Category Archives: Tips

City of Chicago July 2019 Business Education Workshops

Each month the City of Chicago offers twice-weekly (Wed & Fri) FREE business education workshops presented by experts in private practice as well as representatives from various city departments. There are quite a few good ones this month — see the list below — and they’re all offered at City Hall (right downtown and near public transit). To register for any of them, email or call 312.744.2086.

Everything You Need To Know About Business Insurance
Wed, July 3, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by Sandra Cavato Insurance Agency
In this session, attendees will learn the coverages needed for their business. We’ll discuss the right questions to ask your insurance professional and how to protect yourself and your business against lawsuits.


City Inspections – Ask Questions, Get Answers
Wed, July 10, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by the City of Chicago
To operate a successful business in Chicago you need to know what it takes to maintain compliance. Officials from several City departments will provide insight on how to operate safely, stay compliant, help prepare for inspections and highlight the do’s and don’ts of operating a business.

A Simple Recipe for Social Media Success
Fri, July 12, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 11th Floor, Room 1103
Presented by Stephanie Walters, MBA, Blue Top Marketing
As a small business, social media is overwhelming and often feels like you’re just spinning your wheels. You have to figure out where to be, how to be engaging, and how to get results—all with a limited amount of time and resources. That’s why in this session we’ll provide a recipe for social media that saves time and gets results to grow your business. You’ll learn how to choose the right social networks for your business, the 15-minute social media plan and getting started in the pay-to-play world of social media.

Get Capital for Your Small Business with Kiva and Accion
Wed, July 17, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by David Johnson, Accion & Ryan Holland, Kiva
Hear from Kiva, a nonprofit that provides 0% interest loans of up to $10,000 to small business owners and entrepreneurs, and from Accion, a small business lender with loan ranges of up to $100,000 for small and existing businesses.

Recognizing and Protecting Your Company’s Trademarks, Patents, Trade Secrets, and Copyrights
Fri, July 19, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
City Hall, 121 N. La Salle Street – 11th Floor, Room 1103
Presented by Patrick J. Smith, Partner, registered patent attorney at Greer, Burns & Crain, Ltd.
Learn the basic differences between copyrights, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets and the assets they protect. Knowing the differences will help you to take the right steps and make the right decisions to protect your company’s intellectual property assets.

How To Use Facebook Live And Other Streams To Build Your Business
Wed, July 24, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by Jackson DeLisle, Social Jack
Video has proven to be the best method to increase engagement, over 10x more response than regular text and images! Now we have Instagram, YouTube, Facebook LIVE Streaming and others, even LinkedIn is getting in on the action, and Jackson will share his team’s best video and streaming techniques and case studies. Social Jack™ has produced and worked with over 2,000 videos and streams as it relates to Social Media. He will share how they use multiple stream options to test and feed video content for quick use, test and conversion. Then once those streams are over, it’s time to turn those videos into a campaign. You will leave with an easy to follow overview of their process so that you can implement and enjoy the rewards of live streaming and video conversion. In this session, you’ll leave with tips to kick up your live stream attendance, how to setup and use Facebook LIVE, steps to optimize your YouTube Channel, easy to follow production steps , hacks to quickly convert your video to a campaign, how to leverage team’s members and influencers and a simple checklist to put this into practice.

The Business of Entrepreneurship
Fri, July 26, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 11th Floor, Room 1103
Presented by Vincent Williams , Director of Business & Entrepreneurship – YWCA Metropolitan Chicago
Starting a business is not easy. It takes commitment, dedication, support and follow thought. Join us in the workshop to learn our top tips for startup success.

To register for a workshop, email or call 312.744.2086.

Also, in case you weren’t aware, BACP offers a Business Start-Up Certificate Program, designed to give business owners the essential elements in starting and growing a business. Attend nine workshops at BACP and learn the essentials of business planning, financing, marketing, legal issues, technology and more. Complete the program workshops within six months and earn your certificate, as well as get free advice on your business plan. You can register for the Business Start-Up Certificate Program at any BACP workshop. Learn about the full set of BACP offerings here.

