In a December 17th IAAI tax update webinar, the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) walked through instructions for claiming a new “SALT” tax benefit signed into law in September, and in today’s AICPA Town Hall, the importance of making these payments before year-end was underscored. This new law is a workaround for individual taxpayers who are otherwise unable to benefit from a full deduction on state tax payments on pass-through income from their businesses.
As a result, we (along with probably thousands of other CPA firms) have made a list of our own pass-through clients (aka S-Corps and Partnerships) who might benefit from this increased deduction, and we’re scrambling to calculate estimates and reach out to them to recommend these payments be made by 12/31.
So, what the heck is SALT? And why have the deduction rules changed?
SALT stands for “state and local taxes”, and they are generally deducted by individual taxpayers on their annual 1040 tax return. Before 2018, taxpayers could deduct these taxes by itemizing them on Schedule A.
However, the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act limited this to $10,000. This cap was likely to be removed with the Build Back Better Act, but it appears that legislation will not be passed before year-end after all.
Many states, including Illinois, have passed legislation allowing these taxes to be paid at the business level, on behalf of the shareholders and partners. Since these companies “pass-through” their income to owners, they are known as Pass-Through Entities (PTEs). The PTE does not have a cap on this type of tax, so it reduces both federal and state income and also allows the full deduction.
My colleague, James Hamilton, wrote up a clear explanation with an example, which I recommend reading if you’d like to get into the details.
Why are we all scrambling to do this before year-end?
Usually, estimated state tax payments are paid by the individual and are due 4/15, 6/15, 9/15 and 1/15, with any balance remaining payable by the following 4/15. The IL state law was not passed until after estimated tax deadlines for the first three quarters were already paid. And a December 20 article in Journal of Accountancy, as well as the aforementioned AICPA Town Hall from earlier today, suggest that the IRS guidance requires the business pay the tax by year-end, not by 1/15.
From The Journal of Accountancy: Crucially, a specified income tax payment is one the PTE “makes … during a taxable year” in computing its taxable income “for the taxable year in which the payment is made” (Notice 2020-75, Section 3.02(2)). Even though Sec. 164(a) provides that the SALT deduction is for the tax year in which taxes are “paid or accrued,” the more restrictive, literal application of the notice to taxes paid is the safer course, advocates say.
To get the largest tax benefit from the new law, businesses would want to pay in the entire state tax liability for the year by 12/31, even if the owners have already paid quarterly estimated taxes. In other words, take the company’s full taxable income for the year (which you won’t know before 12/31, but this is where estimates come in) times 4.95% (IL flat tax rate for individuals). The resulting overpayment would be refunded to the taxpayer upon filing their personal tax return.
Not all businesses will have the cash to do this, but to the extent it can be paid, it is certainly a smart tax-reduction move.
Okay, then how do we make the payments?
The step-by-step instructions I painstakingly wrote up earlier this year for making business replacement income tax estimated and extension payments are now out of date, because IDOR revamped their MyTaxIllinois website in September (grrrrr). So here are the basic instructions (a blog post with screenshots is coming soon, but this will have to do for now):
— Log into the business’s My Tax IL account
— On the ‘Summary’ tab, look for the ‘Business Income Tax’ section
— Click on the link for ‘View more account options’
There are two ways to do it from here; the first is:
— In the ‘Account Options’ section, click the link for ‘Make An Estimated Payment’
— Select the period you want to pay, which is 12/31/2021
— Click the first ‘Add Payment’ hyperlink in the Payment Schedule table for each payment you would like to schedule.
— If your payment information is saved in MyTax Illinois, then in the ‘Choose’ tab you can select the dropdown under ‘Payment Channel’
— Otherwise, select ‘New’ and enter your company bank info.
— In either case, on the right where it says ‘Payment’, you can change the payment’s debit date and enter the amount.
— Click Submit, and re-enter your password for security purposes
— In the ‘Periods and Submissions’ section, click the link for ‘View Account Periods’
— Click the 12/31/2021 link so that your payment is applied to tax year 2021
— In the upper right corner of this page, click the ‘Make A Payment’ link
— Select the ‘Bank Account Debit’ link
— Click the IL-1120-ST Payment link (ST denotes a “Small Business” payment)
— Enter the amount you want to pay in the Amount and Confirm Amount fields
— Click Submit, and re-enter your password for security purposes
Best of luck, and… Happy New Year!
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