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WGN Features Dill Pickle Food Co-op In The News

Very excited to see a long-time treasured client get some enthusiastic press from WGN Chicago. And remember — I’m not just their CPA… I’m a co-op member and lender!

Logan Square co-op brings together thousands, creates vibrant food community | WGN-TV (

For more information on grocery co-ops and The Dill Pickle Food Co-op in particular, check out these resources on cooperative principles, and why shopping at a co-op is special and important.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

What’s The Difference Between A CPA, Bookkeeper, And A CFO?

I have often imagined what my firm might look like in five years and how what I do then might be different than now. And when I watch videos by Hannah Smolinski of Clara CFO, I think: “that’s it! I want to do what she does.”

No, I don’t necessarily want to specialize as a fractional/outsourced CFO (although we already do a lot of this type of work for our clients). What I mean is that I love teaching small business owners how to better manage their companies, and training other bookkeepers and accountants how to better help their clients.

This video was a great example of that — a topic that small business owners need to understand but that few folks take the time to explain. (Although I have one complaint: she should have made it clear that “CFO” is just a title — it’s not a credentialed designation like EA or CPA. As with “tax preparer,” “bookkeeper,” or “accountant,” anyone can call themselves a CFO. So be careful.)

I agree with Hannah that our profession has done a poor job at explaining exactly what it is that we do. My clients mistakenly referred to me as their CPA for years before I actually sat for (and totally killed, mind you) the exams — and I’d have to correct them to make sure they knew I wasn’t qualified to do public accounting (for which the exams certify you). And they were like, “well, once you’re a CPA, how will what you do for us change?” The answer… um… it won’t, not at all. My firm will still do your bookkeeping, accounting, tax preparation, tax planning, financial analysis; and some things Hannah forgot to mention in her video: accounting technology consulting, internal controls/systems design, HR/payroll/benefits, and local/state tax compliance (sales/use, restaurant, soda, liquor taxes). We pride ourselves in straddling the worlds of bookkeeping, accounting, analysis, and tax — providing holistic small business financial consulting.

I think that’s the reason we don’t do a great job of explaining what we do — there’s no requirement to get a certification or degree to perform any of these duties. I did them before I became a CPA, I did them afterwards, I still do them. And a lot of my non-CPA colleagues in Bookkeeping Buds, for example, absolutely dance circles around certified accountants when it comes to accounting technology, clean-up and problem-solving, local/state law compliance, and designing efficient and accurate systems and processes.

And if you’re wondering why I bothered sitting for one of the hardest exams in the world (four parts, over a period of more than a year), it was because my colleagues took me more seriously as a CPA — not my clients. (At conferences, many CPAs and EAs were entirely dismissive of those of us who hadn’t tested their mettle against the exam process.) It was my Master’s Degree in Accounting & Financial Management — not preparing for the CPA exams — that taught me the additional skills I wanted to use with clients: financial analysis, strategy, managerial accounting, cost accounting, etc.

Long story longer: check out the video above. It does a nice job of explaining the breakdown among job titles — and I think the most important takeaway is to make a list of the duties you’d like fulfilled, and then ask around your network of other small business owners until you find a professional who knows which of these they can perform, and has a solid network to find others who can fill in the missing pieces. A good bookkeeper, accountant or CPA doesn’t work in a vacuum — we refer the work that isn’t in our wheelhouse to other talented professionals. For example, it’s prohibited by law for us to perform legal or investment services, but we’ve worked with many lawyers and investment advisors and know where you point you. Hiring any of these roles should be an addition to your team that is greater than the sum of its parts.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

How To Apply For PPP Forgiveness (Loans $150K Or Less, With Employees But Not ERC-Eligible)

From the PPP forgiveness guide at –

For over a year I’ve been answering the question, “when should we apply for PPP Loan Forgiveness?” And for over a year I’ve been responding, “not yet; there’s still so much that’s up in the air” — as AICPA (thankfully) recommended we wait for legislation from Congress as well as guidance from both the SBA and IRS.

Well, on June 24th, they gave us the green light in the AICPA Town Hall Series. Lisa Simpson said that if you have worked out the interplay between PPP and the Employee Retention Credit (ERC), then you should go ahead and apply.

This means that if you are a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees, you are ready to apply (since ERC is only an issue if you have W-2 employees or are a W-2 employee of your own company). See my recent blog post for easy instructions.

