Tag Archives: free

Restaurant Revitalization Fund: 4/13 SBA + IRC Webinar

Today’s excellent Restaurant Relief Town Hall was recorded and released later in the day for all to enjoy.

Erika Polmar, of the Independent Restaurant Coalition, was joined this time by two representatives of the SBA: Patrick Kelley and Julie Verratti. These two were not just talking heads who simply touted how great the program is — instead they gave real guidance, solid explanations, and answered many questions from the IRC and attendees.

I was encouraged in part because Patrick and Julie are actually crafting the program, refining it, and working with groups such as IRC to make it happen. They showed an eagerness to make this program a success, and the skills to back it up. Julie Verratti in particular was a welcome change to what we’ve seen at the SBA over the past year — she was articulate, knowledgeable, humble, and seemed to have a real comprehension of the issues at hand and what is at stake; she gets why it’s so important to get this program right. She also has a good handle on what elements of the program come from statute and where the SBA has authority to interpret and administrate. Patrick indicated appropriate deference to her knowledge, and to the process of getting the program designed and tested properly — before opening the floodgates to applications. Let’s hope these two keep up the good work and have what they need to roll this out effectively.

As usual, I took notes — they did a full overview plus deep dives into certain areas and it’s worth your hour of time to watch. These notes are just the noteworthy new items from my own perspective.

The biggest news is that the SBA Administrator has chosen to preemptively extend the final date for expending the funds all the way to 3/11/2023 — the maximum allowed by statute.

Debt service will be considered a covered expense — both principal and interest payments count! (Clarification: no debt prepayments allowed, but regular debt service of all types is permitted.)

Also on the list of covered expenses is depreciation — but not “bonus or accelerated”.

Related follow-up question: does that mean we have to recalculate depreciation from the usual MACRS to straight-line? That doesn’t seem like what he meant, but we’ll need clarification. I suspect he was only referring to bonus depreciation and Section 179 expensing.

Women-owned, veteran-owned, socially/economically disadvantaged individuals – if anyone owns 20% or more and qualifies in one of these groups, add them together, to see if they reach 51%. If so, they can use the 21-day priority period.

Related follow-up question: to clarify — a 50/50 husband-wife owned company would NOT qualify as women-owned?

They said numerous times that everybody should apply on Day One.

Related follow-up question: How will the SBA avoid the system going down if everyone is applying on Day One, like what happened with the SVOG?

Related follow-up question: is this the case even if they’re not qualified to apply during the 21-day priority period? So a white-cis-male-owned restaurant under $500k revenue should still apply on Day One?

Timing of opening the program: SBA will have a 7-day pilot period to test their system (with people randomly selected from self-identifying as veteran, women-owned from PPP applications), and only then will go live with the 21-day advance application period for those who qualify.

Related follow-up question: How much notice will we have that the RRF is opening? Do we know when it is going live? As a CPA firm we are scrambling to calculate PPP1 Forgiveness and 2020 ERC so we can get the amount of ERC-eligible wages pulled off the 2020 returns before filing them. But we don’t have IRS guidance about whether 50%+ owners are allowed to take ERC… so all those returns are on extension right now. We want to make sure we wait as long as possible to get them all filed (in case IRS comes out with guidance), but that they are all submitted before this program goes live.

They will be working on allowing many different forms of documentation to prove the revenue decline, but tax returns, as they said last time, will be the easiest, most streamlined and efficient approach. Form 4506-T will be submitted through the docusign e-signature portion of the application, which allows SBA to confirm tax information with the IRS.

That’s it for now — I encourage you to watch the webinar and to start planning for an opening that’s more likely going to be a week or two away, rather than between now and the 19th (as was suggested last week). For planning purposes we at least know we’ll have a full week from when they start testing the application portal (though I’m not sure how we’ll know when that will begin).

Julie Verratti used the phrase “working in the world of reality and not in a vacuum” to describe their relationship with IRC and why they are doing this kind of outreach — some of the most encouraging words the SBA could possibly offer to us after the past year of jumping through hoops for financial relief.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

Restaurant Revitalization Fund: Free Webinar from Rep. Lee & New NRA FAQ

Still no word on the SBA guidance we had hoped for this past Friday, but the end of the week did bring us some new info about the Restaurant Revitalization Fund.

