Tag Archives: illinois tax

First-Quarter “Safe-Harbor” Quarterly IRS Estimated Tax Payments: Why and How to Make Them

For years, we have stressed the importance to our clients of making quarterly estimated tax payments. And unlike many tax preparers, we also do bookkeeping, accounting, and consulting for our small business owners — so we’ve also encouraged them to have us do a quarter-by-quarter calculation of how much to pay.

There were many reasons for this:
· Making sure the client had their books up-to-date and reconciled for the quarter, so they can be used for real-time managerial decisions;
· Matching the cash flow of a given quarter (or the actual sales and vendor invoices, for accrual-basis clients) to the related tax liability;
· Preventing the common situation of getting to tax-time and having a huge refund or balance due.

However, times have changed. We still want folks to make quarterly payments (see my related IRS & Illinois posts for how to do it online), but for the first quarter, at least, we’re asking everyone to use “safe-harbor” calculations.

Why Use 1Q Safe-Harbor Calculations Instead of Annualizing?

For one, the immense number of changes to our tax code since the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (TCJA) took effect in 2018 has made tax planning substantially more complex than it used to be. The amount of time it takes to do a “back of the envelope” or “paper napkin” calculation has tripled. (And in case you’re curious — we use tax software and Excel, not used envelopes and paper napkins in our firm. That’s how you know you’re working with a real professional.) Both the effort involved and the cost to the client have increased accordingly.

Relatedly, first-quarter estimated tax payments are due on the same day as personal 1040 and C-Corp 1120 taxes are due. And since our tax-time work is a deeper dive than it used to be, and the estimated tax calculations are more complex as well, there simply isn’t enough time to do a full-on calculation for each and every client that requests it — at least, not if we also want to be well-rested and in good health, so we can do our very best on the remaining annual tax returns.

There’s good news, too, however — the state of Illinois — and many other states, used legislation to create a loophole for getting around a pesky TCJA limitation on the State And Local Tax (SALT) deduction. I won’t explain it all here, but the result is that all of our S-Corp and Partnership (aka “Pass-Through Entity”, or PTE) clients are paying their personal state taxes through the company. This is a very easy and predictable calculation, as Illinois charges a flat tax (not socially progressive, but it certainly is simple) and requires the annual liability to be divided by four and paid evenly across the quarterly deadlines.

(Side note: the deadlines are not actually quarterly. Due to the timing of the federal government’s fiscal year-end and individuals’ calendar year-end, they are skewed such that they’re not even the same number of months per quarter. You would think that of all the government departments that could count properly, it’d be the IRS, but apparently not. The due dates are 4/15, 6/15, 9/15 and 1/15 — though many are better off making the final state tax payment by 12/31.)

As a result, quarterly calculations for the state simply aren’t necessary for the first quarter (possibly even the first three quarters, depending). Given that the states seem to live for assessing penalties and interest for underpayment of estimated taxes (they are wildly aggressive about it), this is the best approach to take.

But it’s not just the states that issue penalties and interest for underpayment of taxes — the IRS does, as well. Much less aggressively, however, and they do still have the notion (that the new Illinois PTE tax law does not) of “annualizing” your quarterly taxes. This means that you presume the amount you made year-to-date is representative of the whole year, and paying quarterly tax based on that projection. It works great for small business owners who have lower income in the first three-quarters of the year and then make most of their profit in the final quarter.

Just to be clear: we still do this for our clients… but we wait until the second or third quarter, and in some unusual cases, we wait until November and then do a thorough analysis of the year thus far. It’s just that there’s little point in running these calculations for the first quarter anymore — it’s almost never representative of the rest of the year, and it places them into a precarious situation where they may end up underpaying by too much and then owing penalties and interest. Or, at the very least, having to pay us at tax-time to fill out the complicated annualization schedule on the tax return. If you want to be more accurate with your calculation, because you expect your income to be substantially higher or lower than last year, then ask to book a May tax-planning session to get squared-up for the 2Q payment, due June 15.

Last, but not least — we’ve decided to have all our clients commit to a monthly bookkeeping and accounting contract with us. Doing annual clean-ups during tax season simply is no longer sustainable (to be honest I’m not sure it ever was, which is one of many reasons so many CPAs are burned out), and isn’t cost-effective. It’s also not fair to our other clients — who are on a monthly schedule — to have to wait in line while we work on those who swing through just once-a-year. And most importantly, we truly believe that all small business owners should be looking at their financial statements regularly to help them make impactful decisions throughout the year — ones that can sometimes be the difference between turning a profit or enduring a loss. And since everyone will be on a monthly schedule, the motivation no longer exists to do quarterly reviews for estimated tax purposes, purely as a way to get clients motivated to catch up on their books.

