A librarian for the non-profit organization Always Discovering reached out to me to express appreciation for the blog and other resources on my website, and to suggest a few more.
One of them in particular caught my eye as well-researched and time-sensitive: 18 Small Business Grants for Minorities.
Some of these grant opportunities expire soon, so if you think you might qualify, take a look and as always — make sure your books are up-to-date and tax returns are timely-filed or extended, so you have the resources needed for applications.
Let us know in the comments if any of these turn out well (or poorly) for you, so we can make sure to promote them in our channels.
If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.