Tag Archives: small businesses

Not So Fast — BOI Injunction Is Back!

As of December 27,2024, the Fifth Circuit reversed their own stay while they’re deciding the case. This means the injunction is back on and there’s currently no enforceable BOI reporting requirement.

More here from my colleague Kelly Phillips Erb — In Whiplash Maneuver, Court Rules Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Reporting Requirements Are On Hold.

Apparently one panel of the Fifth Circuit decided to stay the injunction — but just a few days later, a different panel of the same U.S. Court of Appeals circuit issued an order vacating the December 23, 2024 order granting a stay of the preliminary injunction.

This sounds weird — because it is — but basically, they “stayed the stay” (which is like a double-negative) of the injunction. Meaning the district court temporary hold on FinCEN being able to enforce the BOI reporting is still in place after all. Companies are not currently required to file beneficial ownership information with FinCEN.

Therefore, anything in the original article I published a few days ago is informational-only and BOI filing is currently voluntary per the FinCEN website.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

BOI Reporting Is Back — Most Filings Now Due January 13, 2025

My feelings regarding how FinCEN has handled Beneficial Ownership information (BOI) under the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) are best left unexpressed.

UPDATE: as of December 27,2024, the Fifth Circuit reversed their own stay while they’re deciding the case. This means the injunction is back on and there’s currently no enforceable BOI reporting requirement.

More here from my colleague Kelly Phillips ErbIn Whiplash Maneuver, Court Rules Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Reporting Requirements Are On Hold

Therefore, anything in the original article below is informational-only and BOI filing is currently voluntary per the FinCEN website.

Here is the original article from the day before the 12/27/24 reversal:

With all the insanity about Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting these past few weeks — first the nationwide injunction preventing FinCEN from enforcing the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)… then the House passing a Continuing Resolution (CR) that would give us all a year-long delay while the various court challenges made their way through the system… then the Senate passing a version of the CR without addressing the issue… and then, yesterday a stay on the injunction by the Fifth Circuit — meaning that everything is back in place and the BOI is once again law of the land — how much more confusion could there possibly be?

I’ve been putting off finalizing my definitive article on the topic for months, despite having interviewed five different filing companies back in January and February, as most sources of information suggested that the BOI was likely to be delayed a year — that’s certainly what AICPA, NATP, and our other membership organizations have been lobbying for in Congress. And with the increased confusion surrounding this year-end injunction prohibiting its enforcement, even FinCEN itself said that though they would appeal, for the time being, BOI filing would be voluntary. And now it’s the holidays and everything has been upended. So — I’m going to push off a longer article on what the heck BOI is and why we have to file it and the myriad reasons I feel it’s a terrible law (though probably not unconstitutional — just terrible lawmaking) until after the New Year, and this just covers “what you need to know NOW”.

In a tiny bit of good news for what’s left of our holiday season, at least they’ve given us 12 days of BOI extension in place of 12 days of Christmas or 8 days of Hanukkah.

What are the current deadlines?

An update from Melanie Lauridsen at AICPA:

‼️ Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, US Treasury issues small extension/delay for BOI reporting. ‼️
* Companies created or registered prior to January 1, 2024 have until January 13, 2025 to file.
* Companies created or registered on or after September 4, 2024 that had a filing deadline between December 3, 2024 and December 23, 2024 have until January 13, 2025 to file.
* Companies created or registered on or after December 3, 2024 and on or before December 23, 2024 have an additional 21 days from their original filing deadline to file.
* Companies that qualify for disaster relief may have extended deadlines that fall beyond January 13, 2025. These companies should abide by whichever deadline falls later.
* Companies that are created or registered on or after January 1, 2025 have 30 days to file.

And here’s a handy Journal of Accountancy article with a few more details.

What are my options?

Well, I’m not a lawyer, so I can’t advise you, but I can say that you do seem to have a couple of choices — file it yourself or seek help.

  1. File the BOI on your own as a DIY — in which case I recommend you use my colleague Hannah Smolinski‘s handy do-it-yourself YouTube guide, here. This is free and you file directly with FinCEN. The negatives are that it’s a bit fussy and your data is not saved for the next time you file or update your info. The pros: FREE and DIRECT.
  2. File the BOI with the help of a third party. There are a zillion out there, many of whom are just going through the motions without considering the potentially special needs of your situation — such as condo associations, cooperatives, and other group filers, or other companies whose beneficial owners are not listed on the Secretary of State documents filed when you became organized or incorporated. Worse even, many companies and attorneys are charging an arm and a leg for this reporting — and getting it, from unsuspecting businesses. I’ve interviewed quite a few companies offering this service, and my favorite ended up being File Forms. I like the ease of use of their user-interface, the fact that they have guidance to walk you through the process, and that they let you save your info for the next time you have to file or update your report. (Note: while this is a referral link, know that I chose them well before they offered it to me; I had a great experience with their sister organization during the ERC era, and they were my objective personal selection for my own BOI filing after interviewing five different companies.)

What happens if I choose not to file?

Penalties are steep for willful non-compliance. I would not take this approach… though if you’re really opposed to it, or already on winter vacation, or busy with year-end tax planning or other seasonal work, you could try waiting until the first week of the new year in case this gets delayed one more time. I wouldn’t personally give you a hard time about that approach. Just don’t forget!

Why are some people so opposed to this?

For now, I’m going to skip answering this question in full — it’ll have to wait until my more comprehensive article on the topic. The short version is that it’s a huge amount of red tape for small business owners that already have way too many barriers to success; FinCEN did a lousy job promoting it and educating business owners; the definition of a beneficial owner is vague; most of this information is already on file at the Secretary of State; it’s too easy to miss filing an update unknowingly; the penalties for non-filing are way too high; and the people who are doing the money laundering are going to have an easy time getting around this anyway.

