Category Archives: IRS

IRS Switching to Prepaid Debit Cards For Stimulus Payments

UPDATE 6/7/2020 — per the IRS: there are two recent changes from MetaBank, the issuing company for the EIP Card program. Individuals who have lost or destroyed their EIP Card may request a free replacement through MetaBank Customer Service. The standard fee of $7.50 will be waived for the first reissuance of any EIP Card. The company has also increased the limit on ACH transfers to a bank account from $1,000 to $2,500 per transaction.  Additional information is available at and the IRS FAQs, starting at Question 45.


HEADS-UP — if you have not already received your stimulus check, it may be arriving in the form of a prepaid debit card.

The IRS sent a reminder to taxpayers this week confirming that some Economic Impact Payments are being sent via prepaid debit card instead of paper check. The debit cards arrive in a plain envelope from “Money Network Cardholder Services.” Nearly 4 million people are being sent their Economic Impact Payment by prepaid debit card.

CPA Practice Advisor reports, “IRS began distributing economic stimulus payments in April via direct deposit to taxpayers who had up-to-date information on file. It followed up with payments by paper check starting in mid-May. However, the agency estimated it might take as long as four to five months to mail out the millions of remaining checks. Now it says that sending four million prepaid debit cards will cut down on the time.”

Per the Treasury Department’s press release:

EIP Card recipients can make purchases, get cash from in-network ATMs, and transfer funds to their personal bank account without incurring any fees. They can also check their card balance online, by mobile app, or by phone without incurring fees. The EIP Card can be used online, at ATMs, or at any retail location where Visa is accepted.

This free, prepaid card also provides consumer protections available to traditional bank account owners, including protections against fraud, loss, and other errors. 

Hopefully this will not end up like the fiasco whereby folks have been throwing out their prepaid Key Bank cards loaded with unemployment funds.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

Update Stimulus Check Direct Deposit Info With IRS By May 13th

Per the IRS on May 8th:

Starting later this month, the number of paper checks being delivered to taxpayers will sharply increase. For many taxpayers, the last chance to obtain a direct deposit of their Economic Impact Payment rather than receive a paper check is coming soon. People should visit Get My Payment on by noon Wednesday, May 13, to check on their payment status and, when available, provide their direct deposit information.

The IRS, working in partnership with Treasury Department and the Bureau of Fiscal Services (BFS), continues to accelerate work to get Economic Impact Payments to even more people as soon as possible. Approximately 130 million individuals have already received payments worth more than $200 billion in the program’s first four weeks.

With a variety of steps underway to speed Economic Impact Payments, the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service urged people to use Get My Payment by noon Wednesday, May 13, for a chance to get quicker delivery.

See this handy blog post for tips, tools and resources on IRS Stimulus Payments.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

PPP Loan Forgiveness NOT In Jeopardy By Employees Refusing To Return To Work

ABA Banking Journal reported last night that the SBA has updated its Payroll Protection Program FAQ confirming that PPP “borrowers who attempt to rehire employees that were laid off will not have their loan forgiveness amounts reduced if those employees decline the offer to return to work”. 

The exact wording of FAQ #40 is here:

This is huge news for some of my clients who run restaurants, cafes, retail, and other types of businesses where working remotely is not an option, and where working conditions are cramped and staff are unable to maintain 6-foot social distancing. Understandably, some employees are hesitant to return to a job that puts their health and the health of their families and communities at risk, especially if those staff members or their loved ones are immuno-compromised.

There has been a lot of political talk about this situation, criticizing furloughed employees for this choice, but let’s all try to remember that the only folks making more money on unemployment are generally earning less than $45,000 annually — and these are the people we’re asking to put their lives in danger for our economic benefit. It’s not exactly a fair criticism, in my opinion.

That said, it certainly negatively affects the small business owners I serve, and I have been challenged by these dual needs pulling my heart in opposite directions, as I can empathize with both perspectives. The business needs to spend 75% of the PPP funds on payroll, and maintain 75% of the prior full-time-equivalent hours for their staff. So if staff are unwilling to return, then the entire PPP forgiveness is put at-risk.

This new FAQ lifts that burden for employers, which I applaud. It does make it clear that the unemployment benefits for those employees may be in jeopardy as a result, but at least the owner does not have to shoulder the burden of being the bad guy who reports them (at least, not according to this FAQ — state unemployment laws may have other requirements).

