Tag Archives: SECURE

Tax Preparers Rejoice! Here’s How To Prepare SECURE 2.0 Form 8881 Retirement Tax Credit If You Use Gusto & Guideline

Photo by coco tafoya on Unsplash

UPDATE: As of 2025, the report is now located under Gusto’s “Tax Incentives” section on the left-hand side of the screen, rather than “Taxes & Compliance”. It didn’t disappear (I nearly freaked out when I saw it might have and wanted to reassure y’all).

As my readers and colleagues know, I’m a huge proponent of leveraging technology to remove the drudgery from our jobs and those of our small business clients. We all have enough on our plates already!

As a CPA whose company works with loads of small businesses that need to process payroll, I’ve used quite a few payroll systems through the years… and Gusto has become our favorite. It’s not without its quirks and issues, but overall it does a great job for a great price, and — key for the work we do — it syncs nicely with QuickBooks Online, as well as with Guideline Retirement, saving us oodles of time that we used to spend on benefit reconciliations. (In a prior blog post about choosing the best state-mandated small business employee retirement plan solution, I cite this as one of the main reasons to go with Guideline.)

This week, I discovered a gift that Gusto created for tax preparers with clients that use the Gusto+Guideline combo — a reporting tool that will literally prepare the Form 8881 “Credit for Small Employer Pension Plan Startup Costs” for you. No joke. And it works!

I want to shout it from the rooftops, because it’s a massive timesaver. The previous SECURE Act credit was super-easy to claim, but this year, the Form 8881 was updated for SECURE 2.0 to include loads of information that most CPA firms are simply not going to have access to — not only current tax-year payroll information, but prior-year data on a per-employee basis; as well as information on how many employees qualified to participate (whether or not they actually participated), in both the current and previous tax year.

It was such a balm on my tired tax-preparing soul to know that they were looking out for us and trying to make our lives better through technology. The only thing I can’t figure out is why no one told me about it sooner. (Honestly, I randomly stumbled on it when I went into my own Gusto account to run weekly payroll.)

Not only did we end up using these reports for our own tax clients, but we also sent them over to our colleagues who prepare the tax returns for certain bookkeeping clients of ours, to help them out. And now we’re superstars to them. In fact, here’s a great idea for all the bookkeepers reading: run this report for all your clients, prepare a zip file for each of the tax preparation firms you work with, and send them this beautiful present all tied up with a pretty virtual bow. I’m always talking about collaboration and co-firming between bookkeepers and CPAs (come see me this June at Scaling New Heights for “The Tax-Ready Bookkeeper”) and this is a great example of it! Who do you think they’re going to recommend when a tax client needs accounting and bookkeeping assistance? You!

Keep in mind that these reports are only accurate if a) the client was on Gusto and Guideline, and b) were on them both for the entire tax year.

These are the steps I walked through and the screens I clicked on to make this magic happen.

  1. Sign into Gusto and go into a client that used Gusto+Guideline for the entire tax year. (No other payroll, no other retirement company.)
  2. On the left side bar, click on “Tax Incentives”.

3. Under “Available credits”, find the one that says “401(k) tax credit” and click the “Learn more” button.

4. Check out the overview and the FAQ, and then click the “Get started” button.

5. Fill out the short questionnaire. The information below was correct for my own company, but may not be the same answers for yours or for your clients, so make sure to answer accurately. Then click the “Continue” button.

6. At this point, Gusto will provide you with the amount of the credit, as well as all the information you need to prepare the Form 8881. Review it carefully. This is particularly important if you have employees who are not represented in Gusto because you are using another payroll provider simultaneously. And as I mentioned above, if the client switched retirement companies from another provider to Guideline part-way through the year, this information will not be accurate. Once you’ve reviewed the data, then click the “Generate credit form” button at the bottom of the page.

7. On the next screen, you will have two options:

If you click the “Download” button it gives you an incredible PDF with not only all the information you need to know to prepare the 8881, but a copy of the IRS form itself, filled-out exactly as it should be, according to their records + Guideline’s records.

If you click “Review Details” (to the right of the amount of your credit) you’ll get a screen pop-up from the right that you can scroll through to review the same information they noted above. From here, you can click “Reset credit form” if some of the information looks incorrect and you need to edit the questionnaire, or simply click “Close” if you’re done.

