One of my favorite aspects of the work I do is engaging with people and sharing knowledge. With so much confusion in the current climate, especially surrounding small business survival, I’ve been pleased to have opportunities to dispel some of the misinformation out there and bring clarity to extremely challenging topics.
Among the most recent appearances were ABC 7 Chicago, WRLR Radio, and Q&A sessions with State Representative Will Guzzardi — at his most recent Town Hall — as well as professional organizations Bookkeeping Buds and the Logan Square Chamber of Commerce. (See the Speaking Engagements section of my Services page for links to all the above and more.) My interview with Block Club Chicago went on to inspire a favorite recent blog post.
And at times I’ve even been so lucky as to share the stage with clients, most recently Chris Busse of Penguin Foot Pottery and Dinah Grossman of Spinning J Cafe & Bakery. These folks inspire me daily and are one of the reasons I do what I do (well, two of the reasons). Their companies have focused on taking care of employees above all else — not only their safety, but also their financial well-being and health benefits. And they have harnessed their own creativity, resiliency, and flexibility as true entrepreneurs to carve out a new space for their offerings in a vastly different world, redefining themselves in the process.
Spinning J is offering homemade comfort food and groceries — full dinners available for pick-up or delivery, along with take-and-bake rolls and their famous pies. The decision to stretch their prep time so that staff work 24-hours-a-day in shifts, and to have their own employees run deliveries, allows them to maintain social distancing while keeping the paychecks coming. And by offering grocery staples, they are helping their vendors and maintaining supply chains as well.
If you are a small business owner looking for ways to pivot your business and re-imagine yourself, see my recent blog post on Small Business Advice. If you run a professional or public organization and are looking for an impassioned speaker full of knowledge on small business relief options, reach out to me to see if we’re a good fit. And if you want to learn pottery or eat comfort food from the safety of your home — or any number of other amazing offerings — check out my awesome clients.
The Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection is no longer offering their usual onsite workshops, but they are announcing a few virtual ones — not a whole month at-a-time, so I’ll just append this post as I learn of new ones. Here’s what we know about so far.
Wednesday, 5/13 at 3:00 PM Webinar Protecting Yourself Against Business COVID and Cybersecurity Scams – Stop Perpetrators in Their Tracks Presented by the Better Business Bureau of Chicago and Northern Illinois and Sagin IT Services/Data Protection and Network Security
Better Business Bureau of Chicago and Northern Illinois and Sagin IT Services/Data Protection and Network Security will team up for “Protecting yourself against Business COVID and Cybersecurity Scams – Stop Perpetrators in their Tracks.”
Click here to register for the Wednesday, 5/13 Webinar.
Thursday, 5/14 at 9:30 AM Webinar Paycheck Protection Program & Other SBA Resources for Small Businesses Presented by the SBA Public Affairs Specialist Jessica Mayle
If your small business has been impacted by coronavirus, join this free online training to learn more about serveral funding programs to address the COVID-19 outbreak, including the Paycheck Protection Program. We’ll discuss eligibility requirements, how to find a lender, and timelines for disbursement. Bring your questions.
Click here to register for the Thursday, 5/14 Webinar.
Friday, 5/15 at 9:30 AM Webinar Manage Your Business Remotely Presented by JinJa Birkenbeuel, Birk Creative, A Certified Grow With Google Partner
In this live class, I will share the free and easy to access Google tools that can help you stay productive no matter where you are. In this session we’ll show you how to: – Update your customers with critical business information through your Business Profile, Google Ads, and your website. – Communicate remotely with your customers and employees with tools like Google Meets and Gmail, and how to access and collaborate on files with your team through Google Drive. – And we’ll share next steps and resources available to help you manage remotely.
Wednesday, 5/20 at 3:00 PM Webinar A Focus on Empathy: Storytelling in Branding Presented by Adam Arcus, VP, Creative at 1871
Learn the importance of storytelling in branding that engages empathy alongside design, multimedia, and copywriting with Adam Arcus, VP, Creative at 1871. Take away tangible and actionable methods on how to lead with empathy as a business in order to connect with your customers during the Coronavirus Pandemic including: memory making science, multimedia storytelling made simple, and the importance of narrative in a brand.
Click hereto register for the Wednesday, 5/20 Webinar.