And visit their Business Video Library here.

Source: City of Chicago :: Business Education Workshop Calendar

National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson Identifies Priority Challenges for IRS & TAS

I’m personally heartbroken that Nina Olson, the National Taxpayer Advocate for the past 18 years, is retiring at the end of July. She and her staff have done an incredible job advocating on behalf of taxpayers, and doing everything they can to help cut government red tape and shift the focus of Congress and the IRS, bringing attention to the real-world situations their laws, policies and procedures can cause.

In her recently-released 37th and final report to Congress, she reiterated key IRS challenges in the areas of:
– Taxpayer Service
– Appropriate Use of Self-Service Applications
– Treatment of Financially Vulnerable Taxpayers

She also shared a 2019 Filing Season Review and outlined TAS Priority Issues for FY 2020, including the creation and online availability of a roadmap of tax controversies, and limitations on the ability of Amish taxpayers to receive full child tax credit benefits.

Nina left us with these parting words: “even as the system works for most taxpayers most of the time, it doesn’t work for millions of others. Taxpayer service is woefully inadequate. . . IRS audit notices are often unclear, leading some taxpayers to ‘agree’ to assessments by default – even when they don’t owe the tax. And the IRS doesn’t screen for ability to pay before it takes collection actions, thereby causing or worsening financial hardships for financially vulnerable taxpayers. Advocating for taxpayers affected by problems like these, both individually and collectively, has been and will continue to be the work of TAS.”

The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an independent organization within the IRS that helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer rights. Your local advocate’s number is in your local directory and at You can also call TAS toll-free at 877-777-4778. TAS can help if you need assistance in resolving an IRS problem, if your problem is causing financial difficulty, or if you believe an IRS system or procedure isn’t working as it should. The service is free. For more information about TAS and your rights under the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, go to You can get updates on tax topics at,, and

Source: National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson delivers her final report to Congress; identifies priority challenges facing the IRS and TAS | Internal Revenue Service

Come See Me Speak at “Drink & Think”: Wednesday June 26th

I’ll be giving a presentation this Wednesday, June 26th at 5:30 pm at Ampersand Cowork in Logan Square (Chicago) for their series Drink & Think: Entrepreneurship @ Ampersand! The topic is, “Thinking About Starting a Small Business – Side Business – Freelance Gig? Here’s What You Need To Know First.”

Come out and enjoy some drinks & snacks on their gorgeous rooftop deck and learn what you need to know before starting a small business. Tickets are only $5 — get them here:

You’ll learn:
– Why NOT to run a small business… and why bother if it’s that hard?

– When to start it (and what that even means)

– What will you need? Bank accounts, EINs, Business Plans and more

– Technology tips – bookkeeping, payroll, data entry, paperwork

– What’s deductible?

– Choice of entity

– Employees or independent contractors?

– And plenty more fascinating and essential tips.

See you there!


2019 National Small Business Week Virtual Conference Now Available On-Demand

From the SBA (June 16, 2019) — In case you missed the 2019 National Small Business Week Virtual Conference, you are still in luck. The seven webinars are available to watch on demand. The topics include SBA funding programs, driving growth with customer obsession, online marketing and ads, mastering your cash flow, government contracting and disaster preparedness.

Source: 2019 National Small Business Week Virtual Conference | SCORE

Use 2018 IRS Return to Adjust 2019 Withholding

After second-quarter taxes are over and I’m caught up on extended tax returns, I plan to reach out to clients who got surprised with a 2018 tax bill and do a “Paycheck Checkup” with them, to make sure the same thing doesn’t happen for 2019. I’ve had a couple clients already meet to go over their tax returns to figure out “what happened?” The results have most commonly stemmed from the limitation on state/local/property tax deductions to the elimination of the unreimbursed employee expense deduction. However, in some cases it was simply that the new TCJA tax law is too complex to use a regular W-4 to calculate withholding.