On April 8th, Congresswoman Barbara Lee hosted a free informational webinar that was chock-full of excellent info. If you don’t have time to watch the full 41-minutes, then take a look at her twitter thread to see excerpts of the most frequently-asked questions.

Then on the following day, the National Restaurant Association released an informative updated FAQ about the RRF program. There are 39 questions in the FAQ and every one is worth reading. Please — whether you are a restaurant owner or you work with them… do your homework! I know we’re all exhausted, but this is too important not to: check it out. If you absolutely must read a summary for now, this “Nation’s Restaurant News” article does a nice job.

There were only two new pieces of info on the FAQ since the notes I took at the IRC webinar, as far as I could tell:
1) PPP loans are deducted from total eligible funds, but EIDLs and ERTCs will likely not be. This makes sense, since an Employee Retention Credit does not show up as income on a tax return, but it’s nice to know NRA doesn’t expect it to count as income, either.
2) The minimum grant award may be set at $1,000. This is apparently to address the effort that goes into applying — so many got paltry PPP loans unexpectedly and were frustrated at so little reward after so much effort.

It also reiterates the following details:
– The covered period may extend through March 2023
– Permanently closed and bankrupt businesses without reorganization plans are ineligible
– Businesses owned by women, veterans and socially/economically disadvantaged individuals will require self-certification
– Eligible expenses include maintenance and construction
– RRF grants will not be taxed as income, but are eligible for federal tax deductions

Cross your fingers for upcoming guidance from the SBA, a draft application, and a date for the program opening. We are hoping for at least a week’s notice between the draft being released and the program going live, so that small business owners and their accountants have sufficient time to prepare.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

April 2021 FREE Small Business Webinars – City of Chicago

BACP offers free business education workshops or webinars every Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning. Due to COVID-19, all programs are currently being offered as webinars. Topics include business licensing, operations, financial resources, marketing, and more. Programs are free and open to the public and taught by industry professionals, not-for-profit agencies, and government agencies.

Friday, 4/9 Webinar at 9:30 AM
Better Business Opportunities
Presented by Chase for Business
Powerful networks mean more business opportunities. In today’s business world, leaders prefer to become intermingled in important transactions with people they trust. Relationships establish and fortify that trust. That’s why serious serial entrepreneurs, influencers, deal makers and multiple project players choose to seek out exclusive business networking opportunities.
Please join us to learn more about how to align yourself with powerful networks!
Register for the 4/9 Webinar 

Wednesday, 4/14 Webinar at 3:00 PM
Obtaining a Liquor License in the City of Chicago
Presented by the City of Chicago Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection (BACP)
This webinar will provide a general overview of the liquor licensing process in the City of Chicago. We will discuss the different types of liquor licenses, an overview of the application process, and items to consider before submitting an application.
Register for the 4/14 Webinar

Friday, 4/16 Webinar at 9:30 AM
How to Write a Business Plan. What you need to know!
Presented by Donna R. Rockin, Managing Partner at Rockin Enterprises, Inc.
Learn how to create a comprehensive business plan. It’s easier than you think when you understand all the components that get included. You’ll receive a complete list of what to include to demystify the process. Writing a solid business plan is your roadmap to business success.
Register for the 4/16 Webinar

Wednesday, 4/21 Webinar at 3:00 PM
SBA update: Recovery Programs for Entrepreneurs
Presented by the Small Business Administration (SBA) Illinois District Office
Join presenters from the U.S. Small Business Administration for an overview of small business relief programs and learn how you can access immediate relief for your entrepreneurial needs. The presenters will discuss the Paycheck Protection Program, the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program, the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant, and other relief options for small businesses. Bring your questions! There will be time for Q&A.
Register for the 4/21 Webinar 