Is it unconstitutional?

I have no idea. Some folks think it is. Some don’t. That’s why there’s so much court activity on this, adding to the confusion.

What’s my next step?

Decide whether to file DIY or with a third-party. If DIY, go to Hannah‘s step-by-step instructions. If with a third-party, decide whether to use your usual attorney or a company like File Forms. If your situation is at all complex or you don’t understand the instructions — seek professional assistance!

And have a happy holiday season.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

QBO Tags Will No Longer Be Supported as of May 16, 2025

UPDATE as of March 20, 2025: QuickBooks has postponed the sunset date for the “Tags” feature to May 16th, 2025. They also note that in addition to QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Ledger and Intuit Enterprise Suite (IES) will also no longer support tags after that date. (Also important for some to know that QB Ledger does not support custom fields, so it will not have the same option to switch to this solution that the other products will have.)

Therefore… the change is not in fact hitting us during tax season any longer! That’s certainly a “win” in my book.

Another win? They’ve also expanded the capabilities of custom fields to support both sales and expense forms, and each custom field will support up to 100 values with a dropdown format.

From Intuit:

What action do I need to take?
From today through May 15, 2025, you and your clients have the option to migrate all tags to a custom field. Read this help article to learn how to use the Tags -> Custom Field migration tool. Alternatively, you can input your current tag values into the custom field by hand or not transfer the tags at all. Lastly, be sure to download any tags reports so you have them for your records.

  • March 17, 2025 – Custom fields expanded functionality launches.
  • March 17, 2025 – May 15, 2025 – Migrate your tags to custom field(s). 
  • May 16, 2025 – Tags become read-only. You cannot create new tags. 
  • May 16, 2025 – May 15, 2028 – You can view tags and generate reports for historical transactions. After May 15, 2028, the ability to view tags and generate reports will no longer be available. Tags will be removed from QuickBooks Online and they will disappear from historical transactions.

Unfortunately, so far it appears that the “migration tool” released a few days ago only migrates the fields, not the historical data. More here: Migrate tags to custom fields in QuickBooks Online.

— most recent update follows — then original article —

UPDATE as of March 5, 2025: I’m getting folks asking about whether I’ve received any emails from Intuit on the topic, given how close we’re getting to their March 8 deadline. Here’s my response —

Unfortunately, I did not receive an email about it, nor did any clients forward one to me.

Check the resource I mention in the article, the Facebook “QB Power User Community”. There are lots of conversations going on in there if you search the term “tags” and then sort by “most recent”.

One comment:
“This is what I was told today on an online chat:
March 17, 2025 – Extended Custom Fields become available to customers
March 17, 2025 – May 15, 2025 – Customers can use the migration tool to migrate tags to custom field(s).
May 16, 2025 – Customers no longer can create tags.
2025 – June 16, 2028 – Customers have read-only access to tags.”

Another was this share for setting up custom fields — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TEup6VqvO4

And a response to my follow-up comment in there, by the amazing Alicia Katz-Pollock, QuickBooks Queen of Royalwise Training: “they’re pushing it out a couple weeks, which is why there haven’t been any announcements yet as they finalize the timeline. They are working on a tool to turn your tag groups into a new custom field, but I don’t believe that it’s going to bring over the history, only give you a new tool moving forward. That gives us a few weeks to run all the historical reports.”

— original article follows —

Did everyone get the memo? QuickBooks Online will no longer support tags, and they’re making the change one week before the S-Corp and Partnership tax deadline.

While I appreciate the need for this kind of decision, I encourage Intuit to reconsider the timing of big changes so that they come between May and November. It’s not just tax pros that struggle with “busy season”… it’s also bookkeepers and CAS practices that have to tie out the annual financial statements in QBO to effectively hand off the books to tax pros — which y’all know is my passion when teaching and in our ‘Ask a CPA’ subscription.

As for the specifics — they are adding an additional custom field to most plans and are creating a tool to facilitate the migration from tags to this new custom field.

More from the announcement here —

What action do I need to take?
In February 2025, you and your clients will have the option to migrate all tags to a custom field. Watch for an email from the QuickBooks team in the first week of February. You and your clients will get access to a tool to facilitate the migration. However, you can also input the values, e.g. tags, into the custom field by hand or not transfer the tags at all, if you prefer. Additionally, be sure to download any tags reports so you have them for your records.

What deadlines should I be aware of if my clients are currently using Tags?
– Week of February 3, 2025 – Both you and your clients will receive an email notification. It will include a link to a tags → custom field migration tool and a how-to FAQ.
– March 8 – April 30, 2025 – You and your clients will have read-only access to existing tags, whereby you can view and generate reports for tagged transactions for your records.
– All Tags UI will be removed after May 1, 2025. You will no longer be able to run reports for tagged transactions.

A lot of people got really mad on social media when I posted about this, saying that it was a really useful feature and skewering Intuit for taking it away… but in reality, from a corporate standpoint, anyway — not enough folks are using it, partially because it’s underdeveloped and kind of buggy, and the reporting usage isn’t robust. As my friend Margie Remmers-Davis said, “either flesh this feature out or let it go”. So, personally — I’m actually on-board with it. EXCEPT for the lousy timing. Increasing the number of custom fields in the three lowest levels of subscription and creating a way to migrate from tags to the new custom field is a good way to facilitate this transition — but it’s going to take work to implement this, and we just don’t have time in Feb/March to make that happen. Beyond that, it’s been pointed out by other colleagues that changing reporting mid-year is really challenging, and that this should have been timed to coincide with next January 1st.

