The City of Chicago and Cook County both saw increases to their minimum wage requirements as of July 1, 2023 (they have fiscal years that end June 30, which is why we see their updates at this time each year, rather than January 1, which is when the State of Illinois changes usually go into effect). Since reaching $15 per hour in 2021, the minimum wage for Chicago increases annually per ordinance according to the Consumer Price Index, or 2.5%, whichever is lower.
In Chicago, minimum wage will increase to $15.80/hr for “large” employers (21 or more employees) and domestic workers. The minimum will be $15/hr for “small” employers (4-20 employees). For tipped workers, who tend to earn a large portion of their pay from gratuities, the minimum wage is going up to $9.48/hr for large employers, and $9/hr for small. (Efforts to eliminate this practice are yet again gaining momentum under the new mayor.) As has always been the case, if tips do not bring the worker up to the non-tipped employee minimums, the employer must make up the difference. Most payroll software (including Gusto) will address this discrepancy automatically, but it’s worth checking your system to make sure.
The overtime minimum wage for non-tipped employees is calculated at 1.5 times the minimum wage. The overtime wage for tipped Employees is calculated at 1.5 times the tipped minimum wage, minus no more than the current maximum tip allowance. The maximum tip allowance is calculated by subtracting the tipped minimum wage from the regular minimum wage. Therefore, in Chicago, overtime minimum wages will increase to $23.70 and $22.50, respectively.
Rates for “youth” workers in Chicago — those under age 18, in a subsidized temporary youth employment program, or transitional employment program — are now $13.50/hr for regular pay, $20.25 for overtime, and $8.10 for tipped workers.
In addition, the minimum wage to be paid under City of Chicago contracts or concessionaire agreements is increasing from $16.00 to $16.80 per hour for non-tipped employees and from $8.20 to $8.80 per hour for tipped employees.
Chicago’s Minimum Wage and Paid Sick Leave Ordinance guarantees a minimum wage for employees working more than 2 hours in any 2-week period in Chicago for an employer with four or more workers. Domestic workers are guaranteed Chicago’s “large” employer minimum wage irrespective of the number of workers.
Employers must provide the Minimum Wage and Paid Sick Leave notice to all covered employees with their first paycheck, as well as in communal areas at a workplace. Notices must be provided in English and any language spoken by employees that do not speak English proficiently, if a notice in that language has been provided by the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection on the Office of Labor Standards website. Notices can be provided electronically.
The Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection offers a free webinar with Q&A on the topic of the recent changes on its YouTube channel. They also have a great PDF download of their FAQ. For more information on Chicago Labor laws to pay attention to this year, see our recent summary of reminders for local business owners.
Parts of Cook County that are not in Chicago, and for which the municipality did not “opt out”, allow lower rates than Chicago ($13.70/hr regular pay and $8/hr for tipped workers), but require higher hourly pay than the State of Illinois ($13/hr regular pay and $7.80 tipped workers).
The federal minimum wage, which was last raised in 2009, stands at $7.25 an hour, which when adjusted for inflation is the lowest in 66 years.
Reactions to increased minimum wages by small business owners are understandably mixed. On the one hand, higher wages often help the local economy and boost consumer spending power. On the other, many small businesses owners operate on slim margins and make far less per hour than their employees. An increase in the minimum wage often means that some staff hours are reduced or eliminated in order to stay in the black.
Note when speaking with your employees that phrases like “poverty wage,” “minimum wage,” and “living wage,” while all related, are not the same thing. That said, Chicago consistently ranks as one of the most affordable places to live, when evaluating the relatively low cost of living compared to other big cities, and the relatively high minimum wage.
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