Friday, 4/23 Webinar at 9:30 AM

To Thine Own Self Be True; Discovering the Value in Your Personal Brand
Presented by Nina Abnee, Professional Lecture and Advertising Professional in Residence at DePaul University; a certified Leadership Coach; and former advertising executive
Nina Abnee is a Professional Lecture and Advertising Professional in Residence at DePaul University; a certified Leadership Coach; and former advertising executive. She has combined her expertise in crafting brand strategies with her training as a professional coach to help people discover their own authentic brand and create momentum for their lives and businesses.
Register for the 4/23 Webinar

Wednesday, 4/28 Webinar at 3:00 PM
Know Your Rights
The Office of Labor Standards presents overview of worker rights and employer responsibilities during COVID-19 under Minimum Wage, Paid Sick Leave, Anti-Retaliation Ordinances.
Register for the 4/28 Webinar

Friday, 4/30 Webinar at 9:30 AM
Legal Framework for Small Businesses
Presented by: Lema Khorshid, Fuksa Khorshid, LLC
The legal component of a business sets the foundation and structure for a sustainable business. A business climate is everchanging, but valuable legal tips are a resource. Learn the top 10 legal tips for small business success through an interactive webinar. The Q&A set up will provide useful and practical tips on legal essentials such as incorporation, contracts, and more.
Register for the 4/30 Webinar

Please email BACPoutreach@cityofchicago.org with any webinar questions.

Previous Webinars

Visit BACP’s YouTube page for all additional webinars.

Partner Webinars

BACP Entrepreneur Certificate Program

The Chicago Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection (BACP) Entrepreneur Certificate Program is a free and optional program available to attendees of the free BACP business education workshop and webinar series.

For program details (enrollment, requirements, contact information, etc.) and to enroll go to Entrepreneur Certificate Program.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

Restaurant Revitalization Fund Opens Soon: April 2021

4/7/2021 UPDATE: I attended yesterday’s Independent Restaurant Coalition zoom call, and wrote up notes here. Please give it a read after you’ve taken a look at the blog post below, as it answers some FAQs.

4/1/2021 UPDATE: the SBA just announced that RRF applicants will not need a DUNS number or SAM account. This is a change from March, when it was expected that applications would require this process as they currently do under the Shuttered Venues Operators (SVO) grant program.  The shift by SBA recognized the significant demand for the program – up to hundreds of thousands of applicants are expected.

From the start of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), my small business clients — specifically the restaurants, bars, cafes and caterers — were confused and frustrated. We put so much time and effort into applying for PPP funds, working through the tortuous planning for spending in a way that would lead to 100% forgiveness, and had practically nothing left to show for it. Shuttered or take-out only, there was simply not enough revenue coming in to support the extremely high labor, inventory, and overhead costs typical of the industry. Had it not been for state and local grants, most of them would have had to close their doors permanently.

They weren’t alone — in fact, restaurant lobbyists have been working for many months on crafting financial relief legislation that suits the specific needs of the hospitality industry. And I’m amazed to say — they did a great job, and most of it made it into the final law. Unlike the constantly-changing mess that the PPP has been, this new program is thought-through, carefully-written, and has clearly learned from PPP’s mistakes. (It’s also taken the better part of a year to bring it into existence, so there are two sides to this coin, as is usually the case.) And it will be opening soon.

The Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF), as it is now known, was signed into law as part of the recent American Rescue Plan Act. Unlike the PPP, which was based on payroll costs, the RRF is structured to disburse tax-free federal grants in the amount of a restaurant’s “pandemic-related revenue loss“.

Grants are calculated by subtracting 2020 receipts from those of 2019. PPP funds received will offset (reduce) the grant amount, but those funds will not be considered part of gross receipts. The total grant amount for an eligible business and any affiliated businesses is capped at $10 million and is limited to $5 million per physical location of the business.

An example set of calculation scenarios from the National Restaurant Association:

In addition to basing the award amount on revenue loss rather than any other measure, other features of the RRF program that seem a better fit for restaurants are the flexibility on how the funds can be spent and over how long (Feb 15, 2020-Dec 31, 2021). Categories of eligible costs include:

  • payroll;
  • principal or interest on mortgage obligations;
  • rent;
  • utilities;
  • maintenance (including construction to accommodate outdoor seating);
  • supplies such as protective equipment and cleaning materials;
  • normal food and beverage inventory;
  • operational expenses;
  • and many other expenses that the SBA determines to be essential to maintaining operations.