The always-amazing Alicia Katz-Pollock had this to say about it in the QB Power Users Community:

The rest of the comments on this particular post are truly worth reading, in my opinion, as you can get some good insight as to how the folks who do depend on tags are using them — for example, Dena Martin and Megan Tarnow talked about why they use them for event-tracking for non-profits, so they don’t muck up the financial statements — and what workarounds they’re considering. Custom fields are not likely to handle this well. Projects may, but that’s a lot of work to set up and maintain.

There are also folks who are going to be severely limited by the fact that only one custom field is being added. Comparatively, QBO Essentials allotted unlimited tags and 40 tag groups. The new arrangement takes it down to only four custom fields. Several clients are going to be forced to a Plus subscription to use classes — or in some cases, come up with an external workaround. It was pointed out that QBO Advanced clients who are already using classes for other purposes and were using Tags as well are out of luck if using Projects won’t solve the issue. Each client is different, so if you’re a bookkeeper or accountant with clients in this situation, please hit that Feedback button in QBOA and let them know your concerns. And if you aren’t already following the thread I mentioned above on Facebook… it’s definitely worth your time.

Ah, QuickBooks — you giveth and you taketh away. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

Why Am I Getting So Many Emails About QuickBooks PCI Compliance?

Upset and disappointed businesswoman working in modern office

UPDATE AS OF MARCH 20, 2025: The annual PCI compliance emails are about to go out again, with the words “Compliance requirements effective 4/1/25.” Stay ahead of it and let your small business clients know NOW to expect them, so they know not to panic.

— original article follows —

There’s been a ton of confusion lately among QuickBooks Online users due to a series of emails from Intuit about the importance of PCI compliance (that part’s true, it is important), which they follow up with a plug to encourage you work with their “partner,” SecurityMetrics. Problem is, they are surprisingly quiet about the fact that QB Payments… is already PCI compliant.

From Intuit:
It’s important to note that QuickBooks applications themselves maintain a high level of security. However, the security of your overall environment can be influenced by other applications used in conjunction with QuickBooks. As for the use of QuickBooks Payments services, it’s essential to understand that merely utilizing these services does not automatically make you PCI compliant. It’s also crucial to recognize that as a merchant, you hold the responsibility of safeguarding payment card information and adhering to PCI compliance requirements.

Short answer — chances are that you don’t need to pay their “partner” (aka Intuit is likely receiving referral fees) to confirm that you and your clients are probably already PCI compliant if you’re using QB Payments. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t review your workflows and integrations with other software to see if there’s a step in your process that doesn’t comply.

Here’s what my amazing colleague, the QB Rockstar herself, Alicia Katz-Pollock, had to say about it on facebook:

You know those emails Intuit is sending about PCI Compliance? QB Payments is already compliant. At issue is how you’re gathering those credit card numbers and bank account data.

If you’re using a workflow where the client enters the info, you’re fine. If you’re talking to the customer and manually entering it into QBO, you’re fine, though you also need to be on an isolated computer, not on a network, if you’re typing in the info.

But if you’re still using those old forms QBO used to provide, or have the information written down, or are saving it in your computer system, you’re NOT fine.

You do NOT need to hire the service in the email and pay $150/year. All you have to do is self-assess, and change your procedures if you’re out of compliance.

Here is the official document!

A follow-up question she received:

Q: For old clients who completed an agreement years ago with those old QBO forms, how do you move to compliance for those? Just delete and get rid of their old forms?
A: Yes, delete any forms you have saved (and empty your trash)!

(Side note: Alicia’s company Royalwise is my #1 go-to for technical training in QuickBooks, whether for small business owners or bookkeepers, and I’ll be doing a class for her later this year! Here’s my affiliate link for her catalog — check it out.)

Another good friend in the QuickBooks world, Dan DeLong, of School of Bookkeeping (yes, that’s another affiliate link), wrote up a blog post where you’ll discover:

  • Why you receive PCI compliance emails from QuickBooks and what they mean for your business.
  • Steps to complete the Self-Assessment Questionnaire and ensure full compliance.
  • How to review and improve your credit card handling practices.
  • The costs involved with PCI services from SecurityMetrics.
  • Resources like the Small Business Guide to Safe Payments to further guide you.

Check out Dan’s blog post here — https://www.schoolofbookkeeping.com/blog/pci-compliance-quickbooks-guide.

I’m recommending that you take a look at what these two leaders in our field have to say about PCI Compliance because I trust the heck out of them (not because I have affiliate links; in fact, the reason I requested affiliate links is due to the confidence I have in them both).

As much as I adore QuickBooks Online and can say so much good about it — in fact, we base our entire firm’s work on using QBO as an accounting platform — it’s important to remember that its parent company Intuit is a for-profit, publicly-traded company. They’ve built an incredible product, but their end goal is to increase shareholder wealth… so please take what they say with a grain of salt and do some research before plunking down additional dollars. Small businesses need to be careful to watch their budgets!

And I’ll end with another heads-up, which is that earlier this year there was in fact a phishing scam going around called “PCI DSS Compliance Verification” with the QuickBooks logo on it, that encouraged users to “verify compliance now” by clicking on a button. This was *not* an authorized email from Intuit. As always, you have to be careful whenever you’re encouraged to click on any button or link — whether it turns out to be phishing… or just misleading.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

‘Ask A CPA’ Subscription Launch Summer 2024

Selfie of Nancy presenting "The Tax-Ready Bookkeeper" at Scaling New Heights to a large crowd.

✨ Y’all –> I did a BIG THING!


