Recent new legislation from Congress and the White House, as well as guidance from the IRS and DOL, has caused sweeping changes for small business owners and individuals, and we tax preparers are still trying to wrap our heads around it — during what was already the most complex and demanding tax season on record.
Specifically, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) included a few provisions that are retroactive to 2020 — and the IRS, various state Departments of Revenue, Department of Labor, and tax software programs are trying to figure out how best to implement these changes as efficiently as possible. (For a breakdown of key provisions in the Act, see this excellent summary.)
These changes include:
1) The first $10,200 per person of 2020 unemployment benefits will no longer be taxable at the federal level, though certain states will continue to tax the full amount (Illinois has asked all taxpayers with unemployment income to hold off on filing returns until the Dept of Revenue has addressed the situation). The IRS will be releasing a worksheet that the tax software companies then need to incorporate into the 1040 returns.
2) A 2020 “Repayment Holiday” for the Marketplace Health Insurance Advance Premium Tax Credit was issued, but implementation questions remain; IRS guidance is expected soon.
3) Another economic impact payment (stimulus check) is on its way. You do not need to file your 2020 tax return right now to claim your check, as the law allows for an additional payment in a few months if your 2020 tax return shows you are entitled to more (vs your 2019 tax return). Conversely, if your income went up in 2020 and you are now ineligible for the full benefit, you’ll want to wait to file your 2020 taxes until after your payment arrives, since you won’t have to pay back the overage on your 2021 tax return.
In addition to the above legislative shifts, the IRS recently released guidance concerning the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) that changed our expectation of how it would be handled on business tax returns for cash-basis business tax filers. Previously we had expected that those who received PPP funds in 2020 and can now (as of the Dec 21 Consolidated Appropriations Act) retroactively claim ERC would adjust for the related deductions on their 2021 tax returns. Not so. These adjustments will have to be made on the 2020 tax returns. As a result, we have had to put approximately 75% of our client business returns on extension.
(Technical note: keep in mind if you are doing tax returns for a client that claimed ERC, not only do you have to reduce deductible wages by the amount of the credit, but also recognize this reduction may impact Section 199A eligible wages for purposes of the 20% qualified business income deduction.)
And yet we are still awaiting essential guidance on whether or not the Employee Retention Credit can be taken on wages paid to >50% owners of a company. Interpretations by tax analysts so far are pretty much split evenly between whether the law as [sloppily] written provides reasonable basis in this area.
I’m guessing you see the challenge here: we don’t yet know the rules for claiming the ERC, and yet we have to report related adjustments (as a direct result of the credit calculation) on the 2020 business tax returns. Most of these returns have a flow-through relationship with the business owners’ personal tax returns — so those may have to be placed on extension as well if we do not get guidance soon.
(Related blog post: please call your representatives and ask for all taxes — estimated quarterly as well as corporate — to be extended; not just the Form 1040.)
We are also expecting guidance about how the IRS wants business owners to treat basis reporting for owners where PPP forgiveness causes issues.
Yet another example of a forced need to wait on certain returns: using tax filing software, we can e-file a return today, but set the payment direct-debit date to a future date — not later than the return due-date. This date has not yet been updated in most tax prep systems to go beyond April 15th to the new due date of May 17th.
It’s particularly frustrating for us as small business advocates, because filing a tax return is the only way to get a refund if you’re owed one, and many of our clients may be more in need this year than usual. And yet, for a large number of taxpayers right now, holding off on filing is the recommended approach.
All the while we are trying to help our small business clients respond to 2021 changes, such as important employment law updates; alterations to COBRA and Marketplace subsidies; major modifications to the current round of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP); new relief programs such as the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG) and the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF); the aforementioned ERC/PPP maximization… and so much more.
The provisions noted above — and others — may affect your return. Tax professionals everywhere need some time and space to learn about these changes, analyze their impact, and develop personalized recommendations to maximize your COVID-19 tax benefits. Please be patient with us during this extremely stressful time.
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