That’s it. It was simply that easy. The process of figuring out all this information prior to discovering Gusto’s beautiful gift took about two hours — which doesn’t count the digging through reports in Gusto and Guideline to figure out which ones told us what we needed to know, reaching out to Guideline support and asking for a custom report to be generated for each client that would show which employees qualified (turns out they are completely unaware that Gusto has this great resource, too — someone should definitely let them know)… and it definitely doesn’t count the ridiculous amount of time we spent figuring it out for our last remaining ADP client hold-outs — their reports can’t even be exported into Excel! PDF-only, you heard me. I’ve been warning those two clients for years that one day I’m going to issue an ultimatum. That day might be coming soon.

One small glitch: for some clients, it shows an extra month of Guideline service fee payments compared to what is in QuickBooks Online, which I think is simply a timing issue. It’s also a small-enough amount that if it gets claimed in 2023 instead of 2024 — or 2024 instead of 2025, that’s not a huge deal. However, we manually edited ours accordingly, and hope that this gets cleaned up for next tax year.

And while we’re here — did you know that our Gusto referral link will get you a $100 prepaid Visa card when you sign up and run your first paid payroll? Or — $200 if you have over 10 employees! And for accountant partners, signing up through this link will earn you $500 once you’ve added and run payroll for three clients. Next year, you too can be reveling in the glory of pre-prepared small business retirement credits!

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

What Illinois Secure Choice Retirement Means for Your Small Business or Non-Profit

Click the image to watch an excellent 20-minute overview video of the IL Secure Choice Program.

There have been rumblings in the news for quite some time now about small businesses being required to provide retirement plans for their employees — but most owners seem to be turning a deaf ear, presuming that their small size exempts them from the requirement.

Not so! There is a phased-in approach to the State of Illinois’ new plan, and this November (2023) is going to catch a bunch of folks unprepared, as the requirements will extend to any business with five or more employees.

That probably means you — and if this sends you into a panic, no fear… we’re going to outline what the requirements are and will offer a couple of suggestions for getting into compliance.

What Is Illinois Secure Choice?

It’s a combination of legislation that requires most employers to offer a retirement plan to their employees — and a system that fills the gap for employers who do not currently offer retirement savings via payroll deductions.

In the words of the Illinois Department of Revenue, “Secure Choice is a program administered by the Illinois Secure Choice Savings Board for the purpose of providing a retirement savings option to private-sector employees in Illinois who lack access to an employer-sponsored plan.” Check out this excellent 20-minute video for an overview.

Enacted in 2015, the Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program Act has been phased in over many years, starting with companies with many employees, and working its way to those with very few staff by comparison.

Wave One began in 2018, and included employers with 500 or more employees. Wave Two, in 2019, included employers with 100‑499 employees, and another wave later that same year included employers with 25-99 employees. The deadline for wave Four — employers with 16 or more employees — was Nov. 1, 2022. The deadline for wave Five, employers with five or more employees, is Nov. 1, 2023.

Why Is Illinois Making Small Business Owners Do This?

Research has shown that Americans are 15 times more likely to save for retirement when it’s done through a payroll deduction at work. With more than 50% of us unprepared to retire when the time comes — even taking Social Security into account — the state decided that one way to address this problem would be to offer a program that helped the 40% of employers who do not offer a retirement plan a way to auto-enroll its team members into making payroll deductions into a Roth IRA.

Since it is estimated that most of us, when we retire, will need around 70-80% of pre-retirement income, the need to save is essential. The stress that it places on the social safety net when folks do not have sufficient funds to care for themselves after they stop working is enormous, so it’s not surprising that the state decided to facilitate individual savings through their workplaces.

It’s worth mentioning that the gap in retirement savings disproportionately affects workers at small businesses, lower-wage workers, people of color, and women. According to AARP, among businesses with 10-24 employees, nearly 59% of workers are not covered by a workplace retirement plan, and for businesses with fewer than 10 employees, that figure is nearly 73%.

Are Employees Being Forced To Save For Retirement?

No. Although the program starts with auto-enrollment, employees may opt-out (or back in) at any time, just like the majority of 401k plans out there. And as a reminder, the employer is able to offer their own 401k plan instead of IL Secure Choice; there is no obligation to participate in this particular program, as long as another qualified plan exists.

The default option for program participants is to enroll in a target-date Roth IRA with a 5 percent contribution rate. Participants can choose to change their contribution level or fund option at any time. Accounts are owned by individual participants and are portable from job-to-job.

Is The State of Illinois Going To Manage My Retirement Plan?