✍️ Some of you may know that I’ve been writing this award-winning blog for 10 years now. Not monetized — just a labor of love that started out as a way to store articles for myself in an easy-to-search format. But during the pandemic its popularity exploded… not just for small business owners, but for the bookkeepers and accountants that keep them going. (If you didn’t already know my biggest passion is supporting small businesses & the communities that they help thrive and keep vital and colorful, then you must be new here.)

🔢 And I realized — when I help a small business, I help ONE of the key players in keeping local economies healthy. When I help a bookkeeper, I help a multiple of small business owners. When I help many bookkeepers… you can see where this is going…

🐣 Last year I decided that I wanted to focus my efforts on helping bookkeepers and tax pros learn to collaborate, and that the best way to start would be to offer a judgement-free space for bookkeepers to ask ANY QUESTIONS THEY WANT that for whatever reason they can’t ask their clients’ tax preparers (or, if in a firm, they don’t feel comfortable asking the tax department). And thus was born…

🏫 ASK A CPA! A member community designed to provide education, support, and resources for bookkeepers to better serve their clients — by preparing tax-ready books, improving relationships and building knowledge and systems that ultimately help small business owners and their communities.

❤️ We’re starting small, intentionally, and as such we’ll be capping our founding member group at only 50 people — there are only 9 spots left as of August 10th! Get in here and help us create the community you want to see in our industry. (Or feel free to just sign up for our updates if you want to have FOMO like all the time, that’s cool, too.)


My Six Favorite Things About QuickBooks Online Accountant (QBOA) – And A Bonus

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I’m still floating through the clouds (quite literally, as I’m writing this from a window seat on the plane) on my way home from Scaling New Heights, where I was awarded Insightful Accountant’s 2024 Top Client Services ProAdvisor. And I’ve been thinking about how lucky I was to stumble into bookkeeping and accounting as a profession, and how much the support and education that QuickBooks provides to its ProAdvisors has played a part – not only in our team’s success, but also our clients’.

There are so many conferences, webinars, colleagues, apps, and tools that have helped me find this path, but unquestionably one of the most valuable has been our free subscription to the ultimate QBO client services tool – QuickBooks Online Accountant (QBOA). My team and I rely on its capabilities daily, and I can’t imagine running our practice without it. We reduce time spent on manual tasks, as well as review our clients’ books for accuracy and insights… basically a level-up on the already-robust basic subscription, with a version that’s designed for professionals who serve multiple clients.

Why does Intuit give us an accountant-specific bells-and-whistles version of QBO for free? Couldn’t they make a bunch of money selling this to us as an add-on? For sure… I see that angle, and I often worry they’ll switch to that approach someday. That’s how it was set up for QB Desktop – you had to pay to be a QBDT ProAdvisor, which gave you a special multi-client version of the software that allowed you to make edits and adjustments to client books and sync them between your system and theirs. But as you know… QBO already lets you do that, by the nature of its being cloud software-as-a-service, and so the extra bells-and-whistles aren’t as expensive to maintain as their Desktop counterparts. And having small business owners’ books prepared or reviewed by professional bookkeepers makes those businesses more likely to thrive, succeed… and remain in the Intuit ecosystem. It’s a win-win.

If you’re a professional bookkeeper or accountant and are interested in becoming a ProAdvisor, I can’t recommend it highly enough. The education available through the Training portion of the ProAdvisor space is wonderful, especially combined with the monthly QBO In The Know sessions and Alicia Katz-Pollock’s Insightful Accountant QB Talks – a whole world of potential awaits. And a key to unlocking that potential is using QBOA, which you get for free as a part of the ProAdvisor program.

But I’m surprised at how many bookkeepers, even those who are already ProAdvisors, don’t realize how powerful a tool QBOA is. So I wanted to highlight my favorite things about it that I use all the freaking time.

Accessing all your clients’ books from one login

This may sound obvious if you’re a regular QBOA user, but honestly – how many other SAAS packages let you do this? We use countless apps and banks with our clients, and with the exception of a few (heaping blessings here onto Relay, Gusto, Guideline, Bookkeep, and Synder), we’re constantly having to log in and out of them when switching clients. QBOA lets you do this with one simple toggle. Side bonus: all our team members are associated with my account, so they can also have their own QBOA login (and therefore their own list of clients) if they’ve simultaneously got their own side-hustle or company, something common in our particular staffing set-up as well as with companies that co-firm.

ProAdvisor-specific training

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I’m a huge fan of lifetime learning, and QBOA makes this easy. When I was on QB Desktop, I struggled to find training that was specific to bookkeepers working with multiple clients (rather than material that focused on end-users). In the QBOA portal, they suggest a personalized training path, provide self-paced study materials, videos, and links to live trainings. It also keeps track of your certifications and suggests new ones.

Client Overview

When doing a diagnostic review of a potential client, you should have them invite you as an accountant-user. Once that’s accepted, you can go into their books – and because of QBOA, you’ll have access to a Client Overview page, which gives you a sense of how much work it would take to bring them up-to-date, summarizing the most important points about banking activity, common issues, and transaction volume. For us, it’s an absolutely essential step that helps us determine whether we’re interested in working with the client, and if so… how much to charge for a clean-up and ongoing services.

Books Review ➡️ Transaction Review

Just below the Client Overview on the left-nav bar is an unassuming little item called “Books review”. Click into that and you’ll find a series of headers – the first of which, “Transaction review” is my favorite. It’s like QBOA is your junior accountant, digging through the books to find unaccepted bank feed transactions, uncategorized transactions, transactions without payees, undeposited funds, and unapplied payments. And it transports you to where you can actually fix a lot of these problems on behalf of the client (or you can give them a heads-up and ask them to DIY before you dig into your review). Until this feature was developed, we literally had folks combing through transactions – and there was no transparency into how bad things were in each area, which meant we didn’t know how long it would take us to go back-and-forth with the client to get things fixed… and this is before we even are taking care of reconciliations and reviews – truly foundational stuff that needs to be addressed right off the bat so that the books are in good-enough shape to address the big issues. I don’t want to use the phrase “game-changer” because it didn’t change the game… it moved us into a higher league of play.