So, if you haven’t done a Paycheck Checkup, consider now a good time for it, before it gets too deep into the calendar year to make up the difference via paycheck withholdings.

Source: Done with taxes this year? Use 2018 return to get 2019 withholding right | Internal Revenue Service

City of Chicago June 2019 Business Education Workshops

Each month the City of Chicago offers twice-weekly (Wed & Fri) FREE business education workshops presented by experts in private practice as well as representatives from various city departments. There are quite a few good ones this month — see the list below — and they’re all offered at City Hall (right downtown and near public transit). To register for any of them, email or call 312.744.2086.

City Inspections – Ask Questions, Get Answers
Wed, June 5, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by the City of Chicago
To operate a successful business in Chicago you need to know what it takes to maintain compliance. Officials from several City departments will provide insight on how to operate safely, stay compliant, help prepare for inspections and highlight the do’s and don’ts of operating a business.

Is Your Business In Compliance With The City’s Wage And Sick Leave Ordinance?
Fri, June 7, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 11th Floor, Room 1103
Presented by the City of Chicago Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection (BACP)
Did you know that the minimum wage in Chicago will increase to $13 per hour on July 1, 2019? Learn which employers and workers are affected by the Minimum Wage and Paid Sick Leave Ordinance, how employers can calculate sick leave, and what is required to abide by the ordinance.

Overview of Workplace Harassment & Discrimination
Wed, June 12, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by Charles Krugel, a Management Side Labor, Employment and Human Resource Attorney
A round-table discussion with labor and employment lawyer Charles Krugel, about all forms of workplace harassment and protected class discrimination. As a business owner, learn how to prevent, create policies, investigate, and find solutions to employee misconduct.   

Executive to Entrepreneur – Lowering Card Processing Costs for Your Business
Fri, June 14, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 11th Floor, Room 1103
Presented by Jonathan Simon, Horizon Payments LLC
Would you like to learn how to lower an important but often overlooked cost in your business? Unfortunately, the majority of business owners do not understand what they are paying for or why when they get their credit card processing statement. This workshop is designed to introduce you to the basics of credit card processing: industry and pricing structures, interchange fees, equipment and leases, contracts, surcharging and cash discounting, and how you can make simple changes to save your business money. Current business owners are encouraged to bring a processing statement so they can do their own analysis while new entrepreneurs will learn what to look for in a processor and equipment. Never be caught off-guard by a sales call again!

Executive to Entrepreneur (Part of ‘Hear Us Roar: Women’s Workshop Series’)
Wed, June 19, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Moderated by Kenya Merritt, Chicago Chief Small Business Officer
Are you ready to make the leap from corporate executive to entrepreneurship? If you’re thinking about taking this step, or have already launched your business, come and learn from experts who have transitioned from working for someone else to being their own boss.

Podcasting 101 for Small Businesses
Fri, June 21, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
City Hall, 121 N. La Salle Street – 11th Floor, Room 1103
Presented by Google Digital Coaches & Led by JinJa Birkenbeuel, Founder, The Honest Field Guide Podcast
with Special Guests Jessica Kupferman and Elsie Ecobar, Co-Founders of She Podcasts
Learn about the benefits of a podcast for your business and how to create, record, launch and distribute a podcast. Discover the easiest platforms to launch and how to select affordable equipment to record your podcast. You will also learn about types of content formats and to how to name, brand, market, and monetize your podcast.

Record Keeping, Compliance and Winning Strategy
Wed, June 26, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by Al Beheary, M.S., LUTCF, GRI, Financial & Insurance Consultants (F.I.C.)
This class will pave the way for anyone who wants to start a business endeavor or has an existing, to learn good financial habits. You will get a chance to learn how to keep your records, how long to keep them and best practices that may help you start or keep your business. Do not be victim to audits or compliance reviews. Be ready and proactive. Bring your questions, forms and paperwork and ask as many questions as you can.