Where To Find Your Safe-Harbor Amounts and How To Pay Them

If you’re a client of ours, or of pretty much any tax professional out there, calculating safe-harbor quarterly estimates can and should be a part of preparing your annual tax return.

After reviewing and signing your return, your CPA (or EA, JD or non-credentialed preparer) will e-file it, and once it’s accepted by the IRS and state agencies, they will either send over vouchers (which I wouldn’t bother using, because we want to pay taxes online almost every time that’s an option), or a list of required payments — whether that’s in a letter or a little chart form where you can check ’em off. However you get them — put them in your calendar now. Do not rely on your tax preparer to remind you. This is not their job. You are a grown person running your own business, surrounded by technology that is designed for precisely this kind of thing.

While you’re at it, save these links for instructions on how to pay online:
– IRS: How To Pay IRS Quarterly Estimated Taxes Online — Don’t Let Your Checks Get Buried Or Lost In The Mail (msn.com)
– Illinois: How To Make Quarterly Estimated Taxes Online — Illinois IDOR | The Dancing Accountant

And if you’re in a panic and can’t find the amounts, the general rule is that you want to pay 1/4th-ish of your total tax liability for the prior year (a bit higher for some states, such as Illinois). Again, if we do your taxes, you should have already received these totals for 2024, or will be receiving them as soon as your return is finalized.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) What if I have an extension?
Two options here: a) provide your tax preparer all the docs you already have and ask them to do their best to give you an estimate; they can even add that to the amount you’ll need to pay with an extension — which means if your extension payment estimate is short, the 1Q estimate will make up the difference, and either way, you’ll just apply the balance to the current tax year; or, b) go ahead and keep paying the same amount you paid for last year’s quarterly taxes; some payment is better than none.

2) What if I don’t have a tax preparer?
All the DIY tax programs out there can do this, too — they’re not very helpful for the tax planning that we do with our clients for 2Q & 3Q, and certainly not for 4Q — but they do a perfectly fine job with safe-harbor estimates. Alternatively, check out my colleague Hannah Smolinski‘s great YouTube primer on how to calculate estimated taxes.

And since you asked, here’s a fabulous photo of Hannah and me at QuickBooks ConnectFest.

3) What if I can’t afford to pay my quarterly estimates?
Pro tip: Did you know you can break your quarterly payment into smaller chunks? Let’s say you owe $2400 per quarter and you’re worried that you won’t have enough set aside by the time the due date arrives, because it’s so hard not to raid your own savings account when opportunities call. Just go online and pay $800 per month instead. Or $200 per week. It gets tricky with the weird quarterly tax due dates, but you are a smart cookie and can figure out the math. The point is that you don’t have to save it all up and then make the payment. If you have cash on hand, you can go in there now and do it while it’s on your mind, even if it’s a partial payment. Something is better than nothing.

4) What if I forgot to pay for a quarter?
Go in there and make a payment now. The penalties are per day, so the sooner you make up the difference the better.

5) What if I have additional questions about the process?
Throw whatever you can at the quarterly estimates and contact a CPA to help you… after Tax Day. Please be respectful of the plight of tax preparers right now. It will not serve you long-term to try to wedge yourself onto someone’s calendar last-minute: almost all the good ones had a deadline for submitting tax materials weeks ago; we’re all exhausted and likely to make mistakes this time of year if we’re taking on too much and not taking care of ourselves; and you want to start off on a good foot when building a relationship with a trusted advisor. The amount of penalties and interest that will be due if you underpay slightly is not that significant if you’re going to be making up the difference in a month, so just pay what you can and get on-track later.

Now, get yourself online and go make those first-quarter safe-harbor quarterly tax payments, already!

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

Tax Season 2023 Is Officially Open! Maybe. Okay, Not So Fast.

(Many thanks to the AICPA Town Hall for allowing members to leverage their resources, such as the slides included in this article. The opinions shared here are the author’s and not those of AICPA or CPA.com.)