Another area where there is a great deal of flexibility — eligible entities can be “a restaurant, food stand, food truck, food cart, caterer, saloon, inn, tavern, bar, lounge, brewpub, tasting room, taproom, licensed facility or premise of a beverage alcohol producer where the public may taste, sample, or purchase products, or other similar place of business in which the public or patrons assemble for the primary purpose of being served food or drink.”

There will be an initial 21-day period when the SBA will prioritize awarding grants for businesses owned by women, veterans, or socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.

To learn more, I strongly encourage you to read the Independent Restaurant Coalition’s FAQ, and attend one of their upcoming zoom “round table” webinars. The next ones will be held on Tuesday, April 6th at 12pm ET / 9am PT, and Wednesday, April 7th at 11am ET / 8am PT.

It’s looking like the program will be opening up in the next few weeks, and there are steps you can take now to prepare.

First and foremost: get educated:
– Register for one of the IRC zoom round-table webinars and review their other resources, including an excellent FAQ.
Watch the most recent National Restaurant Association (NRA) webinar (keeping in mind that the DUNS and SAM are no longer required) and visit RestaurantsAct.com/rrf for more resources, including a fact sheet.
– There are also many articles on the topic, including this extensive one from Forbes.

4/1/2021 UPDATE: In today’s AICPA Town Hall, they shared that the SBA has announced that RRF applicants should prepare with the following next steps —

The “checklist similar to SVOG” refers to another program, the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant — their checklist can be found on a download via the SBA website. We expect a similar one to be released specifically for RRF soon, but this is probably a good guideline.

I’m looking forward to seeing at least one Covid-19 financial relief program play out right and run smoothly — which I recognize may be too much to ask, but for the sake of all our beloved community watering holes, gathering spots, and the places that nourish our bodies and souls, I will keep my fingers crossed. They’ve been through so much already and I would love to see this program help them make it to the finish line.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

FREE Webinar Series For Small Biz Owners – Making Sense of Financial Relief Programs

My trusted colleagues over at Wegner CPAs are putting on a two-week series of FREE webinars geared toward small business owners. They will go through each of the following current Federal relief programs designed to help small businesses make it through to a brighter day:

  1. Employee Retention Credit 2021
  2. Employee Retention Credit 2020
  3. Shuttered Venue Operator Grants
  4. Paycheck Protection Program
  5. Restaurant Revitalization Fund
  6. Economic Injury Disaster Loans

All of these programs have been changed over the past month to make them more useful to small business owners — often with the effect that multiple programs are available simultaneously. The resulting complexity is a real challenge, but the amount of financial relief available makes it worth learning what you can (and potentially working with a professional to make it happen).

We have been reaching out directly to clients who we believe qualify for each of these programs — but if you work with us and think you are eligible, yet haven’t been contacted, please let me know.

Webinar Series: Making Cent$$ of Stimulus Money

You can view Wegner CPAs’ Covid-19 Resources and click “webinars”, or see a calendar of all their upcoming webinars and view a selection of previously recorded webinars.

Employee Retention Credit 2021
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
10:00 am – 10:30 am CDT (8:00 am PT / 11:00 pm ET)
ERC in 2021 can result in big dollars for your organization. We will discuss how to determine if you’re eligible and how to be sure you file for the credit timely.

Employee Retention Credit 2020
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
10:00 am – 10:30 am CDT (8:00 am PT / 11:00 pm ET)
Were you eligible for ERC in 2020? Find out as we take a deeper dive into the credit eligibility requirements and rules for last year. We’ll also review what you need to do to claim the credit for 2020.

Shuttered Venue Operator Grants
Thursday, April 1, 2021
10:00 am – 10:30 am CDT (8:00 am PT / 11:00 pm ET)
The SVOG portal opens on April 8th. Are you eligible and ready to apply? Join us to learn more about the program and what you need to be doing now to prepare.

