can access assistance for everything from building improvement and property acquisition to export assistance and government contracting.
Register for the 5/21 Webinar
Wednesday, 5/26 Webinar at 3:00 PM
Transform Your Dream into a Real Startup
Presented by Score Chicago
Do you have what it takes to start and run a successful business? If so, do you know what the start-up journey is like? Or what initial steps you need to take?
This webinar will help you assess your prospects, give you the initial direction you need, and inspire you to move forward to realize your dream. The webinar will also cover pricing, promotion, competition and marketing to give you a competitive edge.
Register for the 5/26 Webinar
Please email BACPoutreach@cityofchicago.org with any webinar questions.