Tax preparers everywhere spent the past two months gearing up for yesterday’s “opening day” of tax season, January 29th. It was an exciting time for us, as it was finally going to be a return to normal. What does that even mean anymore, you might ask? Well, most of the pandemic financial relief programs have wrapped up (save a straggler ERC claim here or there); amendments resulting from that era have almost all been filed; the odd rebates and credits that no one remembered the amounts for were a thing of the past; there were no last-minute tax extenders; and the season end-date actually lands on April 15th for the first time in ages. It felt like we finally had a handle on things and were back to the “normal” amount of seasonal overwork — rather than a Herculean lift, as was the case for the past four years.

Enter Congress. Despite the fact that The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), National Association of Tax Professionals (NATP) and small business advocacy groups have been lobbying for over a year to get an extension of certain popular tax benefits that expired in 2023, our leaders somehow managed to wait until after year-end to introduce legislation to that effect — Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act — in a spectacular show of bipartisan ignorance. Never mind that the IRS e-file has been offline since November 18th, because it takes over two months to reprogram the systems for new tax laws, updates, and edits to tax forms.

As for January 30th, the legislation has yet to come up for a vote. And yet the IRS is telling taxpayers to go ahead and file when ready, and makes no reference to the pending legislation in today’s Outreach Connection email.

Some of the anticipated changes if the legislation passes as-written include popular business expensing programs that are designed to be leveraged throughout the year. Making them retroactive does nothing to spur the economy, as the decisions to buy equipment, invest in R&D, or take out loans were already made, last year.

To be clear: I’m not saying these aren’t potentially good changes for tax law, business, and the economy. Just that doing it at this late date is misguided in far too many ways.

And the part I really don’t understand is this: IRS Commissioner Werfel told reporters last Friday, “If there’s a change that impacts your return, we will make the change, and we will send you the update — whether it’s an additional refund or otherwise — without you having to take additional steps.” This is simply impossible for most of the business expensing features of the law, which are voluntary elections on the part of the taxpayer. Presumably this is a reference to the child tax credit provisions in the legislation — which have gotten the most press, but have little effect on small business owners, and are a small portion of the actual bill.

The House Ways and Means Committee released a statement recently indicating that the IRS “confirmed its intention to make necessary systems updates by around six weeks after the date of enactment”. Six weeks. Most refunds are issued within three. Six weeks takes us past the S-Corp and Partnership filing deadline. Six weeks?

Speaking of that deadline, many states announced e-filing would begin on the same date as the IRS opened federal tax season, but it turns out that our state (and I’m guessing others) did not release their S-Corp or Partnership forms with enough advance notice for our third-party tax software to program them into their system, so we are unable to e-file any Illinois business tax returns until February 7th. And we were freaking out about that delay. I can’t imagine what six weeks will look like.

To say nothing of the fact that the next government shutdown deadline is scheduled for one week before business tax returns are due. This should make for an even more laid-back season.

And to add to all of this, that the bill is being funded by an early end to the Employee Retention Credit program, as of January 31, 2024. We spent all of last week scrambling to get the remaining claims in, and won’t know whether that sprint was worth the anxiety or not until this bill passes (or doesn’t) — I feel terrible for those who find out in February that their claim’s due date is suddenly in the past.

Again, some of the provisions in this bill are great ideas — well thought-through, balanced, as well as good for business, families, and potentially the economy. Bad players in the world of ERC mills will finally have to deal with some consequences, and the 1099 burden for small vendors and freelancers will be eased as the threshold is finally indexed for inflation. Some good stuff.

So let’s pass this as 2024 legislation, just in time for the new year, as it should be… and get out of the way of tax season, already!

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

How To Make Quarterly Estimated Taxes Online — Illinois IDOR


Reminder: Due to a new law, Illinois S-Corp and Partnership owners should generally pay quarterly IL state (not federal) taxes through the business. The post below is about how to pay IL taxes personallyclick here for how to make IL business tax payments.

There are multiple options for paying personal quarterly estimated taxes. You can: have your tax preparer create vouchers that you then print and mail with a check; prepare your own vouchers for the IRS and IL DoR; or pay online.

Since March 2020, agencies have had so many challenges with paper-mailed checks and vouchers that we are encouraging everyone to make all tax payments online.

The due dates for estimated quarterly taxes are approximately:
1Q: April 15
2Q: June 15
3Q: September 15
4Q: January 15 — however for state taxes, especially for cash-basis filers and those in states with PTE tax, we recommend making the final payment by December 31st.

