Note: I’ll continue to add to this list as the City releases more dates.
Wednesday, 6/3 at 3:00 PM Webinar
Marketing Basics: What you need to know!
Presented by Donna R. Rockin, Managing Partner at Rockin Enterprises, Inc.
At this presentation, you’ll learn how to identify your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) as well as identify your target markets or ideal customers. The four cornerstones of marketing will also be reviewed and discussed: Product, Price, Promotion and Placement. Finally, learn 10 low-cost methods to promote your goods or services.
Click here to register for the Wednesday, 6/3 Webinar.
Friday, 6/5 at 9:30 AM Webinar
COVID-19’s Impact on Employment Handbooks & Policies Going Forward
Presented by Charles Krugel, a Management Side Labor, Employment and Human Resource Attorney
An interactive discussion concerning the kinds of policies and practices employers will need to consider upon reopening.
Click here to register for the Friday, 6/5 Webinar.
Wednesday, 6/10 at 3:00 PM Webinar
Plan for A Successful Business
Presented by Score Chicago
A great Business Plan leads to success. A thoughtful and well-executed business plan is the first step for every potential entrepreneur. Good planning increases the odds of success. This workshop covers the essential elements of business plan development. Topics include: setting goals and objectives, preparing marketing and financial plans and defining action steps to attain appropriate goals. With a good plan, build your road map to success.
• Establish the information needed for a detailed business plan.
• Create the Environment of the Company
• Establish Pro Forma P&L Statements
• Identify the Risks
• Develop the Expected Cash Flow
• Prioritize Your Action Steps
Click here to register for the Wednesday, 6/10 Webinar.
Friday, 6/12 at 9:30 AM Webinar
Introduction to Intellectual Property, Part I
Presented by Lema Khorshid, Fuksa Khorshid LLC
An introductory seminar for the savvy entrepreneur who wants to learn to identify the basic forms of intellectual property and formulate an effective intellectual property strategy for his/her business.
Click here to register for the Friday, 6/12 Webinar.
Tuesday, 6/16 at 2:00 pm Webinar
Labor Standards Records Requirements and Other Employer Obligations
Presented by Office of Labor Standards
Review of employer obligations including record requirements and notice/ posting.
Click here to register for the Tuesday, 6/16 Webinar.
Wednesday, 6/17 at 3:00 PM Webinar
Accounting in Quickbooks
Presented by Trak Patel, ARCC Consulting
Learn how to keep your financial recordkeeping books using QuickBooks. We will identify the differences between QuickBooks Online vs. QuickBooks Desktop and list the important features and benefits.
Click here to register for the Wednesday, 6/17 Webinar.
Wednesday, 6/17 at 2:00 PM & Thursday 6/18 at 10:00 AM Webinars
Outdoor Dining during Phase Three
Presented by the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP), the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events
Join this webinar for an overview of all outdoor dining options during Phase Three of Chicago’s Reopening Plan. This webinar will cover rules and guidelines for outdoor dining, including how to obtain a sidewalk café permit or the new Expanded Outdoor Dining Permit.
Click here to register for the Wednesday, 6/17 2:00 pm webinar.
Click here to register for the Thursday, 6/18 10:00 am webinar.
Thursday, 6/18 at 2:00 pm Webinar
Anti-Retaliation Ordinance
Presented by Office of Labor Standards
Overview of the new Anti-Retaliation Ordinance, designed to protect workers from retaliation during COVID-19.
Click here to register for the 6/18 Webinar.
Friday, 6/19 at 9:30 AM Webinar
How to Open a Concession at O’Hare and Midway International Airports
Presented by the Chicago Department of Aviation – Concessions Department and Unison Retail Management
Are you interested in operating a restaurant or shop at O’Hare or Midway International Airport, but don’t know where to begin? Come and learn about the Request for Proposals (RFP) process and how to operate a business at the airport. This workshop will also provide an overview of the Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) program.
Click here to register for the Friday, 6/19 Webinar.
Monday, June 22 at 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM Webinars
Indoor Dining: Options for Restaurants and Bars
Presented by the Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection
The City of Chicago has announced that bars and restaurants can begin indoor service under limited capacity and strict guidelines on Friday, June 26. Join this webinar for an overview of the guidelines for bars and restaurants to reopen indoors.
Click here to register for the 6/22, 10:00 AM Webinar
Click here to register for the 6/22, 1:00 PM Webinar
Phase Four Webinars
While the phase four start date has not been announced, the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection will be holding webinars to help all industries prepare for the phase four guidelines.
Tuesday, June 23 at 9:00 AM: Hotels – click here to register
Tuesday, June 23 at 10:00 AM: Personal Services – click here to register
Tuesday, June 23 at 11:00 AM: Health and Fitness – click here to register
Wednesday, June 24 at 9:00 AM: Arts/Performance Venues and Museums – click here to register
Wednesday, June 24 at 10:00 AM: Retail – click here to register
Wednesday, June 24 at 11:00 AM: Restaurants and Bars – click here to register
Wednesday, 6/24 at 3:00 PM Webinar
The Power Is In Your Pivot: Series 2
Presented by ChiBizHub
This webinar, is the second in a series that will convene a panel of business owners and ChiBizHub resource providers to share insight on how they’ve pivoted their businesses during COVID-19. The webinar will provide an overview and tips on how these businesses have remained relevant, gained a new customer base and skills amidst the pandemic to keep their businesses alive.
Click here to register for the Wednesday, 6/24 Webinar.
Thursday, 6/25 at 10:00 AM Webinar
COVID-19 Relief for Small Businesses
Presented by: An SBA Illinois District Representative
Join us for an update on the Small Business Administration’s programs to assist small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program, the Paycheck Protection Program, and more. We’ll discuss eligibility requirements, applying for forgiveness, and other sources of funding. Bring your questions!
Click here to register for the Thursday, 6/25 Webinar.
Friday, 6/26 at 9:30 AM Webinar
Tips & Tricks for Networking in a Pandemic World
Presented by Anna Maria Viti-Welch, President of the Viti Companies
Anna Maria Viti-Welch, President of The Viti Companies, will discuss strategies for building business through networking in unusual global circumstances – business might be on pause, but networking is still going strong. Bring your questions!
Click here to register for the Friday, 6/26 Webinar.
Email BACPoutreach@cityofchicago.org with any webinar questions.
And please — also take a look at the additional industry-specific webinar series for the re-opening framework for Chicago during Phase 3, also available on the BACP Business Re-Opening Portal —
To view Reopening Chicago: Retail Service, click here.
To view Reopening Chicago: Food Service, click here.
To view Reopening Chicago: Health and Fitness, click here.
To view Reopening Chicago: Personal Services, click here.
To view Overview of Chicago’s Reopening Plan for Businesses (Spanish), click here.
To view Overview of Chicago’s Reopening Plan for Businesses, click here.
And get ready for the upcoming Phase 4 with Phase Four Webinars:
The Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection is holding webinars to help all industries prepare for the Phase 4 guidelines.
- View Phase 4 Guidelines: Hotels and Accommadations
- View Phase 4 Guidelines: Museums and Theaters
- View Phase 4 Guidelines: Health and Fitness
- View Phase 4 Guidelines: Retail
- View Phase 4 Guidelines: Personal Services
- View Operating Indoor Options for Restaurants and Bars

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.