No. Investments are held in a separate trust outside the Illinois Treasury and are managed by private-sector investment managers. Acensus, a private-sector financial services firm, administers the program, which is overseen by a public board chaired by the Illinois State Treasurer. Each employee gets their own IRA account, which like any other IRA, belongs to them and is not associated with which employer or job they have.

As of January of this year, the program has hit the $100 Million mark in savings.

Does My Small Business Have to Participate?

If your company (or non-profit) has been in business for two or more years, has five or more employees, and does not already offer a qualified retirement plan, then you have two choices:

  • start offering a qualified retirement plan (more on that later); or,
  • participate in the Illinois Secure Choice program.

Supposedly, Illinois Secure Choice was not intended to replace or compete with traditional employer-sponsored qualified retirement plans, like 401(k), 403(b), SEP and SIMPLE programs. So if you’ve been thinking about starting one of those for your company — especially if you are interested in being able to sock away more retirement money for yourself than an IRA allows — this is the time to adopt a plan for your business, rather than signing up for IL Secure Choice.

That said, the fees and employer contributions involved in these types of plans can be prohibitive to many small businesses, which is one of the reasons the IL Secure Choice program was developed. The three “hurdles” that employers deal with that prevent them from having a retirement plan are 1) the administrative burden, 2) fees, and 3) fiduciary liability. The program was designed to reduce and, as much as possible, eliminate these concerns.

What Do Employers Need To Do To Comply?

Employers need to do the following:

  1. Choose whether to establish a qualified retirement plan or facilitate IL Secure Choice.
  2. Register your organization at employer.ilsecurechoice.com by the state-required deadline (or note that you are exempt because you already have a qualifying plan). All employers should receive a “welcome notification” email or letter with an Access Code; use this to register or inform them of your exemption.
  3. If facilitating IL Secure Choice:
    • set up account portal
    • submit and maintain employee roster
    • submit employee contributions every pay period
    • keep employee lists up-to-date
    • reconcile the employee contributions liability account each month and annually (to make sure the correct amounts have been both withheld and submitted)

Why Would We Choose To Sponsor A Qualified Retirement Plan (401k/403b) Instead of Illinois Secure Choice?

Our company, like many others, has chosen to offer a 401(k) plan instead of IL Secure Choice. Why?

  1. We are fans of increasing our own retirement contribution limits well beyond what can be saved with an IRA-based plan like IL Secure Choice (generally $6,500);
  2. The competitive advantage of offering a plan that includes employer contributions (not allowed with IL Secure Choice) is significant in our field of work;
  3. Guideline’s use of Vanguard “Admiral Shares” means we get the lowest expense ratio in the industry;
  4. The SECURE 2.0 Act offers tax credits of up to $15,000 over three years, to offset costs of setting up and contributing to the plan (!!!); and,
  5. We love the ease of not having to maintain employee lists or submit contributions (more on this below).

With Gusto, our preferred payroll provider (my referral link gets you $100 or more when you run your first payroll), and Guideline, our preferred retirement plan, the two systems sync with each other, so there’s no need to maintain employee lists or submit contributions — it all happens automatically. This is a huge administrative burden lifted for us. (Plus, our clients receive the first five months of Guideline fees free of charge, so that’s an added bonus.) This alone certainly isn’t worth it for your company when deciding which path to choose, but if you’re also eager to increase your own retirement contributions as a business owner, and to distinguish yourselves as a desirable employer in a competitive labor market, then in my opinion, it’s a no-brainer.


What Happens If I Missed The Deadline?

This came up in the Q&A in my state rep’s presentation (see the bottom of this post for the link), and the response was that although by statute, penalties can certainly be assessed, the goal is not to punish employers who are trying to do the right thing. Right now they are focused on outreach, education, and trying to ensure they are reaching employers who are required to comply. As long as you register as soon as you discover that you missed the deadline, you should be fine. Otherwise, employers that do not comply could face penalties of $250 per employee for the first year and $500 per employee for each subsequent year.

What Options Do My Employees Have For Investing?

Lots. And they’re good — the board who developed this program really was thoughtful in their design. To learn more, please watch the video I referenced at the beginning of the post, as this is meant to be a guide for employers who are trying to suss out their requirements. If you’ve already decided to go for it and facilitate the IL Secure Choice Plan, then you should definitely watch the video to learn more. It’s only 20 minutes long, you can do it!

How Do I Onboard And Submit Contributions?