Friday, 5/22 at 9:30 AM Webinar Small Business Capital and Coaching During the Recovery Presented by Accion Serving Illinois & Indiana
As Chicago’s economy starts to reopen, how can your business be best prepared? Join this presentation, with moderated Q&A after, in which Accion Serving Illinois & Indiana CEO Brad McConnell will discuss capital and coaching options for small business during the COVID-19 recovery period.
Click here to register for the Friday, 5/22 Webinar.
Wednesday, 5/27 at 3:00 PM Webinar Transform Your Dream Into a Real Startup Presented by Score Chicago
Do you have what it takes to start and run a successful business? If so, do you know what the start-up journey is like? Or what initial steps you need to take? This webinar will help you assess your prospects, give you the initial direction you need, and inspire you to move forward to realize your dream. The webinar will also cover pricing, promotion, competition and marketing to give you a competitive edge. Topics Covered in the Start-up Webinar: · Identifying Successful Traits · Assessing Your Journey · Navigating Organization and Regulations · Gauging Market Potential · Avoiding Failure
Click here to register for the Wednesday, 5/27 Webinar.
Friday, 5/29 at 9:30 AM Webinar Marketing Strategy and Tactic Presented by Chimbly Consultants
Are you wondering what a marketing strategy can look like? Are you interested in learning about how marketing tactics are connected to strategy? In this workshop, Francisco Ramirez from Chimbly Consultants will cover the basics of marketing starting with strategy. Participants will leave with an understanding of the importance of marketing strategy and what tactics to use and measure to be successful in business.
Click hereto register for the Friday, 5/29 Webinar.
To view the Paycheck Protection Program & Other SBA Resources for Small Businesses, click here.
To view the Resources Small Businesses During the COVID Pandemic, click here.
To view the Navigating the New Stay at Home Order, click here.
To view the Workers’ Rights and Resources During COVID-19 webinar-Spanish, click here.
To view the Workers’ Rights and Resources During COVID-19 webinar-English, click here.
Partner Webinars:
To view the Coronavirus (covid-19): Small Business Guiance & Loan Resources by The Small Business Administration (SBA),click here.
To view Coronavirus (covid-19) Small Business Guidance & Loan Recovery for Sole Proprietors by The Small Business Administration (SBA),click here.
If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.
Things are scary right now — we’re seeing how size and capital are rewarded in tough times, not just good ones. We’re recognizing that operating on cash flow and not having savings is risky. And we’re keenly aware of how our employees depend on their jobs for their health insurance.
But it’s not all grim… we’re not entirely powerless. There are loads of resources out there, and if we went into entrepreneurship in the first place, chances are we have some of our own: Creativity, Resilience, and Flexibility: – Creativity? Brainstorm. Imagine a new world, not a return to the old one. – Resiliency? You’ve likely overcome struggles before, or know other business owners who have. Tap into this. – Flexibility? Take off the blinders and open up your view to all the possibilities out there.
With that in mind, here are ten valuable pieces of advice for what to do next.
1) If you still have staff you’re paying, I recommend taking advantage of the Employee Retention Tax Credit that you get by reducing your required regular payroll deposits, and applying for the balance on Form 7200. I know that Gusto (my favorite payroll company) is helping many of its clients through this process, which provides immediate cash in the form of certain payroll tax payments that don’t have to be made (in essence an advance on the credit). Treasury has indicated that you cannot take ERTC and PPP at the same time (though it sounds like they are working on a way for folks to take advantage of ERTC and simply have it deducted from the PPP forgiveness should the business end up with PPP funding).
2) Payroll Tax Deferral – similar to the above, in the sense that you only benefit from this if you have staff still on payroll (or yourself if you are a shareholder-employee), but this one is just a delayed payment of the employer portion of Social Security taxes. Again, I know Gusto is doing this for their clients on request. And again, guidance initially indicated that you couldn’t do payroll deferrals and PPP, but has since indicated that you can defer these payroll taxes until the end of the PPP forgiveness period, and the original due dates for the deferment will stick. More info here.
3) EIDL – the Economic Injury Disaster Loans are still an option for farmers only. Only the advance is forgiven, and there’s no way to know how much of an advance you’ll get (though in general it seems to line up with $1K per employee), but if you need cash, you should apply. If you request $25K or less, there’s no personal guarantee or collateral required.