It also means that if you do have employees (or are an employee yourself), but you know that your company does not qualify for ERCyou are ready to apply. You’re in the right place — see below for instructions.

(Of course, this means that if you qualify for ERC and haven’t worked out the interplay yet, you should consider holding off for now — consider using my recommended approach to moving forward with PPP Forgiveness without jeopardizing ERC, highlighted in a recent blog post.)

So… now what?

For borrowers of $150k or less who had no wage or FTE reductions, or who qualify for a safe harbor/exemption:

  • Because your loan was for $150k or lower, you qualify to file the easiest PPP Forgiveness form: 3508S. Please make sure your lender allows you to use this approach.
  • For reference, here is the forgiveness application form – but most lenders will have you actually apply through their own loan portal, which will walk you through the process. Just be clear that you are a self-employed individual with no employees, that your loan was $150k or less, and so you qualify for Form 3508S.
  • If your loan is for $50k or less, you do not have to worry about any wage or FTE reductions — you qualify for an automatic exemption.
  • Please read through this Form 3508S Step-by-Step guide before beginning the process at your lender’s portal, as the questions you will be asked mirror the actual application.
  • Some important tips when going through the process:
    • Have your original PPP loan application and loan documents handy so you can make sure the info on your forgiveness application matches it exactly (legal name, DBA, address, NAICS code, EIN/SSN, loan number, number of employees at time of loan application).
    • Reminder: number of employees at time of loan application and forgiveness application are both simple head-counts, not FTEs or full- vs. part-time or anything else.
    • Covered Period is the date you received the funds through 24 weeks later, unless you determined a shorter period would be advantageous.
    • Amount of Loan Spent on Payroll Costs should not be any higher than the minimum needed for forgiveness.
    • Requested Loan Forgiveness Amount should be the exact full total of your PPP Loan.
    • There is nowhere on the application to note the amount spent on non-payroll costs; this understandably confuses many people. Just make sure the “Amount of Loan Spent on Payroll Costs” is at least 60% of the loan, and the “Requested Loan Forgiveness Amount” is the full amount, and they will assume that the difference was spent on non-payroll costs. Keep backup documentation in case of audit.
    • There is no SBA requirement for backup documentation of payroll or non-payroll costs for loans $150k or less. Most lender portals will have a screen with the ability to upload documents, but this is supposed to be optional. Some lenders may insist on it, however.

In order to qualify to fill out this simpler form (rather than the full Form 3508), you must not have reduced any employee’s wages by more than 75% or significantly cut their hours. (Unless, as I mentioned above, your loan is for $50k or less.) If there is any concern that you might not have fulfilled these “wage reduction” or “FTE (full-time equivalent)” tests, or that you do not meet a safe harbor or exemption for them, we strongly suggest working with a trusted advisor to prepare your PPP Forgiveness application, as it gets extremely complicated. Our approach, to be safe, has been to download the free Form 3508 PPP Forgiveness Calculator from the AICPAregardless of which form you qualify to submit, so as to run all the numbers for the wage reduction test, and fill out the information to see if you are exempt from the FTE test or not. (If you are not exempt, the AICPA also offers a free FTE calculator.) We then suggest you retain these files as backup in case of audit, even if you end up passing all the tests and qualifying to submit a simpler form than the full 3508.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

How To Apply For PPP Forgiveness (Loans Over $150K, Non-ERC-Eligible Companies)

From the PPP forgiveness guide at –

For over a year I’ve been answering the question, “when should we apply for PPP Loan Forgiveness?” And for over a year I’ve been responding, “not yet; there’s still so much that’s up in the air” — as AICPA (thankfully) recommended we wait for legislation from Congress as well as guidance from both the SBA and IRS.

Well, on June 24th, they gave us the green light in the AICPA Town Hall Series. Lisa Simpson said that if you have worked out the interplay between PPP and the Employee Retention Credit (ERC), then you should go ahead and apply.

This means that if you are a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees, you are ready to apply — since ERC is only an issue if you have W-2 employees or are a W-2 employee of your own company. See my recent blog post for easy instructions.

It also means that if you have employees (or are an employee yourself), but you know that your company does not qualify for ERC, you are ready to apply. See below for less-than-easy but still DIY-worthy instructions.

(Of course, this means that if you qualify for ERC and haven’t worked out the interplay yet, you should consider holding off for now — consider using my recommended approach to moving forward with PPP Forgiveness without jeopardizing ERC, highlighted in a recent blog post.)