If you want to know how to make IRS estimated tax payments, see my recent blog post with step-by-step instructions.

For the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR), go to the MyTax Illinois site. If you already have an account for sales taxes or another reason — do not log in, unless you are making business tax payments. Then click the “> Make an IL-1040, IL-1040-ES, or IL-505-I payment” link (see screenshot above).

Next, follow the instructions for making a quarterly estimated tax payment; it will make you enter your personal information (SSN, etc.) and ask you what kind of tax payment you wish to make.

It may require you to enter your driver’s license information or your AGI from a past tax return to confirm identity and get your IL-PIN.

Then it will take you to a Payment Information page.

You’ll want to select “IL-1040 Estimated Payment” and enter your tax year. Make sure it’s for the correct year and quarter — this is very important. The example below is for the fourth quarter of 2021.

Then, enter your payment information and click the Submit button.

It will require you to enter and confirm your email address before clicking OK.

Make sure to print the confirmation screen, even though they will send you an email receipt — every once-in-a-while IDOR fails to push the request through, and the amount is not debited or recorded. If you have the print-screen, you can prove you attempted to pay it on-time and that the mistake was theirs.

It will also include a confirmation code, the date/time of the request, the reporting period and amount, and bank withdrawal information. You can click “Printable Confirmation” or just print the webpage to pdf.

Please make sure to note how much you paid to each agency and on which dates — and let your tax preparer know this information as well. Securely uploading copies of the final confirmation screen to your tax preparer or bookkeeper is a great practice, so they can easily store the info in your file.

And if you use QuickBooks or another bookkeeping program, please make sure to enter the quarter, year, and “estimated tax” so that you or your bookkeeper or accountant or tax preparer can make sure it’s applied to the correct year, and for the right type of tax.

For how to make IRS quarterly tax payments online, see my recent blog post on the topic, for step-by-step instructions.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

Year-End Reminders For Chicago Small Business Owners

Chicago businesses should take a moment to review upcoming changes before year-end.

The Chicago Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection (BACP) was designed to “license businesses and public vehicles, provide business education and access to resources, enforce the Municipal Code, and protect consumers from fraud,” which means that sometimes they have to create and enforce ordinances and regulations that are a bit arduous or challenging for small businesses. But in the public interest, we need to take a moment to review the annual changes and requirements to make sure we have everything in order. (Besides, the penalties for willful ignorance are no fun.)

With that in mind, here are some things you’ll need to make sure to take care of before ringing in the new year.

  1. Illinois Department of Human Rights Sexual Harassment Training
    For the record, this one is state-mandated, not just city-wide. The Illinois Workplace Transparency Act requires all employers to comply with the sexual harassment prevention training by December 31, 2020, and thereafter must provide annual training to all employees.
    As of July 1, 2020, the Illinois Human Rights Act defines “employers” as those having one or more employees (replacing the prior threshold of 15 or more employees in Illinois for most types of discrimination). This means that every employer in Illinois must comply with this sexual harassment training requirement, for all employees working in Illinois, regardless of their status as part-time, intern, or temporary. There is no requirement to train independent contractors, though it is recommended.

    The Illinois Department of Human Rights provides the training for free (registration ends 24-hours before each class), or there are numerous commercial training options (as low as $25). They have an FAQ here, as well as details on minimum training for all employers, versus more comprehensive training for bars and restaurants.
  2. Chicago Minimum Wage
    Back in 2014, the city implemented a gradual increase of the minimum wage. It applies to any employee who works at least two hours in any two-week period. As of July 1, 2022 the minimum wage in Chicago is $14.50 per hour for employers with 4 to 20 workers, and $15.40 per hour for employers with 21 or more workers. Tipped workers have a minimum wage of $8.70 for employers with 4 to 20 workers, and $9.24 for employers with 21 or more workers. If a tipped worker’s wages plus tips do not equal at least the full minimum wage, the employer must make up the difference. BACP offers a one-hour-long free webinar on the ordinance.
  3. Chicago Paid Sick Leave
    This ordinance went into effect on July 1, 2017, and was so poorly-written that folks are still confused. It applies to any business or individual that employs at least one “employee” and has a facility within Chicago’s city limits (though Cook County followed suit a few months later and has a similar requirement). The term “employee” covers anyone who works at least 80 hours within a 120-day period (20 hours a month).
    – For hourly employees, paid sick leave accrues at one-hour for every 40 hours worked. Salaried-exempt employees are presumed to have worked 40 hours/week.
    – Employees are capped at accruing a total of 40 hours of sick leave each year, unless the employer opts to set a higher limit.
    – Employers must permit employees to carry over half of their accrued leave, to a maximum of 20 hours of unused sick leave each year (40 for employers with 50 or more employees).
    – Employers are not required to pay out any accrued but unused sick leave upon employment termination.