4) Regarding the Paycheck Protection Program: – Get your PPP application in order if you have not applied already. I’ve got a whole list of lenders accepting applications in this blog post. – Similarly, work with your accountant to establish a plan for tracking the loan for forgiveness, so you have everything set up properly from the moment the funds are received. There’s a lot we don’t know about the forgiveness calculations from SBA. Make a plan to structure your forgiveness-period payroll to ensure the maximum amount of the loan will be forgiven. – And make sure you have a business checking account! Some folks are using personal checking accounts for their business – these rules about this changed four years ago, but some were apparently grandfathered in, and these small business owners are finding that the banks will not even consider their applications as a result – even though they’ve been banking there for ages. The banks are prohibited from depositing PPP funds into a personal account.
5) Pivot Your Business: If you haven’t already, start redefining your business model now. Even once the stay-at-home order is lifted, it might be quite some time before people are comfortable shopping or dining or drinking out. Research alternative models; ask around as to what other businesses are doing; investigate new revenue streams; communicate with your employees.
Some examples: – switching to online sales and other new/expanded sales channels (even for service-based businesses like entertainment, makeup/hair lessons, art/hobby and cooking classes); – offering virtual shopping and curbside pickup; – pairing with other businesses to deliver/ship care-packages; – going to a 100% take-out model with a contactless pick-up window; – having staff take care of customer ordering and deliveries instead of GrubHub or Caviar, or switch to a co-op bike delivery service; – provide services for free and ask for tips, donations, or pay-as-you-can; – increasing your marketing and social media presence, improving your website; – offering in-demand products along with your usual offerings, such as groceries or alcohol; – teaming up with your local Chamber of Commerce to establish a virtual neighborhood store, and more.
This is likely the #1 most important thing you can do to come out on the other side once this is behind us. And don’t just take my word for it. Lots of resources are out there to help you reinvent yourself. Among them: five things to recognize now: you’re not alone; what you do now will determine your future success; recognize that the future has already changed; we can never over-prepare… and this too shall pass.
6) Go on unemployment. If you’re no longer able to pay yourself, or you’re paying yourself a substantially reduced salary, you may be eligible. Shareholder-employees have been eligible since Day One for the full amount (they receive W-2s from their own companies and have been paying into the system all along), and as of yesterday, self-employed folks such as sole proprietors and partners in partnerships are able to apply. Even if you received PPP funds, you can claim backpay for the period of time between when you stopped being able to pay yourself and when the PPP funds arrived.
7) Remember that there is currently no 10% penalty for withdrawing retirement funds – if you feel confident that you can survive this period but need cash now to do it, consider accessing those accounts now.
8) Cash flow forecasting is something I wish all small businesses did, but they don’t. Consider working with your accountant to build a cash-flow projection system to figure out how to get through this. is a great resource, and they offer free webinars on how to forecast, if you don’t have a professional you can go to (or even if you do).
Once you’ve gone through the effort, you can then see: – Are there any weeks where it looks like there will be a cash shortfall? – If so, what is the plan to address that? – Can we adjust in- and outflows to attain a better cash position by:
Reducing days sales in accounts receivable
Extending repayment days in accounts payable
Negotiating better terms with suppliers on purchases
Reducing operating expenses
Delaying capital purchases
Sell equipment that is no longer needed
Run specials on any slow-moving inventory to convert it to cash
Have owners contribute additional equity or loans to the company
9) Apply for small business grants — the focus has been on PPP, EIDL, ERTC and other federal relief efforts, but remember that there are public and private resources available at the state, county and city levels as well. You can just google “COVID relief” and the name of your industry and see the various options.
10) And I know this sounds insane… but try to take moments, tiny little vacations, away from your anxiety. I have to tell myself this every day. There is so much that is out of our hands; we have to work on the things over which we have control, and try to let go of what we don’t. The world isn’t working the way we want it to, or maybe even thought it did. For a lot of us, that’s a shock, and the emotional weight of that can pull us down. To survive this, we’ll need to shake off the anxiety and plan for a brighter future.
If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.
Earlier this week, the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) released new instructions for 1099 workers who have lost work due to COVID-19. The new Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program provides 100% federally-funded unemployment benefits for individuals who are unemployed for specified COVID-19-related reasons and are not eligible for the state’s regular unemployment insurance program. Workers, including independent contractors, who believe they may qualify for new federal benefits under PUA must first apply for regular unemployment insurance before applying for benefits under PUA. The new PUA application portal is set to open on May 11.
Workers who believe they may be eligible for new federal benefits under the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program must first apply for regular unemployment insurance before applying for benefits under PUA when a new application portal opens on May 11, 2020 via the IDES website.