Two recommendations for business-owners who receive PPP funds and are challenged by this situation, where former employees do not want to return to a risky work environment because they are making enough on unemployment:

  1. Offer returning staff a hazard-pay bonus to make it worth the risk. Obviously this isn’t an option for those who are immuno-compromised, since no amount of money is worth their life; but for everyone else, consider increasing their pay temporarily with weekly retention bonuses. This will increase company loyalty, help meet the 75% payroll rule for PPP forgiveness, and assist in rebuilding the business. You can easily set up a “Hazard Bonus” payroll item in your payroll software.
  2. Point out to staff that returning to work will leave them additional unused weeks of unemployment pay for future use, if the business ends up having to close again after the PPP funds are exhausted.

Finally, some good news. Awaiting further guidance on PPP forgiveness and will be posting more as I learn more.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

IRS Stimulus Check Tools & Resources

E.g., if your return abbreviates “Drive” as “DR” or “Dr.” or “Drv”… this will make a difference. Be sure to type the address into the tools exactly as it is represented on your most recent tax return.

UPDATE 4/27: The IRS made significant improvements to the “Get My Payment” system this past weekend and asks those who had issues with it before to please try again.

UPDATE 4/27: When the system asks you to enter your refund from a prior year (to confirm identity), they mean the actual amount disbursed to you — not the amount rolled forward to your quarterly taxes.

UPDATE 4/29: On an NATP webinar today, I learned that there’s no auto-formatting in any of the IRS tools — you must enter dashes in your SSN and slashes when entering dates.

The stimulus checks are on their way, and have already found themselves popping up in bank accounts across the country. Here are a few tools you can use to calculate how much you should expect to receive, and to inform the IRS of your bank account information for direct deposit.

How Much Is My Stimulus Check Going to Be?

Forbes has put together a nice little calculator for you. They also do a good job of answering some common questions and explaining the source of info the IRS will use for its calculations:

For those who have filed their 2019 taxes, they will be used to determine eligibility. For those who have not filed 2019 returns, their 2018 tax returns will be used. Those who receive Social Security (either retirement or disability) but didn’t file a return in 2018 or 2019 (because they earn too little to be required to file), will also receive stimulus checks, based on the information sent to the IRS on 2019 forms SSA-1099 and RRB-1099.

Do not just presume that you aren’t entitled to a payment because you think you made too much money. For one, the stimulus check amount gets phased out over a wide range of income — it’s not like it just cuts off if you made over a certain dollar amount. Secondly, some folks think they made too much because of W-2 or investment income, but various deductible losses actually brought the adjusted gross income (AGI) below the required limit. So go check on it, and update your bank information (below) with the IRS just to be safe.

When Will My Stimulus Check Arrive?

Hopefully it will arrive via direct deposit in the next couple of weeks. But you don’t have to guess — you can look up the status on “Get My Payment“, a new IRS tool which will also allow you to enter direct deposit information if you have not already been getting refunds in that manner. Again, Forbes is doing a great job reporting on this — they actually walk you through the process on the website step-by-step with screenshots.
Note: Be sure to type all information, including the address abbreviations, exactly as it is represented on your most recent tax return. Use dashes in your SSN and slashes in your dates.

How Do I Update My Direct Deposit Information with the IRS?

If you’re a regular filer and you simply have been receiving paper checks or rolling your refund forward — and therefore do not have direct deposit information on-file with the IRS — simply use the “Get My Payment” tool I just mentioned above. Here are instructions on how to update your bank information using that tool.
Note: Be sure to type all information, including the address abbreviations, exactly as it is represented on your most recent tax return. Use dashes in your SSN and slashes in your dates.

If you haven’t filed a return because you’re below the income limits or you receive veterans benefits, then use the tool the IRS designed specifically so you can get your stimulus check. More info on that tool here, including situations when you should or should not use it.
Note: Be sure to type all information, including the address abbreviations, exactly as it is represented on your most recent tax return.

Social Security and Railroad Retirement Benefits recipients will receive their stimulus check automatically — no need to use either of the above resources.

What If I Got My Refund Via A Loan Or Advance?

The IRS will either direct deposit your money or send you a check, depending on whether or not your underlying bank information was transmitted to them with your tax return. More info on that here.

What if I Am A Dependent? What If My Kid Lives With Me But Is Not A Dependent?