Small Business Center on the Road Expo
Thu, June 27, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
1871, 222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza #1212, Chicago, IL 60654
The Small Business Center on the Road Expo is free and open to the public. It provides new and existing entrepreneurs resources to start or grow their business here in Chicago.
For more information and to register go to 

Ten Practical Legal Tips for Small Business Success
Fri, June 28, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 11th Floor, Room 1103
Presented by Lema Khorshid, Fuksa Khorshid, LLC
Running a small business takes a lot of work. Often, a handful of employees fill a variety of roles, meaning that everyone has to bring serious hard work, dedication, self-motivation, and multitasking skills to the table. Amid all this, it can be easy to forget about the legal aspects of running a business. However, attending to these matters sooner rather than later is likely to save you time, stress, and expense in the long run. Join us in this workshop to learn our top 10 legal tips for small business success.

To register for a workshop, email or call 312.744.2086.

Also, in case you weren’t aware, BACP offers a Business Start-Up Certificate Program, designed to give business owners the essential elements in starting and growing a business. Attend nine workshops at BACP and learn the essentials of business planning, financing, marketing, legal issues, technology and more. Complete the program workshops within six months and earn your certificate, as well as get free advice on your business plan. You can register for the Business Start-Up Certificate Program at any BACP workshop. Learn about the full set of BACP offerings here.

And visit their Business Video Library here.

Source: City of Chicago :: Business Education Workshop Calendar

Crain’s Chicago Small Business Week

From the Logan Square Chamber of Commerce:

Celebrate Small Business Week
When: May 5th- 11th
Be a part of Crain’s 10th annual Small Business Week. The largest educational and business development event in the region—just for small business owners, entrepreneurs and those who want to join this world. The event finder page has programs to help all life cycle stages of business. Be sure to set time aside to take full advantage of five days of networking, fact-finding, building, sharing and celebrating your business success.

Source: Crain’s Small Business Week | Crain’s Chicago Business

City of Chicago May 2019 Business Education Workshops

Each month the City of Chicago offers twice-weekly (Wed & Fri) FREE business education workshops presented by experts in private practice as well as representatives from various city departments. There are quite a few good ones this month — see the list below — and they’re all offered at City Hall (right downtown and near public transit). To register for any of them, email or call 312.744.2086.

City Inspections – Ask Questions, Get Answers
Wed, May 1, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by the City of Chicago
To operate a successful business in Chicago you need to know what it takes to maintain compliance. Officials from several City departments will provide insight on how to operate safely, stay compliant, help prepare for inspections and highlight the do’s and don’ts of operating a business.

SBA Financial Assistance; What You Need, When You Need It
Fri, May 3, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 11th Floor, Room 1103
Presented by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
If you need access to capital to help you achieve your business goals, the SBA offers a variety of funding programs for all kinds of small business ventures. What kind of funding is right for you?

Small Business Center on the Road Expo
Sat, May 4, 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
The Arturo Velasquez Westside Technical Instituite, 2800 S Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60608, USA
The Small Business Center on the Road Expo is free and open to the public.  It provides new and existing entrepreneurs resources to start or grow their business here in Chicago.  
For more information and to register go to

Resources to Start, Run and Grow Your Business
Wed, May 8, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by the City of Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP)
Whether you’re a startup, established or about to expand your business, find out what resources are available to entrepreneurs. In this workshop, we will provide an overview of the resources that are essential to launching or growing a business in Chicago, which include access to capital, supportive services and grants programs. Additionally, we will discuss small business resources that are offered by the City of Chicago, Chambers of Commerce and Business Service Organizations.

Resources for Creative Entrepreneurs
Fri, May 10, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by the City of Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP)
The City of Chicago’s Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection in collaboration with the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events will share tips and resources to assist the creative entrepreneur with launching their business. Presented by Kenya Merritt, City of Chicago Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection (BACP) & Frayne Lewis of the City’s Music Office.