If claimants receive an eligibility determination of $0, they can then appeal that decision by providing verification of wages earned, or they can submit a claim for PUA benefits. Claimants who have already applied for and been denied regular unemployment benefits can submit a claim through the new PUA portal when it opens. Receiving a denial for regular unemployment benefits is a mandatory first step in determining eligibility for PUA.
Filing for regular unemployment also provides claimants the opportunity to select how they want to receive benefits. Eligible claimants can choose between direct deposit or a [Key Bank] debit card onto which their benefits will be loaded. Debit cards can take up to one to two weeks to receive in the mail while direct deposit payments take two to three days once a claimant completes their weekly certification for benefits.
PUA provides 100% federally-funded unemployment benefits for individuals who are unemployed for specified COVID-19-related reasons and are not eligible for the state’s regular unemployment insurance program, the extended benefit (EB) program under Illinois law, or the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation program (PEUC), including independent contractors and sole-proprietors. Up to 39 weeks’ worth of benefits are potentially available under the program for COVID-19-related unemployment claims.
PUA claims will be backdated to the individuals’ first week of unemployment, but no earlier than February 2, 2020, and will continue for as long as the individual remains unemployed as a result of COVID-19, but no later than the week ending December 26, 2020. The program is similar to the federal Disaster Unemployment Assistance program which provides unemployment benefits in response to local disasters.
IDES Website, May 11 2020
From the feedback I’ve gotten from clients, even if you recently received PPP funding, you can apply for back-pay for the past two months — then you only certify for the weeks up until you received the PPP loan funds. You’ll indicate that you file Form 1040, as both your partnership income will show up there (Schedule E) and your sole proprietorship income will show up there (Schedule C). You’ll need to provide your 2019 tax returns, and income numbers from the return’s front-page. You also will need your driver’s license and social security numbers, and you’ll need to pick an appropriate job title/description.
To reiterate, you have to apply for regular unemployment and get denied first. Then on the middle of the regular unemployment page (as in, about halfway down) — there’s a button that says “certify for PUA” — it actually contains the application as well as the certification. You follow the prompts, answer the questions, upload your tax documentation… and wait.
Many thanks to the clients and colleagues who assisted in updating me with their personal experiences! If you have more to add, please do so in the comments rather than emailing me directly, so more folks can benefit from your experiences.
If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.
Starting later this month, the number of paper checks being delivered to taxpayers will sharply increase. For many taxpayers, the last chance to obtain a direct deposit of their Economic Impact Payment rather than receive a paper check is coming soon. People should visit Get My Payment on by noon Wednesday, May 13, to check on their payment status and, when available, provide their direct deposit information.
The IRS, working in partnership with Treasury Department and the Bureau of Fiscal Services (BFS), continues to accelerate work to get Economic Impact Payments to even more people as soon as possible. Approximately 130 million individuals have already received payments worth more than $200 billion in the program’s first four weeks.
With a variety of steps underway to speed Economic Impact Payments, the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service urged people to use Get My Payment by noon Wednesday, May 13, for a chance to get quicker delivery.
See this handy blog post for tips, tools and resources on IRS Stimulus Payments.
If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.
ABA Banking Journal reported last night that the SBA has updated its Payroll Protection Program FAQ confirming that PPP “borrowers who attempt to rehire employees that were laid off will not have their loan forgiveness amounts reduced if those employees decline the offer to return to work”.
The exact wording of FAQ #40 is here:
This is huge news for some of my clients who run restaurants, cafes, retail, and other types of businesses where working remotely is not an option, and where working conditions are cramped and staff are unable to maintain 6-foot social distancing. Understandably, some employees are hesitant to return to a job that puts their health and the health of their families and communities at risk, especially if those staff members or their loved ones are immuno-compromised.
There has been a lot of political talk about this situation, criticizing furloughed employees for this choice, but let’s all try to remember that the only folks making more money on unemployment are generally earning less than $45,000 annually — and these are the people we’re asking to put their lives in danger for our economic benefit. It’s not exactly a fair criticism, in my opinion.
That said, it certainly negatively affects the small business owners I serve, and I have been challenged by these dual needs pulling my heart in opposite directions, as I can empathize with both perspectives. The business needs to spend 75% of the PPP funds on payroll, and maintain 75% of the prior full-time-equivalent hours for their staff. So if staff are unwilling to return, then the entire PPP forgiveness is put at-risk.