The first question is easy: dependents aren’t eligible for these payments. Parents get an additional $500 per child instead. Unless (second question)… they’re over 16. Another Forbes article here commiserates with those in this situation.

The IRS is updating its FAQ regularly, so check back if you don’t initially find the answer to your question.

And you know what they say: don’t spend it all in one place.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

How To Calculate Sole Proprietor “Payroll” For PPP Loans


Note: this post is about sole proprietors — those filing Schedule C on their personal tax returns, whether or not they have employees. For information on partners in partnerships (who are also considered self-employed for the purposes of the PPP), please see this post instead.

There has been so much back-and-forth and conjecture and guidance on how to calculate W-2 payroll for purposes of the PPP loan, but very little on the subject on how to include self-employment income in these calculations. The reason is that sole proprietors (single-member LLCs, independent contractors, gig workers, and anyone else who files Schedule C) are by law prohibited from paying themselves as an employee, through a payroll system. They therefore do not receive W-2 forms and are not included in quarterly “941” payroll reports.

The key here is that this is a “Paycheck Protection Program” — the goal is to keep people working instead of going onto the unemployment rolls. Why? Because it’s better for 1) business owners, 2) workers, and 3) the economy. Business owners are able to keep their companies afloat in a challenging environment (to put it mildly), continuing to produce products or services and maintain revenues at some level; workers generally earn more in their jobs than on unemployment (and if not, this means they are low-paid workers and probably deserve a raise for hazard pay); and the economy of course benefits because companies spend money on their vendors and landlords, and individuals spend their money on other products and services, and all of this helps to keep other businesses going, too.

So what constitutes a “paycheck” if you aren’t allowed to be on payroll?

The key here is “payroll taxes” — which are the portion of taxes that go to Social Security and Medicare programs, often known as FICA. Employees have 7.65% of each paycheck withheld for these purposes (and their employers match this amount for a total of 15.3%). Sole proprietors, on the other hand, pay estimates quarterly toward this and other taxes, and reconcile them on their annual personal tax return, using Schedule SE (Self-Employment) to calculate “self-employment tax”. This tax is the same as “payroll tax” for employees — with the painful added cost of having to pay both sides of the tax… the employee 7.65% and the matching 7.65% as they are their own “employer”. (Yes, ouch. Being self-employed is expensive.)

All net income earned by a sole proprietor is taxed for self-employment/payroll tax purposes, regardless of whether that income was pulled out of the company in the form of a draw. This amount flows through from Line 31 of Schedule C onto the Schedule SE.

So, based on the above perspective, I have been suggesting that sole proprietors should take the amount on Line 4 from Schedule SE on their personal tax returns to substantiate the amount of income from their business on which they paid “payroll taxes”. And to clarify: this is still the easiest approach for most people!

But here are the potential problems with that approach for some. If you fall into one of these groups, then keep reading for an alternative method:

  • Tax deadlines have been moved to July 15th — for many small businesses, preparing their books for taxes is the last thing on their minds, and CPAs such as myself are scrambling to help their clients apply for relief, so we’re behind on the returns from folks who have found time to submit their info. As such, many sole proprietors simply don’t have their personal returns yet.
  • Some sole proprietors have self-employment income from other businesses as well, such as a partnership or another Schedule C sole proprietorship business activity. Well, Schedule SE adds all businesses together. Guidance has not been forthcoming here, but it is likely that those in this situation will need to apply for PPP separately for each business — or at least the businesses that also have employees.

If you are in the first of those situations — no tax return yet — Treasury regulations allow you to use a reconciled Profit & Loss from your bookkeeping software to calculate these totals. (Make sure your banker knows this, as I have had some requiring 1099-MISC forms as substantiation, which is nothing short of ludicrous for many reasons — I won’t go into that here, as this post is plenty long already.) You would in this case simply take the final row, Net Income, and multiply by 92.35% to back out the employer portion of self-employment tax, as Treasury regulations for the PPP do not allow the employer portion of payroll taxes to be included in the calculation.

