Category Archives: QuickBooks Software

Warning: Another QuickBooks Phishing Scam

According to the Better Business Bureau Northwest, there’s a new email phishing scam targeting users of QuickBooks accounting software:

Victims receive an email in their inbox with the subject line, “QuickBooks Support: Change Request.” The email claims to be a confirmation from Intuit that a business has changed its name and contains a hyperlink that the recipient can click on to cancel the request. However, if email recipients click on the link, it directs them to a site that downloads malware to their device… the malware allows criminals to capture passwords and other personal information from a device.

Some good tips from the BBB Scam Alert statement

  • Check the reply email address. One easy way to spot an email scam is to look at the reply email. The address should be on a company domain, such as
  •  Check the destination of links: Hover over links to see where they lead. Be sure the link points to the correct domain ( not a variation, such as or Scammers can get creative, so look closely.
  • Consider how the organization normally contacts you. If an organization normally reaches you by mail, be suspicious if you suddenly start receiving emails or text messages without ever opting in to the new communications.
  • Be cautious of generic emails. Scammers try to cast a wide net by including little or no specific information in their fake emails. Be especially wary of messages you have not subscribed to or companies you have never done business with in the past.
  • Don’t believe what you see. Just because an email looks real, doesn’t mean it is. Scammers can fake anything from a company logo to the “Sent” email address.

Source: Accounting Today — Better Business Bureau warns of QuickBooks phishing scam

QuickBooks Online Interface Overhaul

Our good friend Charlie Russell over at Accountex Report (formerly Sleeter) has helped us out once again by 1) warning us that QuickBooks Online is once again changing its interface and 2) letting us know what the changes are and how we’re likely to be affected and react.

His summary?  Meh, it’s fine — it’s not as major as the last time they did this, and it’s mostly being done to create consistency across all their online product platforms (which is a good thing).  His (and I couldn’t agree more) main complaint is that they need to keep these “redesigns” around for longer, allowing us to get used to them and become more efficient with our navigation and data entry.

The full article has lots of great screen shots and step-by-step info; I encourage a quick read (it’s only 2-pages long), as these changes are rolling out throughout the course of the month, and you’ll want to be on top of your game when doing financial reviews in January in anticipation of tax-time.

QuickBooks Online Interface Overhaul – Accountex Report

Access “QuickBooks Self-Employed” (QBSE) Clients from QBOA

Big news for accountants using the QuickBooks Online Accountant program, from my favorite QB blogger, Charlie Russell:

Now you can access QuickBooks Self-Employed from QuickBooks Online Accountant. All your clients will be located in one centralized list.

However, an important warning — although you may have clients who signed up on their own for QuickBooks Self-Employed (in which case it’s obviously super-helpful to have them show up in your list of QBOA clients), QBSE is NOT a full-featured accounting program.  Furthermore, unlike the rest of the world of QuickBooks products (desktop and online), QBSE cannot be converted into a QuickBooks full-featured version of any of their accounting software.

This means that as accountants, we have a duty to warn clients and potential clients against this program.  The costs, time and trouble to “start over” with only summary info for prior years, or even higher costs, time and trouble to re-import transactional data into a version of QuickBooks that will work properly from an accounting perspective is not worth the cost-savings of starting with QBSE.

That said: for those clients who somehow already got themselves into this situation, at least now, we as accountants will be able to access their files with all of our other QBO client files.

More here, at the original article:

Access QuickBooks Self-Employed from QuickBooks Online Accountant – Accountex Report

New QuickBooks Online Reporting – A Guide

Okay, so Intuit says, “we improved reports to make them more professional looking and easier to customize.”  I am not a fan.  Any time I have to click more times to get to the data or the reports I need than I had to click previously, it’s NOT an improvement.

Nevertheless, onward.  The change is coming, and I’ve had a sneak preview for a while… I got the notice today that these reports are rolling out to my clients this week.  (You may already have them or it may be a while longer, as they tend to roll out changes in batches.)

I do, however, think that Intuit did a nice job with their guide to the new (and “improved”) reports — Improved QuickBooks reports • QuickBooks Online — complete with screen shots and step-by-step instructions (for things that should take you fewer steps; grrr).

But don’t blame me if you don’t like the new reports.  Blame Apple.  ;)

QuickBooks 2017 Has Arrived!

It’s time once again for me to share what an amazing human being Charlie Russell is.  One of my favorite bloggers anywhere and on any topic, he’s just released a new article called “QuickBooks 2017 Has Arrived! Here Is What to Expect“.  I encourage you to read all of it, as he does the most wonderful job of presenting illustrations, describing his testing, and offering real-life interpretations of everything, including the value he sees in various features.