This new FAQ lifts that burden for employers, which I applaud. It does make it clear that the unemployment benefits for those employees may be in jeopardy as a result, but at least the owner does not have to shoulder the burden of being the bad guy who reports them (at least, not according to this FAQ — state unemployment laws may have other requirements).
Two recommendations for business-owners who receive PPP funds and are challenged by this situation, where former employees do not want to return to a risky work environment because they are making enough on unemployment:
Offer returning staff a hazard-pay bonus to make it worth the risk. Obviously this isn’t an option for those who are immuno-compromised, since no amount of money is worth their life; but for everyone else, consider increasing their pay temporarily with weekly retention bonuses. This will increase company loyalty, help meet the 75% payroll rule for PPP forgiveness, and assist in rebuilding the business. You can easily set up a “Hazard Bonus” payroll item in your payroll software.
Point out to staff that returning to work will leave them additional unused weeks of unemployment pay for future use, if the business ends up having to close again after the PPP funds are exhausted.
Finally, some good news. Awaiting further guidance on PPP forgiveness and will be posting more as I learn more.
If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.
According to Antonio Romanucci, a speaker on today’s Crain’s “Crisis Relief for Businesses” webcast, he has yet to see a single insurance company honor a business interruption claim due to COVID-19 and the resulting stay-at-home orders.
The devil is in the details here, and there are several parts of insurance policies that are at the heart of the discussions:
Does a policy cover “All Risks” against loss or physical damage or is there “Stated Peril” for loss or damage to policies based on certain, covered causes?
Is there coverage for losses due to decisions or directions by a Civil Authority, like the government directed shutdown of non-essential businesses?
Is there a Virus Exclusion that does not cover losses due to viruses or bacteria, which could be general or name specific viruses or bacteria?
Regardless of the language in their policy, business owners should file a claim in writing to determine their insurance company’s response and, if the claim is denied, consider a conversation with a legal expert to have their policy reviewed and consider possible next steps, which could include the filing of a legal complaint to bring in the judicial system to review the insurance contract and declare whether or not coverage is deserved.
Insurance companies have collected billions of dollars in premiums that should first be paid to policyholders to keep those smaller businesses from going bankrupt. If the pandemic leads to critical financial strain on the insurance industry, then those enormous corporations should turn to the federal government for a bailout, very much like what is being given to the airline industry.
If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.
UPDATE 6/10/20: Sec. Carranza indicated today that new EIDL applicants will begin to be accepted next week — they are still working through the queue of previous applicants, but as they get a handle on that, the system will be available again (currently it is only available to farmers). I have a client who applied on April 8th who received their loan this past week, so I can confirm that they really are still in-motion… when you see money suddenly show up in your bank account with “SBA TREAS” in the description, that’s probably it.
As of 11:15 am Central Time, April 27th, this is the news (above) from the SBA website on Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) funding. To me, it sounds like they’re saying that unlike the PPP, the EIDL did maintain a queue of existing applications. More to come soon — check back on their website regularly.
Gusto recently released a solid, comprehensive write-up on the EIDL with step-by-step instructions on how to apply. Check it out.
I’m also getting a lot of questions about random amounts that are showing up in the accounts of folks who applied for both EIDL and PPP — so here are a few tips:
Remember, the EIDL funding comes straight from the SBA, not a bank, and so the bank feed description will usually read something like “SBA Treas.” Whereas PPP comes from the bank through whom you applied.
Also, EIDL funds tend to be even numbers, whereas PPP funding is more often for odd amounts (and you’ll usually know what this is before the amount arrives).
You will always have to sign for a PPP loan before it is disbursed. Whereas you may receive the EIDL advance with no paperwork beyond the initial application, and no notice ahead-of-time that it will be funded.
Presumably there should be less confusion between these amounts and the IRS Stimulus Checks, as those are for personal accounts, versus EIDL and PPP, which are for business accounts.
If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.
I have a lot of small business clients in retail and services that could use some assistance pivoting their offerings online, and am hoping this webinar can provide a jumping-off point.
Presented by World Business Chicago – Join 37 Oaks Consulting, ChiBizHub, World Business Chicago and City of Chicago Business Affairs & Consumer Protection (BACP) for an informational webinar to help inspire you on ways you can shift, move or elevate your business to an e-commerce model.
If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.