For sole proprietors in the latter of these situations (multiple businesses), here’s what you can do instead:

  1. Pull up each Schedule C for which you have employees and multiply Line 31 by 92.35% to back out the deductible portion — which is the Employer part of self-employment tax. (Treasury regulations for the PPP do not allow the employer portion of payroll taxes to be included in the calculation.) You can apply for a PPP loan for each one of these businesses separately. The reason you’ll have to do each one separately is that you also need to include the payroll for your staff in the calculation.
  2. Do the same for each of the other Schedule C businesses for which you do NOT have employees. Add all these together and apply for one PPP loan. There is no need to apply for each one separately.
  3. If you have self-employment income from a partnership, apply for a PPP for each partnership separately. If you have employees, add it to that partnership’s application. If you do not, apply for each one separately in your capacity as a self-employed partner. See this post for more guidance on partnership “payroll”.

If you already submitted an application and did not use the correct period or amounts, it’s by no means too late. Based on recent clarifications by the SBA and Treasury, you will be given an opportunity to revise your application — just explain the situation to your banker. It’s only “too late” once your application has already been approved — and in that case, Treasury says anything submitted based on older guidance is still considered accurate as long as it was consistent with the rules in place at the time of the application.

Keep in mind that this is only my personal interpretation of the Treasury regulations concerning what constitutes “payroll” for the purposes of the PPP, and ultimately your banker or lender will be the person with final authority on the matter. However, the Treasury is clear that they will allow lenders to rely on borrowers’ representations. Furthermore, the American Bankers Association is still in the process of seeking SBA and Treasury clarification for many issues, and as they receive it, they have to communicate it to member institutions, who then have to pass it along to the bankers themselves — who are overworked and have scarce little time for daily continuing education. You can do a favor for your banker by organizing your calculations and documents in such a way as to make their job easier, especially if you include a brief note explaining why you used the data you did, and as in middle-school math class: always show your work.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

How To Calculate Partner “Payroll” For PPP Loans


Note: this post is about partners in a partnership — those filing Schedule SE on their personal tax returns due to flow-through income from a Form 1065 K-1. For information on sole proprietors (who are also considered self-employed for the purposes of the PPP), please see this post instead.

There has been so much back-and-forth and conjecture and guidance on how to calculate W-2 payroll for purposes of the PPP loan, but very little on the subject on how to include partner income in these calculations. The reason is that partners in a partnership (or, more commonly, multi-member LLC taxed as a partnership) are by law prohibited from paying themselves as an employee, through a payroll system. They therefore do not receive W-2 forms and are not included in quarterly “941” payroll reports.

The key here is that this is a “Paycheck Protection Program” — the goal is to keep people working instead of going onto the unemployment rolls. Why? Because it’s better for 1) business owners, 2) workers, and 3) the economy. Business owners are able to keep their companies afloat in a challenging environment (to put it mildly), continuing to produce products or services and maintain revenues at some level; workers generally earn more in their jobs than on unemployment (and if not, this means they are low-paid workers and probably deserve a raise for hazard pay); and the economy of course benefits because companies spend money on their vendors and landlords, and individuals spend their money on other products and services, and all of this helps to keep other businesses going, too.

So what constitutes a “paycheck” if you aren’t allowed to be on payroll?

The key here is “payroll taxes” — which are the portion of taxes that go to Social Security and Medicare programs, often known as FICA. Employees have 7.65% of each paycheck withheld for these purposes (and their employers match this amount for a total of 15.3%). Partners, on the other hand, pay estimates quarterly toward this and other taxes, and reconcile them on their annual personal tax return, using Schedule SE (Self-Employment) to calculate “self-employment tax”. This tax is the same as “payroll tax” for employees — with the painful added cost of having to pay both sides of the tax… the employee 7.65% and the matching 7.65% as they are their own “employer”. (Yes, ouch. Being self-employed is expensive.)

For self-employment tax purposes, both guaranteed payments to partners for services and their ownership-percentage allocation of net income are included.

Initially, many of us assumed that only guaranteed payments qualified as “payroll” for the PPP calculation, as these are in theory the amounts paid for services rendered. However, many partnerships do not use guaranteed payments, and instead split all of the profits (for various reasons, including increasing the Sec 199A deduction). Since all income to an active member of a partnership is taxed for self-employment/payroll tax purposes, it should not matter whether it is due to guaranteed payments or an allocated portion of net income — that is a distinction left to the partnership agreement and says nothing about whether it is “payroll” for these purposes or not.

So, based on the above perspective, I have been suggesting that partners take the amount on Line 4 from Schedule SE on their personal tax returns to substantiate the amount of income from the partnership on which they paid “payroll taxes”. And to clarify: this is still the easiest approach for most people!