Again, this blog post is meant to help employers sort out their requirements and get their bearings. To learn how it all works, please watch the 20-minute video referenced at the beginning of the post. (Honestly, if you can’t even watch a short video, then you’re really not going to like the administrative overhead of facilitating the program, and might want to consider going with the Gusto/Guideline combo I mentioned earlier.)

Where Can I Learn More?

The FAQ on the Illinois Secure Choice website is astounding in its comprehensiveness. Check it out. If you have a question, someone has likely already answered it there.

Additionally, there are these handy downloadable Program Resources:
Employer Overview
Eligibility and Rollout
Communication To Your Employees

As well as an excellent DIY Step-By-Step Guide for Employers.

They also offer these resources:

And if that all wasn’t enough for you, check out the most excellent version of this same presentation that was offered by my state rep’s office in December of 2022. It’s the same presenters of the slideshow portion as above, but there are also other participants that offer more context, and a very long and informative Q&A. They’ve granted me permission to share it here, and you can use passcode Vd*Uqgn2 to view or download the zoom recording.

Click the image above to access a zoom recording of the IL Secure Choice webinar — Passcode: Vd*Uqgn2

They truly did a great job with both the presentation and the Q&A and I encourage you to watch the whole thing while you’re reviewing the program details on the IL Secure Choice website.

Good luck navigating the system (if you are one of our clients — please reach out and we’ll help you), and congratulations on helping your employees save for retirement!

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

SECURE Act Summary & Planning Tips

Just before 2019 ended, Congress passed the SECURE Act (“Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement”). It had been languishing for months and was suddenly wrapped up in the budget legislation and passed accordingly — a surprise to most of us. It’s designed to make retirement plans more available to American workers, but there are also quite a few revenue-raisers in the bill as well that will throw a wrench into existing estate planning.

As a result: for employers, it’s a good time to revisit the retirement options you’re offering your staff; and for taxpayers, it’s a good time to revisit your retirement and estate planning.

Forbes provided a good summary as to the highlights of the Act.

Several rules related to tax-advantaged retirement accounts were altered. Here’s what will change:

  • The age at which retirement plan participants need to take required minimum distributions (RMDs) has changed to age 72 (changed from 70 ½). This only applies to those who hadn’t reached 70 ½ by the end of 2019.
  • Limited to $10,000 annually, the IRS has approved the use of 529 accounts for qualified student loan repayments.
  • For child adoption and family planning, individuals can withdraw up to $5,000 from 401(k) accounts penalty-free to assist in the cost.
  • Employers with an automatic enrollment into a 401(k) or SIMPLE IRA plan will receive a maximum tax credit of $500 per year.
  • Part-time employees who work at least 1,000 hours throughout a year or have 500 hours of service within three consecutive years can enroll in the employer-sponsored retirement plan.
  • An option for plan sponsors to use annuities in workplace plans to reduce liability if the insurer cannot meet its financial obligations.

If you’re an employer, definitely take a look at the credit available toward starting up a company retirement plan, and if you’re an employee, let your boss know about this credit, and that many part-time employees are now eligible to participate, but without tipping the scales away from full-time, highly-compensated employees. It’s a win-win.

As an employee, remember that there is still a credit for lower-income taxpayers for saving toward retirement, called the Retirement Savers Credit. In my work as a tax preparer I see this as an underused but very valuable perk toward getting folks started on saving for the future. Nerd Wallet wrote up a nice summary of the credit.

The SECURE Act also impacts so-called “Stretch” and Roth IRAs. It caps the distribution period for Stretch IRAs (a type of inherited Traditional IRA plan) to ten years, inflating the taxable income for recipients who otherwise would have taken smaller distributions over a longer period of time. This makes Roth IRAs more attractive — because when a Roth is inherited, it doesn’t have the same effect of bumping beneficiaries into a higher tax bracket (since with a Roth, the tax was paid before the IRA was funded).

Henry Montag of Bloomberg Tax offers a clear explanation of this situation, as well as some great planning tips, here — INSIGHT: Planning Considerations Regarding the SECURE Act.

Some options for estate planning now that “Stretch” IRAs aren’t as attractive include:

  1. Taxable investment accounts
  2. Life insurance
  3. Leave the IRA to a charity
  4. Roth conversions

Regardless of your tax bracket or plans for retirement, the SECURE Act will likely affect you in some way, shape, or form… so be proactive and work with your CPA or lawyer to make sure you’re making the most of it.