Books Review ➡️ Account Reconciliation

Account reconciliation is the header just to the right of Transaction review, and it performs the next round of what we would normally ask a junior accountant to do – it shows the current status of each of the bank accounts, in terms of when they were most recently reconciled, as well as the number of and a list of unreconciled transactions. You can access reconciliation reports from here, look at the most recent statement if it’s in the system… and it doesn’t limit you to bank and credit card accounts; if you reconcile any of your Balance Sheet accounts, you can see this info, as well as link to them from here.

Accountant Tools ➡️ Reclassify Transactions

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And what do you do once you’ve used Books Review to identify the myriad issues? This is where it gets really good, in my opinion. There are quite a few tools for accountants that are included in QBOA, but one in particular was a total game-changer when it was first released however-many years ago. And it’s just gotten better through the years. We have access to a tool called “Reclassify transactions” that our clients don’t get to use (just think of the mess they could end up making if they did). It allows us to filter transactions by type of financial statement or down to the specific account, and then also by date, type, and customer/ vendor. Once you’ve pulled up a list of all the transactions that fit your filters… you can reclassify or recategorize the ones you select. All at once. In a batch. You can even select just the ones that have a particular word in the memo (and with RightTool, another favorite tool, you can even filter by that word, or by a dollar amount or range)! It’s truly the most incredible feature, especially for cleanups. You can get quite granular with your filters and fix massive issues in a matter of minutes. Talk about a value-add.

Bonus! Chart of Accounts templates

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I’m adding it as a bonus instead of one of the main features because it’s newish, so we haven’t yet had an opportunity to use it a ton – but I know it’s going to be a favorite. To be honest, this is one of those things that for years felt like it was just a missing feature; we used countless workarounds to standardize our clients’ Chart of Accounts, or at least make sure they all fit the format we use when preparing Tax-Ready Books (my passion and focus when providing education to bookkeepers). Intuit finally announced this feature at QB Connect last year and you should have heard the room burst into applause! The one trick to keep in mind is that you access the area where you build (or import, your choice) your templates from “Your Practice” as a QBOA user, not from each client. If you go to “Accountant Tools” while you’re in your ProAdvisor space, just after you log in – like where you’d go to get your Training – that’s where you see this option pop up in your toolbox. From there, you can get a video overview or take a guided tour. Once you’ve got your templates in there, you can assign them to a client or update their existing COA. Finally, wee-hoo!

And More…

There are other great features of QBOA that I know some of my colleagues adore – both ones that have been around for a while like reporting tools and app integrations, and newer ones like role-based access and permissions to clients’ books. But I meant to only list my top five and couldn’t do it under six, and then I wanted to add a bonus, and eventually this article will have to end or none of us will ever be able to get back to work and dive into the benefits QBOA offers. Enjoy!

Note! As my readers know, I am downright fanatical about transparency and full disclosure (often to my detriment, as you may have noticed that I have a wildly popular award-winning blog that is non-monetized). Though this particular post is a paid partnership with Intuit, I want you to know that a) I wanted to write an article on QBOA anyway, but couldn’t find the time; getting paid allowed me the break from client work I needed to make it happen; and b) they didn’t delete a single thing when I presented it. In fact, they have been totally cool with all my Intuit-bashing since the first article I wrote for them… which impressed me quite a bit, to be honest. That’s three times now — I might just keep this win-win-win up.

Don’t Believe The Hype: IRS Provides Update on Employee Retention Credit (ERC) Processing

Thanks yet again, and as always, to Lisa Simpson from the AICPA Town Hall for her regular updates on what’s going on with Employee Retention Credit processing at the IRS. I can trust this team to make sure I’m getting the latest information, free from rumors and gossip, and that I’m able to both quell my clients’ concerns and also manage their expectations.

I had just been hearing some rumblings in one of my professional associations — someone had said, “seems inevitable that anyone who filed an ERC claim after September 2023 will need to file a lawsuit to get the claim paid,” and went on to suggest that it would be a great opportunity for a law firm, and wanted to know if we had referrals in this space.

First off, it made me nervous — our remaining ERC claims, all for deserving small business and non-profit clients of a colleague, worked really hard to make sure we had what we needed to submit their claims by January 31st, 2024, since there was pending legislation that might retroactively end the program after that date. They all were informed that it might be a year or more before they received the money, given the IRS moratorium — but certainly none of us expected to line the pockets of an attorney in order to get the claims paid out. And in fact, the claims were mostly small enough that my guess is most lawyers wouldn’t bother with them.

Secondly… it made me suspicious. On what basis was this guy saying a lawsuit would be “inevitable”? I attend every single AICPA Town Hall and hadn’t heard anyone suggest this. And what a sad thing to suggest it would be a “great opportunity” for a law firm — to specialize in making money off those desperate to finally receive what they and their accountants had already worked so hard to obtain.

As usual, I decided to quell those fears until the next AICPA Town Hall, and I’m so glad I did, as Lisa Simpson made ERC the first topic in her Technical Update. She explained the recent IRS news release that likely triggered the unfounded rumblings I was hearing, as well as referenced a new Journal of Accountancy article that delved deeper.