But here are the potential problems with that approach for some. If you fall into one of these groups, then keep reading for an alternative method:

  • Tax deadlines have been moved to July 15th — for many small businesses, preparing their books for taxes is the last thing on their minds, and CPAs such as myself are scrambling to help their clients apply for relief, so we’re behind on the returns from folks who have found time to submit their info. As such, many partners simply don’t have their personal returns yet.
  • Some partners have self-employment income from other businesses as well, such as another partnership or a Schedule C sole proprietorship. Well, Schedule SE adds all businesses together. Guidance has not been forthcoming here, but it is likely that those in this situation will need to apply for PPP separately for each business — or at least the businesses that also have employees.

So for partners in either of these situations, here’s what you can do instead:

  1. Pull up your client copy of the 2019 partnership tax return — Form 1065.
  2. Scroll down to the K-1 forms — there’s one set for each partner.
  3. Line 14A of each of the K-1 forms shows self-employment earnings for each partner. This includes guaranteed payments as well as the flow-through portion of net income.
  4. Take that amount and multiply it by 92.35% to back out the deductible portion — which is the Employer part of self-employment tax. Treasury regulations for the PPP do not allow the employer portion of payroll taxes to be included in the calculation.

In a partnership where all partners are actively working for the company — rather than one or more being silent investors — you’ll see that the total of Line 14A for all partners, equals Form 1065, Line 10 (Guaranteed payments to partners) + Line 22 (Ordinary Business Income).

However, if you have investor-partners, these folks usually are allocated their ownership-percentage of net income on which they do not pay self-employment taxes. And because they do not work for the business, they also will not receive guaranteed payments (which are also taxable for self-employment purposes). Therefore they are not eligible to apply for the PPP, and these amounts should not be included in the calculation. This is why I suggest sticking to Line 14A of the K-1 schedules, rather than using the amounts from the front of the 1065.

And if you are one of the unlucky partners whose 2019 1065 partnership return is still on extension, and therefore does not yet have a Schedule K-1, Treasury regulations allow you to use a reconciled Profit & Loss from your bookkeeping software to calculate these totals. (Make sure your banker knows this, as I have had some requiring 1099-MISC forms as substantiation, which is nothing short of ludicrous for many reasons — I won’t go into that here, as this post is plenty long already.) You would in this case simply add together the row for Guaranteed Payments and the final row, Net Income, and multiply by 92.35% to back out the employer portion of self-employment tax, as mentioned above. Again, if you have any silent investors, you would need to back out their percentage portion of net income.

If you already submitted an application and did not use the correct period or amounts, it’s by no means too late. Based on recent clarifications by the SBA and Treasury, you will be given an opportunity to revise your application — just explain the situation to your banker. It’s only “too late” once your application has already been approved — and in that case, Treasury says anything submitted based on older guidance is still considered accurate as long as it was consistent with the rules in place at the time of the application.

Keep in mind that this is only my personal interpretation of the Treasury regulations concerning what constitutes “payroll” for the purposes of the PPP, and ultimately your banker or lender will be the person with final authority on the matter. However, the Treasury is clear that they will allow lenders to rely on borrowers’ representations. Furthermore, the American Bankers Association is still in the process of seeking SBA and Treasury clarification for many issues, and as they receive it, they have to communicate it to member institutions, who then have to pass it along to the bankers themselves — who are overworked and have scarce little time for daily continuing education. You can do a favor for your banker by organizing your calculations and documents in such a way as to make their job easier, especially if you include a brief note explaining why you used the data you did, and as in middle-school math class: always show your work.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

PPP Application Checklist

You’ve reviewed the Paycheck Protection Program summary, double-checked the newest guidance and pointers, determined you’re eligible, and reached out to your bank or lender. Now what?

Here is a list of documents to pull together so you have them ready for the application.

1) Articles of Incorporation (S-Corp or C-Corp) or Articles of Organization (Single- or Multi-Member LLC) – note: non-LLC sole proprietorships and partnerships may not have anything like this; they may have an Operating Agreement or Partnership Agreement that will suffice.

2) EIN Letter – almost every company has one of these at this point, as they are now required to open a business bank account; but if you are a sole proprietor who uses their Social Security number to file taxes and runs things through a personal bank account (not recommended), you may not have one.