Paycheck Protection Program
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
10:00 am – 10:30 am CDT (8:00 am PT / 11:00 pm ET)
Updates continue to roll out for PPP. We’ll discuss what the soon to be signed extension means for applicants and tips on getting through the application process. We’ll also review the updated loan calculation for Schedule C filers. Don’t forget about PPP loan forgiveness!

Restaurant Revitalization Fund
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
10:00 am – 10:30 am CDT (8:00 am PT / 11:00 pm ET)
The SBA announced that they hope to have RRF up and running by early April. We will review timely released guidance and how to prepare for applying to the program.

Economic Injury Disaster Loans
Thursday, April 8, 2021
10:00 am – 10:30 am CDT (8:00 am PT / 11:00 pm ET)
The EIDL program has continued to evolve over this last year. There are EIDL loans and EIDL grant advances. Are you eligible for either? Learn more about this program and the changes that have come from the last two stimulus bills.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

How To Apply For The Paycheck Protection Program – FREE Step-By-Step Webinar With Slides & Links

This past Wednesday, February 17th 2021, I was honored once again to participate in State Representative Will Guzzardi’s FREE Facebook Live series designed to help his constituents — and anyone else who wants to tune in — to learn about financial relief during Covid-19.

We did an entire hour-long session on how to determine eligibility and apply for the current round of the Paycheck Protection Program, which is designed to be open through March 31, 2021 or until funds run out.

The full-length webinar is FREE, as are the slides, resources and links to walk you through the application process. Additionally, a PDF version of the slides is available for download here:

We covered the following topics:
1) Paycheck Protection Program Summary
2) Current Program Overview
3) Eligibility
4) How To Apply
5) Where To Apply
6) Forgiveness Basics
7) Resources & Questions

Please share far and wide to help small business owners learn about the current status of the Paycheck Protection Program and how they can determine eligibility and apply for a non-taxable forgivable loan to help their companies stay afloat during these challenging times.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

The Dancing Accountant Presents: FREE PPP Webinar 2/17/21 6 PM Central

I am proud to be participating in State Representative Will Guzzardi’s FREE Facebook Live series designed to help his constituents — and anyone else who wants to tune in — to learn about financial relief during Covid-19.

We’ll be doing a session on how to determine eligibility and apply for the current round of the Paycheck Protection Program, which is designed to be open through March 31, 2021 or until funds run out.

I’ll cover the following topics:
1) Paycheck Protection Program Summary
2) Current Program Overview
3) Eligibility
4) How To Apply
5) Where To Apply
6) Forgiveness Basics
7) Resources & Questions

Slides will be available through Rep. Guzzardi’s office by request, and I will link to a recording here on my blog.

As an exciting bonus, the webinar will be translated into Spanish, by the talented Elsa Prado. She was kind enough to invite me as a guest on her Spanish-language show Alas de Amor this past Saturday — and I managed to pull off about 85% of it without resorting to English, though she was kind enough to expertly translate when I did.

In either language, please join us to learn about the current status of the Paycheck Protection Program and how you can determine eligibility and apply for a non-taxable forgivable loan to help your business stay afloat during these challenging times.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

PPP & Other Emergency Funding Opportunities – FREE BACP Webinar 1/19/21

From the Chicago Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection:

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program will support small businesses throughout the country with up to $284 billion toward job retention and certain other expenses. Businesses apply for PPP loans through a bank, credit union, community lender, online lender or other participating lenders. Please note that some lenders may not be participating in the program – please contact your preferred lender to determine if they are participating. Learn more at sba.gov/ppp and find a lender using the SBA Lender Match Tool.
While BACP does not manage the Paycheck Protection Program, we will be holding webinars and continuing to share information in the coming days and weeks.
The first webinar, “The Paycheck Protection Program and Other Emergency Funding Opportunities,” will be presented by the U.S. Small Business Administration and Accion Chicago on Tuesday, January 19, at 3:00 pm.Register and learn more at chicago.gov/businesseducation. More webinars will be planned in the coming weeks – stay tuned!
To learn more about the PPP, please visit these links:

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

PPP2: Do You Qualify? And How to Calculate The Max Amount – Clara CFO

In preparing webinars and zoom sessions for my clients and colleagues, I often run across other CPAs doing similar work. Some are better than others, and some leave a lot to be desired. I’ve been very impressed with the free series presented by Hannah Smolinski of Clara CFO.