So… now what?

For borrowers of more than $150k who had no wage or FTE reductions, or who qualify for a safe harbor/exemption:

  • As your loan was higher than $150k, you do not qualify to file the simplest PPP Forgiveness form (3508S). However, presuming you followed all the rules and had no reductions, you do qualify for the “EZ” form (3508EZ). Please make sure your lender allows you to use this approach. For reference, here is the forgiveness application form (pages 1-4) and instructions – but for the actual forgiveness process, instead of filling the form out, you will apply through your lender’s loan portal and it will walk you through the steps. Please carefully read through the checklist and instructions on pages 5-9.
  • Please also read through this Form 3508EZ Step-by-Step guide before beginning the process at your lender’s portal, as the questions you will be asked mirror the actual application.
  • Some important tips when going through the process:
    • Have your original PPP loan application and loan documents handy so you can make sure the info on your forgiveness application matches it exactly (legal name, DBA, address, NAICS code, EIN/SSN, loan number, number of employees at time of loan application).
    • Number of employees at time of loan application and forgiveness application are both simple head-counts, not FTEs or full- vs. part-time or anything else.
    • Covered Period is the date you received the funds through 24 weeks later, unless you determined a shorter period would be advantageous.
    • We recommend the “Amount of Loan Spent on Payroll Costs” total is not any higher than the minimum needed for forgiveness.
    • “Requested Loan Forgiveness Amount” should be the exact full total of your PPP Loan.
    • If you were unable to operate at full capacity, you may check the second box on the checklist, which means there is no requirement to fulfill the FTE (full-time equivalent) test.

Regarding backup documentation that you must submit with your application, keep in mind that what is considered acceptable support is up to each individual lender.
 – Payroll: your lender may ask you for bank account statements, payroll tax form 941s, and canceled checks for benefit invoices as proof of payment.
 – Nonpayroll: For rent/mortgage/utilities payments, your lender may ask for documentation that the obligation/services existed prior to 2/15/2020. They are likely to ask for proof of payment for all amounts claimed in this section.

If there is any concern that you might not have fulfilled the wage reduction or FTE tests, or that you do not meet a safe harbor or exemption for them, we strongly suggest working with a trusted advisor to prepare your PPP Forgiveness application, as it gets extremely complicated. Our approach, to be safe, has been to download the free Form 3508 PPP Forgiveness Calculator from the AICPA, regardless of which form you qualify to submit, so as to run all the numbers for the wage reduction test, and fill out the information to see if you are exempt from the FTE test or not. If you are not exempt, the AICPA also offers a free FTE calculator. We then suggest you retain these files as backup in case of audit, even if you end up passing all the tests and qualifying to submit a simpler form than the full 3508.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

How To Apply for PPP Forgiveness (Loans $150K Or Less, No Employees/ Non-ERC-Eligible Companies)

From the PPP forgiveness guide at –

For over a year I’ve been answering the question, “when should we apply for PPP Loan Forgiveness?” And for over a year I’ve been responding, “not yet; there’s still so much that’s up in the air” — as AICPA (thankfully) recommended we wait for legislation from Congress as well as guidance from both the SBA and IRS.

Well, on June 24th, they gave us the green light in the AICPA Town Hall Series. Lisa Simpson said that if you have worked out the interplay between PPP and the Employee Retention Credit (ERC), then you should go ahead and apply.

This means that if you are a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees, you are ready to apply — since ERC is only an issue if you have W-2 employees or are a W-2 employee of your own company.

(Of course, this means that if you do qualify for ERC and you haven’t worked out the interplay yet, you should consider holding off for now — consider using my recommended approach to moving forward with PPP Forgiveness without jeopardizing ERC, highlighted in a recent blog post.)

So… now what?

For borrowers of $150k or less who are self-employed with no employees:

  • For self-employed with no employees, it’s an “owner compensation replacement” approach, which means you will have 2.5 months’ worth of your 2019 net profit automatically forgiven. That is why the form is so simple. Your forgiveness amount should exactly equal your loan amount, presuming the original loan was calculated properly.
  • For reference, here is the forgiveness application form – but most lenders will have you actually apply through their own loan portal, which will walk you through the process. Just be clear that you are a self-employed individual with no employees, that your loan was $150k or less, and so you qualify for Form 3508S.
  • The best instructions I’ve read are here: How to complete Form 3508S for Self-Employed Individuals with no Employees | SCORE
  • It should not matter how long you select for your covered period — anywhere between 8 and 24 weeks — but the first- and second-draws cannot overlap (your first loan covered period must be short enough that it ends before your second loan covered period starts).
  • You can indicate that you spent the entire loan on payroll.
  • Have your original PPP loan application and loan documents handy so you can make sure the info on your forgiveness application matches it exactly (legal name, DBA, address, NAICS code, EIN/SSN, loan number, number of employees at time of loan application).