3) Average monthly payroll calculation – seems like it would be easy, but it actually can be kind of complicated. I’m going to try to break it down.

First, figure out what date range you’ll need to use. You can choose from a bunch of different ones to calculate your monthly average (for Gusto users – they now allow you to change the date range on the PPP report):

a) 2019 calendar year.
b) Most recent 12-month period before your loan application.

Most businesses will select either (a) or (b).

Pro tip: If you’re trying to get the highest loan possible, pick the period that is higher. If you’re worried about hitting 75% of your prior-year monthly average, pick the period that is lower.

c) Seasonal business that has its highest payroll this time of year: use info between February 15, 2019 and June 30, 2019.
d) New businesses, or ones that expanded this year (i.e., FTEs and payroll were higher during the first part of 2020 than they were during the other acceptable reporting periods): use the alternative reporting period of Jan 1-Feb 15, 2020.

Second, if you use a payroll processor; and are on payroll yourself (S-Corp or C-Corp); and your health insurance, retirement and other benefits are tracked through your payroll system; then you should be able to simply run a report specific to the PPP through them. Change the date range if needed and you’re done with this step. (Yay!)

If you have employees (or you are an employee of your own company) but do not use a payroll processor, or your payroll processor doesn’t have this report for you, then you’ll have to calculate this yourself (and switch to Gusto as soon as this is over). Take the 12-month total for the period you chose above (if you’re using the 2019 calendar year, just take Box 5 from each employee’s W-2) and follow the steps in this article, under “How did you calculate my average monthly payroll costs?

If you are a sole proprietor and do not have employees, then you have two options for calculating the average monthly “payroll”. Either take the amount on Line 3 on Schedule SE from your 2019 tax return, or take the Net Income from your reconciled QuickBooks Profit & Loss report for whichever date range you selected above. Add health insurance and retirement benefits. Divide by 12. (Make sure you attach the calculations when you fill out the application.)

Lastly, if you are a partner in a partnership and do not have employees, then you have two options for calculating the average monthly “payroll”. Take the amount on Line 3 on Schedule SE from each partner’s 2019 tax return, or use the company’s reconciled QuickBooks Profit & Loss report to find each partner’s Guaranteed Payments, plus their ownership percentage times the Net Income — this second method is complicated enough that you may want to reach out to your bookkeeper or accountant for assistance if you choose it. Add health insurance and retirement benefits. Divide by 12. (Make sure you attach the calculations when you fill out the application.)

Pro tip: If you’re trying to get the highest loan possible, pick the method that is higher. If you’re worried about hitting 75% of your prior-year monthly average, pick the method that is lower.

4) Payroll Reports – if you have employees. Print these payroll reports from Gusto or ADP (or whatever payroll provider you use).

2019 all four quarters:
IRS 941
IDES 3/40

2020 first quarter:
IRS 941
IDES 3/40

2019 annual:
IRS W-2s
IRS 940

5) Health insurance and retirement contribution invoices – to support info reported by your payroll software; you will probably not need these until you apply for forgiveness, but pulling them now will help ensure that you’re reporting the correct amount of benefits with your average monthly payroll costs.

6) SBA Borrower Application Form — not the “Lender” Form! I’ve had bankers give more than one client the Lender Form accidentally (which is the form the banker is supposed to fill out and submit with your application). Here’s a sample, which you may want to fill out while you’re waiting for the lender to contact you. However, it’s likely that they’ll make you fill out their own copy when the time comes.

7) Monthly Rent and Utilities – some lenders are also asking for this info in anticipation of eventually applying for forgiveness, but it does not figure into the calculation of your actual loan. The loan itself is simply 2.5 times your monthly average payroll cost. Also, remember that you will only be able to spend 25% of the loan on rent and utilities in order to have the loan forgiven.

That’s it! There you go. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

Payroll Protection Program – New Guidance and Important Reminders

I woke up today ready to finally get some real client work done — tax returns have been sitting floundering for over two weeks now and I have a backlog of emails that gives me bad dreams — and found that new guidance on the Payroll Protection Program (PPP) was given to bankers last night by the Treasury Department and the SBA. Game on!

But in actuality it’s all really good news, because it ends the constant obsession with researching all the different possible interpretations, weighing the consequences of taking each approach, worrying about accidentally advising a client to ask for too much or too little, bickering with colleagues about differing opinions, and second-guessing an approach in the face of a banker who says otherwise.

