Heads-up: this article is outdated and a new one serves to replace it; please check it out!
Last year we began requiring all clients to submit a copy of their IRS Account Transcript along with their Tax Organizer and other annual tax prep documentation.
The initial issue was that not everyone kept the Form 1444 notices regarding how much stimulus was received. Why would this matter? If a taxpayer did not receive the full amount, then they are entitled to recoup the difference on their annual tax return. (But don’t worry: if you received too much, you don’t have to pay it back — unless it was obtained fraudulently.) Not only does this issue remain for 2021, but the problem is exacerbated, because now we also have child tax credit payments to track — some folks received advances while others decided to opt out (and unlike stimulus payments, any excess child tax credit payments may have to be repaid).
In addition, we’ve also noticed quarterly estimated taxes are often reported incorrectly by clients — especially with additional complexities due to recent state legislation to get around federal limits on deducting state taxes.
We’ve come to the conclusion that the best solution to these concerns is to continue to ask clients to download their annual Account Transcript and provide it to us via secure upload. It’s free, reasonably easy, and reliable.
Instructions for obtaining the Account Transcript for folks who have already registered for an IRS online account follow — if you did this last year, you don’t need to follow all the steps in last year’s post about how to create an account. Just sign in to the system and you should be golden.
(Yes, the IRS will ask you to create a new ID.me account “as soon as possible” and you won’t be able to log in with your existing IRS username and password starting in summer 2022. But for now, no need to create a new account in the new system — the old one works just fine.)
- Go to the IRS’s Get Transcript home page and click the “Get Transcript Online” button.
- Log into the system.
- You’ll need to select the reason you need a transcript.

In this case, you would select “Other”.
4. Leave the Customer File Number blank and click “Go”.
5. The screen will display all four types of transcript options and the available years.

6. Select “2021” under “Account Transcript” (the box in the lower-left).
Make sure you are selecting the right kind of transcript — in this case you want an Account Transcript.
(Click here for information on what each of the types of transcripts are.)
And like magic, a pdf pops up in a new tab of your browser with a letter from the IRS — and if you scroll down to the bottom, there’s section detailing all the transactions you need.
At this point, print the file to pdf and save somewhere safe, along with the rest of your tax season documents.
What about state information?
To get a list of the estimated tax payments you’ve made to the state of Illinois, go to https://mytax.illinois.gov/?link=1040EPy and enter your SSN, Name, and the year (in this case 2021).

If you also made payments from a corporation or partnership, you’ll need to log into your MyTaxIllinois business account to get those.
Done! Let the tax return preparing begin!
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