    What we’ve generally seen — given the stringent requirements and the way hours accrue — is that many employers with existing PTO policies have to get substantive revisions, as they often do not follow the same rules (even though they are often more generous). Failure to comply is costly, so we recommend having an HR professional experienced with the Chicago rules review your policy.

    BACP offers a one-hour-long free webinar on the ordinance.
  4. Illinois Secure Choice Retirement Savings Plan
    State law now requires every Illinois employer with 16 or more employees to either offer their own retirement program, or to sign up to help staff contribute to personal IRAs via Secure Choice. As of November 1, 2023, this obligation will extend to employers with 5 or more employees.

    Aside from the administrative burden, there are no costs to small businesses owners. The program facilitates saving for retirement — but is still limited to the IRS’s annual $6000 cap ($1k higher for those 50 and up), increasing to $6,500 in 2023. (For those interested in a higher limit, I strongly recommend Guideline 401k plans for small businesses, which use low-cost Vanguard Admiral Shares — my own clients have the first five months of plan fees waived.)

    Our State Representative, Will Guzzardi, co-presented an excellent informational session recently, and his team graciously invited us to share the link and passcode with anyone interested in learning more:
    Passcode: Vd*Uqgn2
    The session is about 40 minutes long — feel free to skip the 5-min introduction if you’re pressed for time.

    (I’ll be providing a breakdown and analysis of the plan and the info-session in an upcoming blog post. Spoiler alert: I’m mostly pretty happy with this legislation! –This doesn’t happen often.– However, most sole proprietors will want to make sure to implement their own savings plan simultaneously, since they won’t be eligible to participate; and many others will prefer the 401k approach due to higher limits.)
  5. State Unemployment Insurance Contribution Determination Rate
    If you have employees, you should normally have received a letter from IDES with your 2023 unemployment rate determination by now, but they are running behind and the letters won’t be posted on mytax.illinois.gov until January 5th, 2023. As soon as they do, you will need to update your payroll company’s records with the new unemployment tax rate, or it can cause expensive problems with reporting and reconciliations in the future. I wrote a blog on how to do this if you’re using Gusto for payroll.


If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

Illinois Small Businesses: Upcoming Aug 5-14 Sales Tax “Holiday” Is Anything But One

My inbox on June 27th.

On June 27th I woke to find dozens of notifications from MyTax Illinois in my email inbox — one for each and every client of ours who files sales taxes.

Just in case you got one or more of these yourself and haven’t logged in to check it out yet, here’s what it looks like —

It doesn’t give you much to go on — just a sort of “hey we saw you’re registered to file sales taxes, so you should read these four bulletins which may or may not apply and you’re unlikely to understand anyway” note.

But, if you dig through the bulletins you’ll find two in particular that could be important to a small business owner. One of them I covered in a recent blog post — Illinois Grocery Sales Tax Reduced by 1% For The Next 12 Months — it’s only likely to apply if you sell groceries that qualify for the low-tax food rate.

The other — FY 2022-24 State Sales Tax Holiday August 5, 2022, through August 14, 2022 (illinois.gov) — which I’ll discuss here, is a notice basically saying that all retailers have to reduce their sales tax rate on certain clothing and supplies by 5 percentage points for a 10-day (Aug 5-14) period, to give consumers a break during back-to-school time.

If you want to skip my rant and go to the section on what a small business owner should do next, scroll down to the next line in bold.

While I’m super-supportive about giving working families a break on prices — this is a terrible way to do it! It costs small businesses more in accounting and bookkeeping work than it could possibly save anyone.

It requires a small business owner — already overworked and without sufficient staff, and having in most cases barely survived the pandemic and still scraping to get by — to paw through every item in their Point of Sale system and change sales tax on an item-by-item basis. It’s hard enough to change sales tax amounts on a department-by-department basis… but item-by-item? Honestly, it will cost them so much more to figure this out than anyone will ever save on this “holiday”. And worse are the folks who don’t keep inventory in an automated system. They are stabbing in the dark and have no way to implement it at all. I just have to hope they don’t get audited by IDOR.