(If you’d like a summary of the total mess Congress and the Treasury Department created when they rolled out this program, see this excellent article by my favorite tax writer, Tony Nitty.)

(And if you’d like a clear summary of the PPP program as it now stands, see this article from earlier today by another great Forbes writer, Kelly Anne Smith.)

So, first: here’s the new guidance that was given to bankers last night — and here’s the audio for the call itself.

And here’s a very brief summary of the highlights:

a) Use Gross Payroll (Not Net) – you will not subtract federal withholding or the employee portion of SS/MC after all — just like we all understood it from the beginning, before this whole fiasco with the interim guidance (because, we said… otherwise it would be silly, we said). You should not add in the employer portion of federal taxes, but you can still add in the employer portion of state taxes, like SUTA (state unemployment tax — in Illinois, that’s IDES).
b) Add Benefits to Payroll – the salary cap of $100K only refers to salary itself, and not benefits — you can add health/retirement benefits on top of this. I recommend using the W-2 Box 5 for the payroll portion, since it’s rarely adjusted for anything.
c) Don’t Worry If You Used the Wrong Rules – If a loan application has already been processed by a lending institution, then the applicant need not do anything more — they will be processed accordingly, given the interpretation of the law at the time it was processed. If a submitted loan application has not been processed, the applicant may revise their application and should work with their lender to do this.
d) Applications Are Not Going Into a Black Hole – 78,000 PPP loans have been approved, worth about $22 billion so far (though how many borrowers have actually received their money so far has not been shared). The banks are accepting applications and submitting them to SBA as their online systems can take it (they keep going offline). Treasury has said they will go back to Congress for more money if necessary — and as of tonight it seems we’re likely to get another $250B.

In addition to these new guidance clarifications, I wanted to list of some reminders about what we already know — specifically, things I keep noticing clients and colleagues are missing in their understanding of the program — as well as a few tips.

  • BEWARE OF SCAMS — especially from people who say they can get you a loan faster for a fee. They’re all over the place and easy to fall prey to, especially with all the confusion regarding the PPP. Remember, you shouldn’t have to pay a cent to submit a Paycheck Protection loan application.
  • The total amount of the loan is 2.5 times your average monthly payroll costs, period. Rent, mortgage interest, and utilities do not enter into this part of the calculation — they only are in the calculation for loan forgiveness.
  • No more than 25% of the PPP can be used on non-payroll items (again: rent, mortgage interest, and utilities).
  • Self-employed folks — sole proprietors and partners in partnerships — are eligible to apply for the PPP, and to include their self-employment earnings as if it were payroll. If they have employees, they can apply now; if not, they can apply starting April 10th. I recommend using Form SE (part of the personal tax return, not the business) to substantiate the full amount of their own “payroll” income, plus (as mentioned above) Box 5 of the W-2s for your staff (up to a $100K limit per person).
  • For full loan forgiveness, a borrower cannot let the dollar amount of payroll or the number of FTE (full-time employee equivalent) hours dip below 75% of the prior-year monthly average; but it won’t all be lost — it will be phased out.
  • You can choose from a bunch of different date ranges to calculate your monthly average (Gusto now allows you to change the date range on the PPP report):
    a) 2019 calendar year.
    b) Most recent 12-month period before your loan application.
    Most businesses will select either (a) or (b).
    Pro tip: If you’re trying to get the highest loan possible, pick the period that is higher. If you’re worried about hitting 75% of your prior-year monthly average, pick the period that is lower.
    c) Seasonal business that has its highest payroll this time of year: use info between February 15, 2019 and June 30, 2019.
    d) New businesses, or ones that expanded this year (i.e., FTEs and payroll were higher during the first part of 2020 than they were during the other acceptable reporting periods): use the alternative reporting period of Jan 1-Feb 15, 2020.

This is a lot of info to take in, I know… but hang in there and run the numbers — if you already own a small business, you’ve had to deal with way worse calculations than this. Now that we have reliable guidance and clarity on what will be accepted for the loan calculation and forgiveness calculation, it’s just a matter of crunching the numbers and preparing the documentation.

Speaking of which: next blog post — a checklist of information, calculations and documents to pull together so you have them ready for your PPP application!