My takeaway was that: while 10-20% of claims are clearly fraudulent, and the IRS is in the process of denying them; and another 60-70% show an unacceptable level of risk and will be examined carefully — there are also between 10% and 20% of the claims show a low risk. The IRS “will begin judiciously processing” more of these claims, and, according to the release, expects some of these payments to be made later this summer.

To me, that’s all good news. It means they’re working through the piles and expediting the ones that have straightforward claims where the businesses played by the rules, processing the oldest ones first. The rest will be examined more critically, or in the case of blatant fraud, flat-out denied.

The one disappointing piece of information is that no claims submitted during the moratorium will be processed at this time. But at least we know the backlog is being cleared to make way for them. Since the moratorium was put in place, the IRS has received over 17,000 claims per week.

I’ve let my clients know that they shouldn’t budget for these dollars for at least another year, but that there’s no reason to presume they won’t eventually receive the claims that are due to them.

And yet again I learned that if something sounds sensational and suspicious… it might not be grounded in evidence and analysis. Rely only on your trusted advisors for the education and resources that will help you guide your small business clients. (And then provide links to those resources to the sensationalists who spread misinformation.)

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

Make Next Year Better: Tips for Managing the Change from QB Desktop to Online

A person and person giving each other a high five

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Tax season is over. Take a deep breath – whether you’re a bookkeeper or tax preparer, you’ve endured plenty of stress these past months, and now you’re in the perfect space between vacation and conference season to look back and figure out how to make it go better next year.

That’s what we do in our firm, anyway; I learned an amazing lesson from one of my favorite instructors, Tom Gorczynski, to plan for next tax season while the pain is still fresh in your mind! We schedule a company-wide zoom meeting, and everyone fills out a survey beforehand that asks about what worked, what didn’t, what they’d like to see go differently, who their favorite and least-favorite clients are, and why. This helps us incrementally improve year-over-year, and makes sure everyone has a voice. Then we send out cocktail kits and snacks to everyone, we celebrate, and we brainstorm. We even vote clients “off the island” together.

One of the themes that comes up every year is the need to move more clients off QuickBooks Desktop and onto QuickBooks Online. I know, groan… yet another talking head telling you to make the shift! At this point you’ve been bombarded with information on all the benefits of moving to QBO, so I won’t bore you with those. I’ll just share my own experience.

It was becoming more and more of a drag to coordinate with Desktop clients to review their books, and the new subscription structure made it confusing and frustrating to know who was on which version and how to make the most of what they were paying for. And of course, there were constant client fears around Intuit’s messaging, worrying they were going to stop supporting their product. But the biggest stressor for us was that it was actually getting hard to find junior bookkeepers who had ever worked with the Desktop program. (No joke. How about that for making a certain dancing accountant feel old?)

I assure you, I absolutely *hated* QBO for years; it was a clunky beast that didn’t have some of the most basic functionality that Desktop did – and I’m not just talking about the early days; this went on far too long and alienated many users. And while I held out for ages in moving to QBO, especially for certain types of clients that really benefited from what QBDT had to offer, I finally realized that it’s gotten to the point where the features I love about the Online version far outweigh its negatives. Between the concerted effort that Ted Callahan, Jessica McCracken and their team have made to actually listen to our community and implement some of the most-loved features; the fact that most third-party apps and tools no longer work with Desktop; and the advent of RightTool, an amazing browser extension by industry superstar Hector Garcia that supercharges what QBO has to offer… it’s time. It’s really time. QBO is now light-years ahead of almost anything that QBDT can do.

The point of outlining all this isn’t to convince you that you should migrate your remaining Desktop clients to QBO. It’s to suggest that when you do – follow my lead, and use exactly these reasons in your messaging. This became our mantra for communicating the value of converting, and it worked; at this point we only have one client left who needs to make the shift.

Think about it: your clients and your team members trust you, more than anyone else, to make smart and thoughtful decisions with everyone’s well-being in mind. If you convey the messaging that QBO is listening to us and responding to our requests, that RightTool will make you more efficient, and third-party apps will serve your clients’ needs better than the previous solutions, they will believe you, you’ll get buy-in, and in our experience, we found that clients were overwhelmingly positive and enthusiastic (though understandably still nervous) about the change.

Once you’ve got buy-in, it’s a simple matter of following some practical tips and advice to make sure the execution is done well.

A diagram of a migration plan

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  1. Understand the Conversion Process
    Intuit came out with a free conversion tool a few years ago that they keep tweaking to make it better; the most recent improvements announced at last year’s QB Connect blew me away – you can now batch migrate clients, meaning “do a ton at once and be done with it”. To be honest, it kind of made me wish I had waited to convert some of ours! However, as straightforward as they make it to migrate data from QBD to QBO, you do have to ensure your QBDT file is ready for the transition. This means backing up, running a verification on the file, ensuring it’s under the maximum target limit, and cleaning up any weirdo issues that have been hiding or buried for years, especially if you don’t regularly do a verification and rebuild. And most importantly, reviewing your “all dates” financial statements beforehand, exporting them, and comparing the same reports afterwards is essential.
  2. Technical Resources for Conversion

I mentioned Intuit’s Conversion Tool, which guides you through the process step-by-step; they also have a QuickBooks Conversion Toolkit with checklists, webinar links, guides, client materials, and even a link to book a call to have Intuit do the conversion for you – just head here and then click on the “How to migrate” button to download the toolkit or set up a call. If you prefer your info from a third-party source, Hector Garcia does a short walkthrough on his YouTube channel, and Alicia Katz-Pollock is offering an Earmark webinar on May 21st. And if you have any concerns whatsoever about the process, consider outsourcing the job. We worked with CMB Hero and had a good experience, and I know DL & Associates does migrations as well; there are probably hundreds of companies or even trusted colleagues who’ve gone through the process before and can help you make sure it goes smoothly.