To make matters worse, the guidance says that the retail selling price per clothing item must be less than $125, and that supplies must be used by students in the course of study, in order to qualify. It’s simply impossible to program any Point of Sale system to create a sales tax discount on certain dollar-amounts of products and not others, or to change the sales tax rate on an individual item for some sales but not others (i.e., only after finding out that it will be used in the course of study at school). If small business owners are going to be able to comply with any of these rules, it will have to apply to all sales of a certain product — not just some sales.

This type of well-intentioned law — like the bag tax, carbonated beverage tax, and ill-fated sweetened beverage tax — has my full support from a social perspective. But they are so poorly-worded, difficult-to-enact, and misguided, that no small business could ever properly implement any of them cost-effectively.

This is just like that. Well-intentioned but completely out of touch and indicative that our representatives don’t have a clue what’s going on “on the ground”.

I received a hilarious text from a client when she read the IDOR notice:

Texts from a client when she read the IDOR notice.

As an aside, I wrote my state rep and begged him not to support this kind of thing in the future, and to work with other elected officials to find more reasonable, sustainable ways to provide relief to hard-working families, without crushing small business owners along the way. His response was truly wonderful, and he apologized profusely for not involving stakeholders in the last-minute rush to get it passed.

“Looks like we really did a terrible job here.  You’re absolutely right that this was an example of government decision making at its worst. I think in the abstract these are largely good ideas, but looking at that guidance, it’s clear that implementation is going to be a nightmare. You have my word that I’ll try to do a better job of asking questions like “yes but is this feasible?” or “how much of an administrative burden is it placing on our small business owners?” when we’re contemplating things like this in the future.”

What does this mean for you, the small business owner? What are your next steps?

Follow these steps, in order, to determine what actions to take:

Step 1 – Check this list to see if you sell any products on it:

The great news is, that if you don’t sell any of these products, then you do not need to make any changes or do any extra work. However, I’d recommend rehearsing the phrase, “the sales tax holiday is only for back-to-school clothing and supplies, and as we don’t sell any items that would qualify, we aren’t able to offer you the 5% sales tax discount.” Because for sure there are going to be people who think that anything they buy during the 10-day period will be at a lower sales tax rate.

If you do sell products on the list above, then move on to the next step.

Step 2 – Identify all the products you sell that are on the list above. If any of the clothing items are priced at $125 or more, cross them off. Then make sure none of the remaining products you just identified are on this list of non-qualifying items:

Step 3 – Look at the items that made it onto your “qualified” list, and ask yourself who your clients generally are that buy these items — are they likely to be used for school? If the answer is definitely no, then again — no worries. You do not need to make any changes or do any additional work. (Except rehearsing that phrase from above and teaching it to your staff.)

However, if the answer is maybe or likely, then we’ve got some work to do.

Step 4 – If the answer is maybe, then you have to decide whether it’s worth your effort to go through your Point of Sale system and change the tax rate on each product that qualifies (and then change it back 10 days later) — or if you don’t have a POS system, if it’s worth it to figure out how to manually change the tax rate on each sale of one of these items, and to track how many were sold during the period of Aug 5-14. Because an alternative might be to just leave everything at the higher sales tax rate unless a customer specifically states that they are buying it for school use (you could even ask each customer who buys one of these items during that period if it’s for school use or not) — and then just give them a discount and write down the sale somewhere so that later on when you file your ST-1, you know how much to enter onto the Schedule GT so you get your money credited back to you — yes, I know that this means your cash drawer and your Sales Tax Payable accounts will be off. You can just have your accountant book an adjustment after the correct amount of tax is paid to the state. Or, in all honesty, you could even give them the discount out of the business’ own pocket and it would still be cheaper than reassigning tax rates in your POS system.

Step 5 – On the other hand, if the answer is likely, then you need to:

  1. Create a new tax rate in your POS system called “holiday rate” that is 5 points lower than the current sales tax rate (in Chicago, 10.25% — so the new rate will be 5.25%). Hopefully your system allows enough rate slots to accommodate this. If not, maybe consider the approach outlined in Step 4.
  2. After close of business on August 4th, assign that new rate to all the items that qualify.
  3. Make a note to reassign the old rate to all those items after the close of business on August 14th.
  4. Be sure you can run a report of all the items that sold at this rate, since you’ll need to declare that total on a separate tax form (Schedule GT) when you prepare your monthly sales tax return (ST-1).

