It’s true — our little CPA firm is officially old enough to drink, so let’s raise a glass to the wild ride it’s been. 🥂
To celebrate, we are planning an outdoor community event with the Logan Square Chamber of Commerce in early September — more on that in an upcoming post — but to mark the official date of first hanging out our shingle, we thought it would be fun to share a delightful interview with Mark Goldman, CPA on his podcast, “Where Accountants Go”. This episode was released just three days before our 20th anniversary.
Speaking with Mark was a truly gratifying experience — he was kind, organized, interested, and sincere, and asked great questions. As a sneak preview of a few good ones:
- How did you end up being interested in Music from an education standpoint, and how did you end up moving towards accounting?
- At what point did you decide to further your education with the Masters in Financial Analysis and why that particular major? Was it difficult to return to school?
- How has your practice evolved over the years? I see you use the DBA The Dancing Accountant. Was that always the case, or did that come later? Is it related to a niche, or more about branding?
- You’ve been listed on the 50 Top Women in Accounting list. Congratulations! How does that make you feel? Is it acknowledgement of hard work, even more responsibility, honor…?
- What does the future look like for you if it goes exactly how you would like it to go? When you look back on your career & life, what will you want to be able to say you accomplished?
- If you could go back in time and give your younger self just one piece of critical advice, what would that be?
We spoke for over half-an-hour and I felt like we could have gone on for days… his conversational style was comfortable and disarming. I enjoyed sharing personal stories, talking about the great folks I’ve studied and worked with, about how hard it was to go back to school while working, how much I love helping small businesses in my neighborhood, how much I hate saying “no”, how a client came up with my business name… and so on. Give it a listen — and raise a glass to our amazing team while you’re at it!
I would love to be remembered as someone who helped keep our communities vibrant by helping small businesses succeed. That’s the whole point of any of this, and my staff is a group of women who feel the same way. Our work really has meaning. ~Nancy McClelland, CPA
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