And according to AICPA Funding Partner, Biz2Credit, on today’s July 1 webinar (from their PPP Forgiveness Required Documents Customer Guidebook):

(This had been the case for all the lenders I’ve seen so far, but the jury seemed to still be out for some of them, including Biz2Credit — so this was a relief.)

For self-employed folks with no employees, the PPP Forgiveness process should be very straightforward, from everything I’ve seen so far. Please let me know in the comments if you come across challenges, so others can learn from your experiences. Best of luck to you all!

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

Client Options for Claiming The Employee Retention Credit (ERC)

Note to readers: the issue outlined below only applies to 50%-or-greater shareholders — which means the business is a corporation — and their spouses who work at the company. It does not apply to sole proprietors or partners — those two groups do not get paid via payroll and therefore are not eligible. Shareholders who own less than 50% are eligible if the business meets the other requirements to claim the credit.

If you are a 50%-or-greater shareholder and your company qualifies for the Employee Retention Credit for either 2020 or 2021, please read on.

I truly cannot believe that it’s June 2021 and I’m writing a blog post to help people choose the least-worst 2020 Employee Retention Credit interpretation — because even though the pandemic is starting to show in our rearview mirrors, we are still living in a universe totally devoid of IRS guidance on the topic of ERC shareholder eligibility. Accountants jokingly refer to this mystery as the Tax Advisers’ “Area 51” on #TaxTwitter.

What am I talking about? And why am I so annoyed? Let me set the scene:

1) Many small business owners are eligible retroactively for the 2020 Employee Retention Credit (ERC), and the IRS decided that the corresponding reduction in wages for that credit needs to be on the 2020 tax return.

2) However, the company’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Forgiveness application needs to be prepared before calculating the amount of the ERC, in order to maximize the amount of financial relief the client receives between the two programs. Therefore, at our firm, these returns are all on extension while we run these calculations.

3) Now that the first round of PPP loans are nearing the end of the payment deferment period — and to be fair, we’re also only a few months away from the tax return extension deadline — we would like to finalize those calculations and returns. (Reminder: there is no “deadline” for applying for PPP Forgiveness — per the SBA, “borrowers can apply for forgiveness any time up to the maturity date of the loan. If borrowers do not apply for forgiveness within 10 months after the last day of the covered period, then PPP loan payments are no longer deferred, and borrowers will begin making loan payments to their PPP lender.”)

4) The catch is — that the IRS has still not released guidance on whether or not 50%+ owners of a corporation are eligible for the credit (or their spouses who work for the business). Accountants are split down the middle on what the existing legislation, which is extremely unclear, tells us on the topic. As such, we either need to take a position or continue to wait for IRS guidance.

What’s that? You’re saying the IRS has still not issued essential guidance on a credit that was created in the first month of the pandemic? Yes. Yes, I am.

Recently, both the AICPA and Tony Nitti, two of my most trusted sources, have weighed in on this with a big “why is the IRS dragging their heels on this” reaction. Nitti went as far as to say, “Are wages paid to greater than 50% owners eligible for the credit? If I had a nickel for every time someone emailed me this question, I could afford to stop shamelessly and relentlessly shilling this newsletter. It is absolutely amazing that a full year after the ERC was created, we still don’t have a definitive answer.”

Okay, enough backstory. As a small business owner, what are your options? I call them Choice 1 (yes) and Choice 2 (no) for short:

  • #1 Calculate ERC as if owners are eligible and file 2020 income tax returns accordingly. This would result in a higher tax for clients (because more wages are disallowed as deductions). Submit PPP Forgiveness applications, but hold off on submitting ERC claims (941-Xs) until guidance is released. If guidance indicates that owners are eligible, file the ERC claims accordingly. If guidance says owners are not eligible, then amend the income tax returns and file the ERC claims accordingly.