How to Write a Business Plan – What you need to know!
Wed, May 15, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by Donna R. Rockin, Managing Partner of Rockin Enterprises, Inc.
Learn how to create a comprehensive business plan. It’s easier than you think when you understand all the components that get included. You’ll receive a complete list of what to include to demystify the process. Writing a solid business plan is your roadmap to business success.

Meeting Your Cyber Security Challenges in 5 Steps
Fri, May 17, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 11th Floor, Room 1103
Presented by the Better Business Bureau (BBB)
Cyber crime targeting businesses is on- going and continues to be a major concern. Learn how five steps can build awareness and an action plan to deter cyber criminals and help avoid the problems that could destroy a business. This presentation uses the latest information about hackers and data breaches to educate businesses how to protect themselves. Better Business Bureau teamed with National Cyber Security Alliance and National Institute for Science & Technology, along with local cyber security experts to create a scale-able program that any size company can use to create an individualized cyber security program.

How to Open a Concession at O’Hare or Midway Airport
Wed, May 22, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by the Chicago Department of Aviation – Concessions Department
Are you interested in operating a restaurant or shop at O’Hare or Midway International Airport, but don’t know where to begin? Come and learn about the Request for Proposals (RFP) process, how to operate a business at the airport, and a summary of the Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) program.

Nuts and Bolts of Creating a Charitable Organization
Fri, May 24, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 11th Floor, Room 1103
Presented by the Community Law Project
Attend this workshop to learn about the legal steps to becoming a charitable organization, the differences between a for profit and a nonprofit and provide an overview of the legal process of creating a not for profit corporation, developing a board of directors, explain bylaws, and obtaining recognition of 501c3 income tax exemption for the organization.

Accounting Best Practices
Wed, May 29, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by Michelle Ringold, Ringold Financial Management Services, Inc.
At the end of this training, participants should have a better understanding of the importance of accurate financials, requirements, and best industry practices including obtaining financing. The main topics will be as follows: Role of a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Accounting System Basics, Financial Statement Overview, Budgeting/Financial Projections, Securing Banking/Bonding/Proper Insurance and Understanding What it Takes to be Successful.

To register for a workshop, email or call 312.744.2086.

Also, in case you weren’t aware, BACP offers a Business Start-Up Certificate Program, designed to give business owners the essential elements in starting and growing a business. Attend nine workshops at BACP and learn the essentials of business planning, financing, marketing, legal issues, technology and more. Complete the program workshops within six months and earn your certificate, as well as get free advice on your business plan. You can register for the Business Start-Up Certificate Program at any BACP workshop. Learn about the full set of BACP offerings here.

And visit their Business Video Library here.

Source: City of Chicago :: Business Education Workshop Calendar

Distinguishing Investment From Business Activity

“The facts about how a taxpayer conducts their investment activity are more important than whether they are pursuing long-term or short-term results.” -Bryan Camp

I truly enjoyed this engaging article by Bryan Camp in his series “Lesson From the Tax Court” on TaxProf Blog (a member of the Law Professor Blogs network).

The author does a nice job navigating us through three historical tax court decisions, comparing the first two and then using the most recent to explain why the first two still make sense in the context of today’s world and tax code. His reconciliation of the first two cases to (in a sense) produce the third gives us a long history of facts and circumstances that I feel can be used as a pros-and-cons scale (if not an actual template) for arguing a client’s position one way or the other.

If you have any interest in the grey area where “continuity, constant repetition, regularity and extent of effort” comes up against short-term versus long-term investments (stock, real estate, or otherwise), I highly recommend giving it a read.

Source: TaxProf Blog

City of Chicago April 2019 Business Education Workshops

Each month the City of Chicago offers twice-weekly (Wed & Fri) FREE business education workshops presented by experts in private practice as well as representatives from various city departments. There are quite a few good ones this month — see the list below — and they’re all offered at City Hall (right downtown and near public transit). To register for any of them, email or call 312.744.2086.

City Inspections – Ask Questions, Get Answers
Wed, April 3, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by the City of Chicago
To operate a successful business in Chicago you need to know what it takes to maintain compliance. Officials from several City departments will provide insight on how to operate safely, stay compliant, help prepare for inspections and highlight the do’s and don’ts of operating a business.

