I’m particularly excited about this upcoming webinar offered by the National Society of Accountants for Cooperatives (NSAC) — Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at 2 pm ET / 1 pm CT / 12 pm MT / 11 am PT — entitled “Distinguishing between patronage, nonpatronage and nonmember income“.
Why? Well, not only is it an important and complex topic about which there is little written — and even less often presented at conferences and in continuing education settings — but it’s being taught by some of my very favorite colleagues in the co-op world. In particular, Teree Castanias and George Benson are regular educators in the space of cooperative tax issues, and among the very finest in their fields. (And one of the moderators is none other than a friend of mine, the extremely knowledgeable and dedicated Rebecca Smith.)
“This session will discuss the consequences of patronage distributions and/or patronage retentions in the current environment. Panelists will discuss prior case law and the proposed regulations as well as the consequences of both in the current environment.”
If you work in co-op accounting, you owe it to yourself and your clients to take an hour out of your day to get up-to-speed on this complicated and essential topic. It’s a fast, convenient, easy, and affordable way to learn from some of the leaders in the field. Nope, they don’t pay me to say this… I’m just excited about it. Register here. See you there!
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