If you do not have inventory or non-inventory sales-taxable items stored in your POS system — or if you have a cash register instead of a POS — then you’ll need to look at how you charge sales taxes to each item and come up with a plan that mimics the approach I just outlined. For example, if your system allows you to manually edit the sales tax rate on a sale-by-sale basis, you could keep a list of all the qualifying items by the register, and simply adjust for each qualifying sale. The problem is that only some of the items get the discounted rate, so if this is how your system works, you’d have to run a separate sale for all the qualifying items and then one for the non-qualifying items. You also will need to keep a list of all the sales made at the lower rate, since as mentioned above, you’ll have to note those on a separate schedule when you prepare your sales tax return. And if your system doesn’t allow you to manually edit the sales tax rate, you’ll have to take the approach I mentioned earlier, whereby you just give the customer a discount and adjust the inaccurate books later, hoping it all comes out in the wash.

Step 6 – Once the time comes to file your monthly (or quarterly) ST-1 sales tax return, you’ll notice there is an additional form– Schedule GT, Sales and Use Tax Holiday and Grocery Tax Suspension Schedule. This was created for retailers to report sales of qualifying items sold during the sales tax holiday. Per IDOR:

Form ST-1 has not changed. Retailers should continue to report their normal taxable sales, including sales of qualifying items, on Lines 4a and 4b, Lines 6a and 6b, or Lines 12a and 12b, of Form ST-1 and will then use Lines 2a and 2b, Lines 3a and 3b, or Lines 4a and 4b on Schedule GT to calculate a credit against the tax reported on those lines for the tax they are not collecting during the state sales tax holiday.

So you’ll report the sales of these items, on which you charged the lower tax amount, on Schedule GT and it will flow onto your ST-1 as a credit so that you’re not remitting more to the IDOR than you collected.

Whichever approach you take, make sure to rehearse the phrase, “the sales tax holiday is only for back-to-school clothing and supplies, and as we don’t sell any items that would qualify, we aren’t able to offer you the 5% sales tax discount.” Lots of folks read the headlines, but not the small print.

Hopefully this was all clearer to read than it felt to write it! And please make sure your state representative knows how you feel about having had to think about it in the first place. Small businesses have enough to deal with these days!

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

Illinois Grocery Sales Tax Reduced by 1% For The Next 12 Months

Illinois’ 1% sales tax on groceries will be suspended for the state’s fiscal year, from June 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. This sales tax reprieve is predicted to net approximately $400 million in consumer savings.

State and county taxes are still in place, meaning that in the City of Chicago, the tax on groceries went from 2.25% down to 1.25%.

Interestingly, medical products and devices — which are usually taxed at the same low rate as groceries — will remain taxable at their usual rate instead of getting the additional 1% suspension.

For retailers, this means that all “grocery low-tax” departments will need to have the tax reduced in Point of Sale systems, but not in medical/drug departments or grocery high-tax (alcoholic beverages, food consisting of or infused with adult use cannabis, soft drinks, candy, and food that has been prepared for immediate consumption).

There are also signage requirements for retailers. Per the IDOR’s May bulletin:

Retailers, to the extent feasible, shall include the following statement on any cash register tape, receipt, invoice, or sales ticket issued to Retailers, to the extent feasible, shall include the following statement on any cash register tape, receipt, invoice, or sales ticket issued to customers: “From July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, the State of Illinois sales tax on groceries is 0%.” If it is not feasible for the retailer to include the statement on any cash register tape, receipt, invoice, or sales ticket issued to customers, then the retailer shall post the statement on a sign that is clearly visible to customers. The sign shall be no smaller than 4 inches by 8 inches. A printable sign will be available on our website at tax.illinois.gov.

In related tax news, the same state budget also provides automatic $50 income tax rebates for individuals who made less than $200,000 in 2021, $100 for couples filing jointly who made less than $400,000, and $100 per dependent claimed in 2021, up to three. Additionally, the Illinois state earned income credit will increase from 18% to 20% of the federal credit, and eligible homeowners will receive property tax rebates equal to their 2021 property tax credit, up to $300.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.