Recently I presented a webinar for Bookkeeping Buds members that they graciously allowed me to share at no charge on my blog. It goes through everything Hannah mentions in the above video, however it a) focuses on the Employee Retention Credit and its interaction with PPP, and b) is directed toward accounting and bookkeeping professionals, rather than small business owners.

Hannah sums up the PPP2-eligibility portion of that webinar in this free 18-minute video quite well, so I wanted to share it with my readers (rather than record a new one of my own or make you sit through an hour and 15 minutes of accounting-speak).

But before you watch it, here’s a summary of PPP2 commonly-asked questions and answers:

Am I eligible for more money?
If your business’s gross receipts declined at least 25% in at least one quarter (any one) of 2020 compared to that same quarter in 2019.

Can I get more PPP money if I got it the first time?
Yes, you can get a second loan if you got a first, as long as you meet the above eligibility requirement.

Do I need to apply with the same bank that gave me my first PPP loan?
No, it doesn’t have to be with the same bank. I am using the AICPA’s partnership with biz2credit because their application and forgiveness process are both streamlined; it is directly with a bank, rather than a third-party; the professional consultation of AICPA gives me confidence that the calculations are accurate.

Do I need to have applied for forgiveness already on my first loan?
No, you don’t have to have already applied for forgiveness on your first loan in order to apply for a second round. You just have to certify that you have used all the PPP1 funds.

What if I didn’t apply first-time around?
You are eligible to apply for a loan under the original rules, meaning you don’t have to prove the decline in revenue like second-time borrowers.

Hannah also provides a free spreadsheet with a tab to run the “25% decline in gross receipts” test, if you don’t already use QuickBooks Online (or if you use QBO Simple Start, which does not have the same reporting features).

She goes through both the spreadsheet tab and the QBO reporting option in the video. (Note: this sheet is an additional tab she’s added to her already-existing free PPP Forgiveness Calculator Excel workbook; and while I think she’s done a very good job with it, I prefer the AICPA version, also free to the public. They also offer a free FTE calculator, which you will need if you are not able to claim any of the safe harbors.)

Once you’ve determined that you qualify, you’ll want to know how to calculate the maximum amount of PPP2 to which you’re entitled. The AICPA offers a free calculator for that as well, but I noticed that Hannah has a low-cost ($37) one-hour webinar recording from January 6th available; she generally does a nice job explaining things to business owners who might be doing their own bookkeeping, so while I have not myself seen the video, it feels worth sharing with you here in case it is helpful.

I do not have any professional affiliation with Clara CFO and do not receive any payment from her or AICPA for promoting their offerings — I just think they’re really good and want to share!

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

Chicago Phase 4 Reopening Guidelines By Industry – FREE Webinar Recordings

Recorded webinars for Phase 4 reopening guidance are available online now.

Chicago has moved forward, along with the rest of Illinois, into Phase 4 of reopening.

According to ABC News: Illinois has made progress through its plan for having tiered mitigation for the 11 regions in the state with the potential for increasing mitigation measures based on local resurgences. Regions are currently at the Tier 4 level, with some having additional measures.

Phase 4 of reopening allows for gatherings of 50 people or fewer, restaurants and bars can reopen with limited capacity and restrictions, travel resumes, and child care and schools can reopen under guidance from the Illinois Department of Public Health. Face coverings are required and social distancing is the norm. The Illinois Department of Commerce has issued a pdf of guidelines.

Chicago has a slightly more cautious roll-out of Phase 4 based on a higher concentration of population, risk factors, and cases. The mayor recently announced the next phase of reopening for all businesses, including Retail, Food Service & Bars, Personal Services, and Health & Fitness Centers. The city’s Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection has once again held free webinars on the topics and made the recordings available on their site and YouTube.

Recorded Reopening Webinars:

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.