Business Licensing 101
Fri, April 5, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by City of Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP)
Attendees will learn the 3 steps to obtain a business license and access free business resources to start or expand their business.

Paying Hourly Employees Properly
Wed, April 10, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by Noah Frank, Labor & Employment Attorney in SmithAmundsen’s Chicago Office
The U.S. and Illinois Departments of Labor are increasingly scrutinizing companies to make sure their employee pay procedures and policies are compliant with federal, state, and local laws. Indeed, after years in the making, on March 7, 2019, the U.S. DOL announced its new proposed “Final Rule” for salary exempt employees. Join attorney Noah A. Frank of SmithAmundsen for an engaging, fast-paced discussion on properly classifying employees as exempt vs. non-exempt, making valid wage deductions and reimbursements, and more to stay compliant!

Building a Compelling Brand Marketing Strategy!
Fri, April 12, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 11th Floor, Room 1103
Presented by Dorothy Muszynska, DM Marketing Group
 Businesses must have a compelling Brand Marketing Strategy in place before creating and implementing tactics such as print, digital, social, or event marketing. More often than not, smaller businesses skip the “strategy” step resulting in an unsuccessful tactical execution. In this workshop, we will go through the steps of a simple Brand Marketing Strategy for a product or service. The presenter will be able to answer one-on-one questions in English and Polish after the workshop.

5 Tips To Double Your Online Reviews And Build A Stellar Online Reputation
Wed, April 17, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by Thomas B. Varghese, eBizUniverse
Attend this workshop and you will have an understanding of why your online reviews matter. You will learn about understanding your audience and how to build a reputable and profitable brand along with tips on how to build a stellar online reputation. You will also learn about specific tactics for improving the reputation of local businesses and what to do when your online reputation is attacked.

How To Get Money For Your Business
Fri, April 19, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 11th Floor, Room 1103
Presented by Craig Feldman, Bloom Lending
Without positive cash flow, it is difficult to take care of the everyday functions of the business or have the ability to buy things such as equipment or materials. Let’s have a critical conversation about the importance of getting funding and discussing the key indicators of why working capital and equipment leasing are crucial in all areas of your business. You will learn about different types of funding that will be available, programs for all types of businesses regardless of your credit score, and about the required documents needed to apply for funding.

Press Release Basics
Wed, April 24, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by Independent Writers of Chicago
Three experienced media professionals will teach the do’s and don’ts of how to write an outstanding press release that will attract media attention – and increase the chances of getting coverage. Also, learn what to do with a press release once it’s written. If you have a press release you would like critiqued, bring it! Speakers: Journalists David Steinkraus and Jeff Steele, and Advertising/Marketing specialist Laura Stigler of Shebang! Creative Content-2-Consulting.

How To Be A “YouTuber” For Your Business, Video Marketing 101
Fri, April 26, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. – 8th Floor, Room 805
Presented by JinJa Birkenbeuel, Founder, The Honest Field Guide Podcast and CEO, Birk Creative
This YouTube workshop is for small business owners with a working website who want to learn how to create custom content and also create YouTube ads for your business. Learn how to create a business YouTube channel, understand the anatomy of a YouTube channel, learn how to use tags, and best practices for shooting a basic video. You will also learn how to promote your video on YouTube and other channels.

To register for a workshop, email or call 312.744.2086.

Also, in case you weren’t aware, BACP offers a Business Start-Up Certificate Program, designed to give business owners the essential elements in starting and growing a business. Attend nine workshops at BACP and learn the essentials of business planning, financing, marketing, legal issues, technology and more. Complete the program workshops within six months and earn your certificate, as well as get free advice on your business plan. You can register for the Business Start-Up Certificate Program at any BACP workshop. Learn about the full set of BACP offerings here.

And visit their Business Video Library here.

Source: City of Chicago :: Business Education Workshop Calendar