To summarize, however, I’ll quote a few of Charlie’s responses from the comments section (run together with ellipses):

“Intuit is continuing with their recent policy of making fewer changes in the annual release of QuickBooks than in the past… Back in Fall 2014 Intuit stated that there would only be incremental improvements to the desktop product, few if any big significant changes. They want to keep the desktop people happy long enough for them to get comfortable with the idea of an online product, and then get them to move over there… I’m still waiting for the online products to match their hype.”

That said, there are some really nice changes to this year’s version of the QuickBooks Desktop software.  My personal favorites are (1) Search Improvements and (2) Report Customization Improvements, though some folks are pretty excited about (3) Scheduled Reports, and (4) Security Updates.

In addition, there are some miscellaneous improvements that are a total relief… as in FINALLY!

  • The Record Deposits icon shows the number of deposits that are available.
  • A Cleared flag shows on cleared credit card charges.
  • If a User is deleted, the deleted user’s name will still show on the audit trail.
  • Your Company name will print on the deposit summary.
  • You can copy/paste detail lines on weekly timesheets.

Now, as Charlie points out:

“Accounting professionals will have to get the new version, of course, because you will have clients who have the new version. You need this version to work with their files… but from the end-user’s standpoint, there isn’t a lot that compels you to upgrade unless your version of QuickBooks is retiring.”

Still and all, I’m pretty happy about these changes.  I don’t need a lot of bells and whistles — I just want a stable product to continue to be stable, with improvements that shave a few minutes off my workday here and there.

There are also some updates in the most recent QuickBooks Online version — but as you’re probably aware, these come up constantly (usually monthly), so they are usually less significant than the annual updates we see in the Desktop version.  (Personally, it makes me insane how cloud software just changes overnight without warning.  I like to have time to play with new features and improvements before interrupting my workflow with them.)

And if you’re not already subscribed to Charlie’s blog posts in Accountex (formerly the Sleeter Group), do yourself a favor and take care of that right now.


QuickBooks Online Updates

Not sure how many of you QuickBooks Online users out there follow the QBO Blog, but I recommend it.  It’s not very sales-y, the posts are generally short and to-the-point, and the information is often pretty solid.  Case in point, the most recent QBO Update review of changes, here: QuickBooks update: June 26 2015 • QuickBooks Online

One thing to be aware of on their blog is that they often like to tout “pretty” updates, like changes to formatting and styles that they feel make things easier to read or navigate.  (I generally find these types of changes to be annoying wastes of time, especially when there are serious bugs that need desperately to be addressed.  Furthermore, in their effort to look more sleekly Apple i-design-y, they often increase the number of clicks it takes to accomplish a given task — a no-no in my book.  Case in point, the new version of bank registers.  Avoid it for now, is my suggestion.

However, something truly useful they recently included is the long-awaited ability to copy journal entries!  As they put it, especially convenient when you need to duplicate long journal entries.  Of course, saving a JE as a “Recurring” transaction (“Memorized” in the Desktop version) is still your best bet, but sometimes that’s not an option or not the most efficient option.  Here’s all you do:

Create (+) > Journal Entry > Recent Transactions > choose an entry > More > Copy.

Try it out.  You’ll love it.

Also, this update allows you to import invoice styles from Word, which I don’t think is a big deal, but clients LOVE.  So, go make a client happy and tell them they can now do this.  Another feature folks have been waiting for a long time that will win some smiles.

Main point is: follow the QBO Updates.  They’re often quite useful — and a handy archive is located here:

Fixing QuickBooks Online Accountant Chrome Login Problems

I’d say that a solid 65% of the time — possibly more — that I have issues with QuickBooks and research the web for solutions, I end up at the Sleeter Group blog.  You’ve heard me rave about Greg Lam, Bonnie Nagayama, and Charlie Russell, and of course, about the annual Sleeter Technology Conference.  I’m raving once again.  Here’s Charlie’s simple list of “what to do” when once again, QuickBooks Online won’t let you sign in using Chrome, for whatever reason.

Fixing QuickBooks Online Accountant Chrome Login Problems – Sleeter Report — QuickBooks and Beyond

Resolving Inactive Inventory Items with Quantities on Hand

Read this great little blog post by The Inuitive Accountant on Resolving Inactive Inventory Items with Quantities on Hand.  It’s a common problem — your client deactivates an inventory item, but there’s still a quantity on-hand left… how do you best troubleshoot this?  The Intuitive Accountant gives some suggestions to QuickBooks Professionals using the “Troubleshoot Inventory” tool with some nice tips for filtering and adjusting entries.