BACP offers free business education workshops or webinars every Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning. Due to COVID-19, all programs are currently being offered as webinars. Topics include business licensing, operations, financial resources, marketing, and more. Programs are free and open to the public and taught by industry professionals, not-for-profit agencies, and government agencies.
Friday, 4/9 Webinar at 9:30 AM
Better Business Opportunities
Presented by Chase for Business
Powerful networks mean more business opportunities. In today’s business world, leaders prefer to become intermingled in important transactions with people they trust. Relationships establish and fortify that trust. That’s why serious serial entrepreneurs, influencers, deal makers and multiple project players choose to seek out exclusive business networking opportunities.
Please join us to learn more about how to align yourself with powerful networks!
Register for the 4/9 Webinar
Wednesday, 4/14 Webinar at 3:00 PM
Obtaining a Liquor License in the City of Chicago
Presented by the City of Chicago Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection (BACP)
This webinar will provide a general overview of the liquor licensing process in the City of Chicago. We will discuss the different types of liquor licenses, an overview of the application process, and items to consider before submitting an application.
Register for the 4/14 Webinar
Friday, 4/16 Webinar at 9:30 AM
How to Write a Business Plan. What you need to know!
Presented by Donna R. Rockin, Managing Partner at Rockin Enterprises, Inc.
Learn how to create a comprehensive business plan. It’s easier than you think when you understand all the components that get included. You’ll receive a complete list of what to include to demystify the process. Writing a solid business plan is your roadmap to business success.
Register for the 4/16 Webinar
Wednesday, 4/21 Webinar at 3:00 PM
SBA update: Recovery Programs for Entrepreneurs
Presented by the Small Business Administration (SBA) Illinois District Office
Join presenters from the U.S. Small Business Administration for an overview of small business relief programs and learn how you can access immediate relief for your entrepreneurial needs. The presenters will discuss the Paycheck Protection Program, the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program, the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant, and other relief options for small businesses. Bring your questions! There will be time for Q&A.
Register for the 4/21 Webinar
Friday, 4/23 Webinar at 9:30 AM
To Thine Own Self Be True; Discovering the Value in Your Personal Brand
Presented by Nina Abnee, Professional Lecture and Advertising Professional in Residence at DePaul University; a certified Leadership Coach; and former advertising executive
Nina Abnee is a Professional Lecture and Advertising Professional in Residence at DePaul University; a certified Leadership Coach; and former advertising executive. She has combined her expertise in crafting brand strategies with her training as a professional coach to help people discover their own authentic brand and create momentum for their lives and businesses.
Register for the 4/23 Webinar
Wednesday, 4/28 Webinar at 3:00 PM
Know Your Rights
The Office of Labor Standards presents overview of worker rights and employer responsibilities during COVID-19 under Minimum Wage, Paid Sick Leave, Anti-Retaliation Ordinances.
Register for the 4/28 Webinar
Friday, 4/30 Webinar at 9:30 AM
Legal Framework for Small Businesses
Presented by: Lema Khorshid, Fuksa Khorshid, LLC
The legal component of a business sets the foundation and structure for a sustainable business. A business climate is everchanging, but valuable legal tips are a resource. Learn the top 10 legal tips for small business success through an interactive webinar. The Q&A set up will provide useful and practical tips on legal essentials such as incorporation, contracts, and more.
Register for the 4/30 Webinar
Please email BACPoutreach@cityofchicago.org with any webinar questions.
Previous Webinars
- View Paycheck Protection Program and How to Apply
- View Navigating the Phase Four Mitigation Measures
- View The Paycheck Protection Program and Other Emergency Funding Opportunities
- View Navigating the Statewide Tier Three Resurgence Mitigations for All Businesses
- View Chicago Hospitality Grant Program Webinar (English)
- View Chicago Hospitality Grant Program Webinar (Spanish)
- View Chicago Hospitality Grant Program Webinar (Mandarin)
- View Chicago Hospitality Grant Program Webinar (Polish)
- View the 10/16 Winter Outdoor Dining During COVID-19
- View Illinois Business Interruption Grants (BIG) Program
- View Overview of Chicago’s Paid Sick Leave Ordinance
- View Overview of Chicago’s Minimum Wage Ordinance
- View Overview of Chicago’s Minimum Wage Ordinance
- View Chicago Fair Workweek Overview-Part 1
- View Chicago Fair Workweek Overview-Part 2
Visit BACP’s YouTube page for all additional webinars.
Partner Webinars
- To view Low-interest Disaster Loans for Those Affected by Civil Unrest by The Small Business Administration (SBA)
- To view Coronavirus (covid-19): Small Business Guiance & Loan Resources by The Small Business Administration (SBA)
- To view Coronavirus (covid-19) Small Business Guidance & Loan Recovery for Sole Proprietors by The Small Business Administration (SBA)
BACP Entrepreneur Certificate Program
The Chicago Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection (BACP) Entrepreneur Certificate Program is a free and optional program available to attendees of the free BACP business education workshop and webinar series.
For program details (enrollment, requirements, contact information, etc.) and to enroll go to Entrepreneur Certificate Program.
If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.