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL)

UPDATE 6/10/20:
Sec. Carranza indicated today that new EIDL applicants will begin to be accepted next week — they are still working through the queue of previous applicants, but as they get a handle on that, the system will be available again (currently it is only available to farmers). I have a client who applied on April 8th who received their loan this past week, so I can confirm that they really are still in-motion… when you see money suddenly show up in your bank account with “SBA TREAS” in the description, that’s probably it.

UPDATE 4/27:
As of 11:15 am Central, the SBA now notes on their website that they are continuing to review the existing queue of EIDL applications and will provide further information on new applications soon. More information in a new blog post here.

UPDATE 4/25: the EIDL program has had some funds replenished in the most recent round of legislation, and full information on it and how to apply can be found here.

We’ve spent so much time talking about PPP loans that we’ve left its older sibling, the Economy Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL), in the shadows.

The idea when you apply for an EIDL is that you need cash fast to save your business (historically, these types of loans are given out to businesses hit by a natural disaster of some type). So when you apply, they try to fund an advance of up to $10k (not necessarily the full $10k) in approximately three days — you even give them your bank info when you apply so they can deposit the funds stat.

In other words, if you meet the minimum qualification criteria to apply for an EIDL loan, and submit an online application to the SBA, you will receive up to a $10,000 advance in short order — that does not need to be repaid.

From, a lending site I’ve used in the past for clients: If you meet the minimum requirements to apply for a disaster loan, the grant will be available to you whether or not your loan application is approved. With that in mind, if you need access to capital quickly, and don’t need a larger loan amount, this may be a good option for you.
These working capital loans (including the grant) may be used only to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable, and other bills that could have been paid had the disaster not occurred. The loans are not intended to replace lost sales or profits or to pay for expansion. Funds cannot be used to pay down long-term debt. They also cannot be used to consolidate debt.

So you certainly could receive an advance, and then not be granted a loan, and yet still get to keep the advance.

But as to a question I was recently asked during one of my daily client Q&A sessions: could you get the advance… but not apply for a loan, or decide against the loan if granted? And if not, then what’s the lowest amount you could request as a loan?

From what research I’ve done (by no means authoritative, so please reach out if you discover otherwise), it sounds like you do have to apply for some sort of loan. I have not yet found an answer about how small a loan you could request. If you apply for $25k or less, there is no personal guarantee and no collateral required. Over that amount, but under $200k, will require a personal guarantee and collateral — but it will avoid some additional costs that come with higher loan amounts.

There is an interesting note on the SBA site, however:
There is no obligation to repay the grant. To receive the $10,000 emergency grant, it is not necessary to have an approved EIDL loan. However, if you are able to secure a PPP loan, the $10,000 grant will be subtracted from the forgiveness amount.

I am unsure about whether this is still true or not — it certainly was initially, but in the past week it’s been widely reported that you may receive both a PPP and an EIDL loan as long as both are not paying for the same expenses, so it’s possible that the info on the SBA site is outdated. It remains important to have a good relationship with your lender to get these kinds of questions answered before signing.

I’ll leave you with some additional info from Brian Thompson over at Forbes:

The EIDLs expanded provisions include: 

  • Can be approved by the SBA based solely on an applicant’s credit score (not repayment ability and no tax return is required).
  • EIDLs smaller than $200,000 can be approved without a personal guarantee. They are also not requiring real estate as collateral and will take a general security interest in business property. 
  • Borrowers can receive $10,000 in an emergency grant cash advance that can be forgiven if spent on paid leave, maintaining payroll, increased costs due to supply chain disruption, mortgage or lease payments or repaying obligations that cannot be met due to revenue loss. 
  • It expands access to sole proprietors or independent contractors, as well as tribal businesses, cooperatives, and ESOPs with fewer than 500 employees and all non-profits including 501(c)(6)s. 

Because lending decisions are based on self-certification and the applicant’s credit score, the review process should go quickly. CARES also waives the requirement that you be unable to obtain credit elsewhere. That means you can apply even if you already have a credit line.

You apply for these loans directly through the SBA at  There are no loan fees, guarantee fees or prepayment fees. As of March 30, the new streamlined online application is up and running. Make sure to apply for Economic Injury for the Coronavirus, rather than physical damage due to another disaster (that is a different declaration number).

UPDATE 6/13/20: Although there is much disagreement among colleagues on this topic, according to the AICPA it is likely that EIDL grant advances will have to be subtracted from PPP forgiveness when the time comes.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.