  1. Research Third-Party Apps Before Converting

There are some super-fabulous apps out there that we love to use for syncing daily Point of Sale data, such as Synder, Bookkeep, and Shogo. But you need to look at the client’s needs and determine how they’ll be met in the new QBO world before making the shift – not all sync programs work with all POS platforms. Do demos, consult with colleagues, and figure out the timeline for implementing – in other words, not only the migration of QBDT data to QBO, but setting up the new system to work with the POS and get it all running. Our experience has been that some up-front planning saves loads of effort on the far end (which is when you’re pressed for time so the client can get back up-and-running).

  1. Prepare Desktop Clients For The Change

And sticking with the theme of up-front planning… a little client hand-holding goes a long way. What they’re looking for is to follow your lead as their trusted advisor. The more you can compare and contrast their existing workflows and procedures with the new system, the more comfortable they’ll be with your proposal to move to QBO. Ideally, you already have Standard Operating Procedures in place for each of your clients. I wince as I type this, because I get that this is the “ideal” and not necessarily your reality – in all honesty, we’re still in the process of making sure each client has clear and detailed SOPs for every scenario. But this is a golden opportunity. Your instructions – in Word, an Excel checklist, Loom videos, or a project management app like Keeper, Financial Cents, or Asana – will build trust, making it much easier for you to illustrate to the client that this is a manageable change and that you’ve anticipated their needs. Side bonus: way less stress when a client (or your firm) loses a trusted team member and a new one needs to be trained ASAP.

To illustrate: in going through all the steps that a client’s office manager would complete each month as part of her billing process, and reproducing/ rewriting them using QBO, I noticed that she would no longer be able to run a particular report – at this point I had to decide whether we would come up with a different way for her to perform the same task, or whether we would track the data with a different feature in QBO so that she could run the report she was used to. Both approaches were fair; but the point is that I wouldn’t have noticed this change without walking through the process of retooling the procedures. This built trust with the client and made them more open-minded about making the change, because they knew we were actively anticipating and removing any stumbling blocks.

  1. Client & Staff Training and Familiarization

As you know, transitioning to QBO doesn’t just involve moving data; it’s also about adapting to a new user environment. You’ll want to invest time in training sessions provided by Intuit or certified trainers like Royalwise (my personal favorite – I’ve been studying from Alicia for as long as I can remember). Intuit also offers an ongoing monthly session called QBO In The Know, which I encourage all my team members to attend as part of their paid training hours – this ensures that you don’t just get up-to-date, but that you stay that way, as the QBO ecosystem is constantly improving and new features are released every month. Hector Garcia’s YouTube channel is an endless wealth of information (I once hired a senior accountant with no degree and no certification based on the fact that she learned QBO by watching every single one of his videos. She’s now our Senior Accountant). Lastly, remember that QBO has a demo company! It’s a sandbox – have at it, and let your team practice without the risk of affecting real data.

Start by getting your client and team members’ buy-in. Take advantage of the available resources, and invest in training. With communication and planning, both your firm’s and your clients’ bookkeeping experience will end up better than it was with Desktop – we don’t have a single client that regrets having migrated, despite the fact that we all miss this-or-that feature (everyone’s got their favorite). But I promise it will be replaced by a new favorite. Remember, the goal is not just to convert data, but to enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your accounting practices and those of your clients.

So… take that deep breath, plan for the future, and enjoy the heck out of that moment next tax season when you hear someone go, “oh wow, this really is so much better than it used to be!”

Note! As my readers know, I am downright fanatical about transparency and full disclosure (often to my detriment, as you may have noticed that I have a wildly popular award-winning blog that is non-monetized). Though this particular post is a paid partnership with Intuit, I want you to know that a) I wanted to write an article on QBDT–>QBO conversions anyway, but couldn’t find the time; getting paid allowed me the break from client work I needed to make it happen; and b) they didn’t delete a single thing when I presented it. In fact, they were totally cool with all my Intuit-bashing… which made me pretty impressed with them, to be honest. That’s twice now — let’s see if they go for a three-fer!

First-Quarter “Safe-Harbor” Quarterly IRS Estimated Tax Payments: Why and How to Make Them

For years, we have stressed the importance to our clients of making quarterly estimated tax payments. And unlike many tax preparers, we also do bookkeeping, accounting, and consulting for our small business owners — so we’ve also encouraged them to have us do a quarter-by-quarter calculation of how much to pay.

There were many reasons for this:
· Making sure the client had their books up-to-date and reconciled for the quarter, so they can be used for real-time managerial decisions;
· Matching the cash flow of a given quarter (or the actual sales and vendor invoices, for accrual-basis clients) to the related tax liability;
· Preventing the common situation of getting to tax-time and having a huge refund or balance due.

However, times have changed. We still want folks to make quarterly payments (see my related IRS & Illinois posts for how to do it online), but for the first quarter, at least, we’re asking everyone to use “safe-harbor” calculations.

Why Use 1Q Safe-Harbor Calculations Instead of Annualizing?

For one, the immense number of changes to our tax code since the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (TCJA) took effect in 2018 has made tax planning substantially more complex than it used to be. The amount of time it takes to do a “back of the envelope” or “paper napkin” calculation has tripled. (And in case you’re curious — we use tax software and Excel, not used envelopes and paper napkins in our firm. That’s how you know you’re working with a real professional.) Both the effort involved and the cost to the client have increased accordingly.