This approach may make the most sense when there are two 50%-owners on payroll, and not many other other staff — as the increased credit would be worth the wait, compared to the total credit without owners.

  • #2 Calculate ERC as if owners are not eligible and file 2020 income tax returns accordingly. This would result in a lower tax for clients (because fewer wages are disallowed as deductions). Submit PPP Forgiveness applications, and submit ERC claims (941-Xs) — rather than holding off on these as in the above option. If guidance is eventually released that indicates owners are not eligible, then no action is needed. If guidance indicates that owners are eligible, then decide whether it is worth amending the income tax returns and ERC claims to get the additional funds.

This approach may make the most sense with only one 50%+ owner and many employees, as the cost to amend all returns and claims will probably not be worth the additional credit.

The goal with both approaches is to get PPP Forgiveness applications and tax returns filed as soon as possible, with the best balance between wage deductions and potential wage credits.

While I was tempted to pick one of these two approaches and inform all clients of our choice, I decided — especially with advice from an AICPA Town Hall — that this is a decision that each client needs to make for themselves. We’re happy to explain the potential costs and benefits of each approach and make a personal recommendation for each client’s individual situation, but the decision should be theirs. We recommend other CPA firms take a similar approach.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

What Does A Tax Extension Mean For You?

It’s that time again… Tax Day (May 17th this year, aka my birthday) is upon us and it’s the end of what is certainly one of — if not the — roughest tax seasons in history. Millions of taxpayers will need to have their returns extended for various reasons. What does this mean? The AICPA has released a “Tax Extension FAQ” for CPA members to share with their clients.

What does filing an “extension” do?

• An extension is a form filed with the IRS to request additional time to file your federal tax return. This extends the due date for submitting your individual return to October 15. In some states, filing an extension with the IRS will automatically extend the time to complete a state income tax return.
• Filing an extension grants you additional time to submit your complete and accurate return, but you still need to estimate whether you will owe any taxes and pay that estimated balance by the original due date.
• Extending your return allows you and your CPA more time to prepare your tax return to ensure the filing of an accurate tax return. In many cases, you may still be waiting for additional information (e.g., Schedules K-1, corrected Forms 1099, etc.) to complete your return.

Why does my CPA suggest we extend my tax return?

• If your CPA has recommended that you file an extension, it may be due to many reasons, such as:
– The volume of data or complexity of certain transactions (e.g., sale of a rental property) on your return requires additional time.
– The amount of time remaining in filing season is limited for the CPA to complete client returns by the due date* due to late-arriving information.
– My note: this year exacerbated the situation by requiring small business CPAs to simultaneously navigate the Restaurant Relief Fund (RRF), PPP1 Forgiveness, and 2020 Employee Retention Credit.
• Many CPAs have a “cutoff” or deadline for clients submitting their tax information so they can plan their workload to ensure all client returns and extensions are completed by the due date.*
• Your CPA may suggest filing an extension if there are aspects of your return affected by pending guidance or legislation.
My note: this is the case for many more clients this year than usual; late-changing tax rules delayed the start of tax season, and waiting for guidance has further stretched it thin.

Am I more likely to be audited if I extend?

• Extending will NOT increase your likelihood of being audited by the IRS.
• It is better to file an extension than to file a return that is incomplete or that you have not had time to carefully review before signing.

What are the primary benefits of extending my tax return?

• It provides for additional time to file returns without penalty when you are waiting for missing information or tax documents (such as corrected Forms 1099). Just remember that an extension provides additional time to file, but no additional time to pay. Penalties may be assessed if sufficient payment is not remitted with the extension.
• You may qualify for additional retirement planning opportunities or additional time to fund certain types of retirement plans (e.g., SEP IRA).
• It is often less expensive (and easier) to file an extension rather than rushing and possibly needing to amend your return later.

Should I do anything differently if I am filing an extension or “going on extension?”

• No, you still should give your CPA whatever information you have as early as possible or as soon as it becomes available.
• Expect to pay any anticipated taxes owed by the due date.* You still need to submit all available tax information to your CPA promptly so they can determine if you will have a balance due or if you can expect a refund.
• If you are required to make quarterly estimated tax payments, individual first quarter estimated tax payments are due April 15. Your CPA may recommend that you pay the balance due for last year and your first quarter estimated tax payment for this year with your extension.
• If you are anticipating a large refund, your CPA will likely try to get your extended return completed as soon as possible once all tax information is available. Your CPA may also want to discuss tax planning opportunities with you so that, in future years, you don’t give the IRS an interest-free loan.

Have there been any changes to the due dates of returns for this year?

• For tax year 2020, the IRS is postponing the deadline for all individual tax returns.
– Individual returns otherwise due April 15 will not have to be filed until May 17, 2021.
– Certain states have also postponed their filing and/or payment due dates.
• Note that victims of natural disasters may be granted extensions, such as victims of the Texas winter storms have until June 15, 2021 to file various individual and business tax returns and to make payments.

My note: I’d like to add that we take filing extensions for our clients very seriously. We collect as much information as we possibly can about the year’s taxable income and deductions, extrapolate based on information from the prior year, and build a complete tax return — filling in estimates where needed. This way, we get as accurate a picture as we can so as to project how much might be owed to the tax agencies. We do our best, although it’s not perfect, and as a result, much more work is involved in putting together an extension than most folks might think.

More from the IRS on filing extensions here, including a link to file your own for free.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

I Was Named One Of The Top 50 Women In Accounting!

It’s taken me a month to make the announcement, because the award timing was smack-dab in the middle of tax season… but I was recently named one of the Top 50 Women in Accounting by Practice Ignition — one of only 20 women in the United States.

The coveted international annual award, in the words of the sponsors, is determined as such:

Those included in the list came from all corners of the globe and ranked among the highest on our anonymised scoring system which took into account;

  • Dedication to promoting inclusivity and diversity in the workplace and beyond
  • Investment in the next generation and the future leaders of accounting
  • Advocacy of the accounting industry and support of the wider community

I was honored to be nominated, even more so to be awarded, and excited to have the opportunity to share how our firm lifts up the voices of women in our field. The award is designed to celebrate the women who are driving advocacy, change and creating opportunities in the Accounting and Bookkeeping industry.

As such, they asked us the following questions, and I wanted to share my answers, because I feel that an award is only as good as the reasons for its being given. Thank you to Practice Ignition and the greater accounting and bookkeeping community for this wonderful honor.

1) Provide an example of how you are actively promoting inclusivity and diversity in your workplace?

Our firm is focused on a hyper-local population of small businesses in my Chicago neighborhood, so most inclusivity efforts are focused here in the community. I speak Spanish, which enables me to share vital accounting information with an often-underserved population. 

I’ve done significant outreach to Spanish-speaking communities regarding PPP lending. Almost a quarter of Chicagoans are native Spanish speakers, and the pandemic has made the need for professional fiscal guidance for these small business owners more urgent. I spearheaded a pro bono event for our state representative’s office in a largely Latino neighborhood, which was then translated into Spanish, and did a radio interview on a Spanish-langage show to promote it. I also created a blog post with both my interview and the Spanish-translated version of the webinar

I do this work after-hours, for free: not to court clients or try to be a hero, but because I believe all small businesses deserve access to expert guidance, not just those who can afford it—especially during a massive economic contraction. 

I also strive to mentor, coach, and funnel new business towards bookkeepers and accountants of color. I’m privileged to have an amazing network and share with others as much as possible. 

2) Explain how you are investing in, and championing, the future of accounting and advocating for the next generation of leaders?

Because I believe in promoting food security, worker fairness and equitable economics, I’m working to mentor the next generation in the specifics of co-op accounting. I give presentations for the NCBA (National Co-op Business Association), NSAC (National Society of Accountants for Cooperatives) and CPG (Co-op Professionals Guild) on the different types of co-ops, demonstrating their sustainability as an economic structure. The pro bono work I do in these groups is an effective way to share knowledge—teaching valuable skills and modeling leadership for the next generation.

I also offer numerous free webinars and consultations to young women accountants through organizations like Bookkeeping Buds (more below). In addition, I employ three outstanding women as my staff—having introduced two of them to this career path and provided their initial training and development. They receive both monthly and annual paid training hours, and we have weekly mentorship meetings—as well as ad hoc training sessions—and I pay for their continuing education classes. This investment benefits my business in the short run, but I do it because I’m committed to their professional development long-term as women in a male-dominated industry. My first hire has even gone on to start her own bookkeeping business.

3) Provide an example of how you are promoting advocacy of the accounting industry and actively supporting the wider community.

I provide regular pro bono continuing education and mentoring for newer industry members through Bookkeeping Buds, a national community that helps women bookkeepers grow stronger practices by sharing support, resources and education. Throughout the pandemic, I’ve shared my expertise in areas such as PPP,  ERC, RRF, and local/state/industry grants—as well as the bookkeeping and tax ramifications of those programs—extensively: on a daily basis with members on Slack, and through free targeted webinars. I was honored to be awarded 2020’s “Bud of the Year” for my contributions!

My award-winning blog is the community service I offer of which I am proudest, because I use it to.provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds to hire a CPA. I earn no money from ads or commissions.

Finally, I made the decision not to charge my clients for work on COVID-19 relief resources in the first three months of the pandemic. These small businesses were already hard-hit—to ask for money they don’t have during an economic crisis simply didn’t feel right to me. Giving small businesses my time was the best way I could think of to help them—and my beloved Chicago community of Logan Square—survive.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

Restaurant Revitalization Fund: Client Options for Tax & ERC Filings

Cafe Mustache, Logan Square, Chicago, IL

The Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) is a grant calculated by subtracting 2020 revenue from 2019 revenue to calculate the total drop between the two years — presumably caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. To substantiate the amount of the revenue decrease between 2019 and 2020, the SBA will be requesting tax returns for both years. There are other documents that will be acceptable, but the way to get the application through the system as quickly as possible – processed by computers rather than slowed down by human review – is to use tax returns.

The issue is that many restaurants are also eligible retroactively for the 2020 Employee Retention Credit (ERC), and the IRS has recently ordered that the corresponding reduction in wages for that credit needs to be on the 2020 tax return. However, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Forgiveness applications need to be prepared before calculating the amount of the ERC, in order to maximize the amount of financial relief the client receives between the two programs. Therefore, at our firm, these returns are all on extension while we run these calculations.

Now that the RRF is about to open – possibly as soon as the third week of April – we would like to finalize those calculations and returns, but the catch is that the IRS has still not released guidance on whether or not 50%+ owners of a business are eligible for the credit. Accountants are split down the middle on what the existing legislation, which is extremely unclear, tells us on the topic. As such, we either need to take a position or wait for IRS guidance.

(In the past two days, both the AICPA and Tony Nitti, two of my most trusted sources, have weighed in on this with a big “why is the IRS dragging their heels on this” reaction. Nitti went as far as to say, “Are wages paid to greater than 50% owners eligible for the credit? If I had a nickel for every time someone emailed me this question, I could afford to stop shamelessly and relentlessly shilling this newsletter. It is absolutely amazing that a full year after the ERC was created, we still don’t have a definitive answer.”)

So the options are:

  • #1 Calculate ERC as if owners are eligible and file 2020 income tax returns accordingly. This would result in a higher tax for clients (because more wages are disallowed as deductions). Submit PPP Forgiveness applications, but hold off on submitting ERC claims (941-Xs) until guidance is released. If guidance indicates that owners are eligible, file the ERC claims accordingly. If guidance says owners are not eligible, then amend the income tax returns and file the ERC claims accordingly.

This approach may make the most sense when there are two 50%-owners on payroll, and not many other other staff — as the increased credit would be worth the wait, compared to the total credit without owners.

  • #2 Calculate ERC as if owners are not eligible and file 2020 income tax returns accordingly. This would result in a lower tax for clients (because fewer wages are disallowed as deductions). Submit PPP Forgiveness applications, and submit ERC claims (941-Xs) — rather than holding off on these as in the above option. If guidance is eventually released that indicates owners are not eligible, then no action is needed. If guidance indicates that owners are eligible, then decide whether it is worth amending the income tax returns and ERC claims to get the additional funds.

This approach may make the most sense with only one 50%+ owner and many employees, as the cost to amend all returns and claims will probably not be worth the additional credit.

To clarify, neither approach will hold up the RRF or cause a smaller amount to be awarded, because ERC is not considered income (that’s why the wages they pay for cannot be deducted). The goal with both approaches is to get tax returns ready for the RRF application as soon as possible, with the best balance between wage deductions and potential wage credits.

While I was tempted to pick one of these two approaches and inform all clients of our choice, I decided — especially with advice from the AICPA Town Hall yesterday — that this is a decision that each client needs to make for themselves. We’re happy to explain the potential costs and benefits of each approach and make a personal recommendation for each client’s individual situation, but the decision should be theirs. We recommend other CPA firms take a similar approach.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.