Relatedly, first-quarter estimated tax payments are due on the same day as personal 1040 and C-Corp 1120 taxes are due. And since our tax-time work is a deeper dive than it used to be, and the estimated tax calculations are more complex as well, there simply isn’t enough time to do a full-on calculation for each and every client that requests it — at least, not if we also want to be well-rested and in good health, so we can do our very best on the remaining annual tax returns.

There’s good news, too, however — the state of Illinois — and many other states, used legislation to create a loophole for getting around a pesky TCJA limitation on the State And Local Tax (SALT) deduction. I won’t explain it all here, but the result is that all of our S-Corp and Partnership (aka “Pass-Through Entity”, or PTE) clients are paying their personal state taxes through the company. This is a very easy and predictable calculation, as Illinois charges a flat tax (not socially progressive, but it certainly is simple) and requires the annual liability to be divided by four and paid evenly across the quarterly deadlines.

(Side note: the deadlines are not actually quarterly. Due to the timing of the federal government’s fiscal year-end and individuals’ calendar year-end, they are skewed such that they’re not even the same number of months per quarter. You would think that of all the government departments that could count properly, it’d be the IRS, but apparently not. The due dates are 4/15, 6/15, 9/15 and 1/15 — though many are better off making the final state tax payment by 12/31.)

As a result, quarterly calculations for the state simply aren’t necessary for the first quarter (possibly even the first three quarters, depending). Given that the states seem to live for assessing penalties and interest for underpayment of estimated taxes (they are wildly aggressive about it), this is the best approach to take.

But it’s not just the states that issue penalties and interest for underpayment of taxes — the IRS does, as well. Much less aggressively, however, and they do still have the notion (that the new Illinois PTE tax law does not) of “annualizing” your quarterly taxes. This means that you presume the amount you made year-to-date is representative of the whole year, and paying quarterly tax based on that projection. It works great for small business owners who have lower income in the first three-quarters of the year and then make most of their profit in the final quarter.

Just to be clear: we still do this for our clients… but we wait until the second or third quarter, and in some unusual cases, we wait until November and then do a thorough analysis of the year thus far. It’s just that there’s little point in running these calculations for the first quarter anymore — it’s almost never representative of the rest of the year, and it places them into a precarious situation where they may end up underpaying by too much and then owing penalties and interest. Or, at the very least, having to pay us at tax-time to fill out the complicated annualization schedule on the tax return. If you want to be more accurate with your calculation, because you expect your income to be substantially higher or lower than last year, then ask to book a May tax-planning session to get squared-up for the 2Q payment, due June 15.

Last, but not least — we’ve decided to have all our clients commit to a monthly bookkeeping and accounting contract with us. Doing annual clean-ups during tax season simply is no longer sustainable (to be honest I’m not sure it ever was, which is one of many reasons so many CPAs are burned out), and isn’t cost-effective. It’s also not fair to our other clients — who are on a monthly schedule — to have to wait in line while we work on those who swing through just once-a-year. And most importantly, we truly believe that all small business owners should be looking at their financial statements regularly to help them make impactful decisions throughout the year — ones that can sometimes be the difference between turning a profit or enduring a loss. And since everyone will be on a monthly schedule, the motivation no longer exists to do quarterly reviews for estimated tax purposes, purely as a way to get clients motivated to catch up on their books.

Where To Find Your Safe-Harbor Amounts and How To Pay Them

If you’re a client of ours, or of pretty much any tax professional out there, calculating safe-harbor quarterly estimates can and should be a part of preparing your annual tax return.

After reviewing and signing your return, your CPA (or EA, JD or non-credentialed preparer) will e-file it, and once it’s accepted by the IRS and state agencies, they will either send over vouchers (which I wouldn’t bother using, because we want to pay taxes online almost every time that’s an option), or a list of required payments — whether that’s in a letter or a little chart form where you can check ’em off. However you get them — put them in your calendar now. Do not rely on your tax preparer to remind you. This is not their job. You are a grown person running your own business, surrounded by technology that is designed for precisely this kind of thing.

While you’re at it, save these links for instructions on how to pay online:
– IRS: How To Pay IRS Quarterly Estimated Taxes Online — Don’t Let Your Checks Get Buried Or Lost In The Mail (msn.com)
– Illinois: How To Make Quarterly Estimated Taxes Online — Illinois IDOR | The Dancing Accountant

And if you’re in a panic and can’t find the amounts, the general rule is that you want to pay 1/4th-ish of your total tax liability for the prior year (a bit higher for some states, such as Illinois). Again, if we do your taxes, you should have already received these totals for 2024, or will be receiving them as soon as your return is finalized.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) What if I have an extension?
Two options here: a) provide your tax preparer all the docs you already have and ask them to do their best to give you an estimate; they can even add that to the amount you’ll need to pay with an extension — which means if your extension payment estimate is short, the 1Q estimate will make up the difference, and either way, you’ll just apply the balance to the current tax year; or, b) go ahead and keep paying the same amount you paid for last year’s quarterly taxes; some payment is better than none.

2) What if I don’t have a tax preparer?
All the DIY tax programs out there can do this, too — they’re not very helpful for the tax planning that we do with our clients for 2Q & 3Q, and certainly not for 4Q — but they do a perfectly fine job with safe-harbor estimates. Alternatively, check out my colleague Hannah Smolinski‘s great YouTube primer on how to calculate estimated taxes.

And since you asked, here’s a fabulous photo of Hannah and me at QuickBooks ConnectFest.

3) What if I can’t afford to pay my quarterly estimates?
Pro tip: Did you know you can break your quarterly payment into smaller chunks? Let’s say you owe $2400 per quarter and you’re worried that you won’t have enough set aside by the time the due date arrives, because it’s so hard not to raid your own savings account when opportunities call. Just go online and pay $800 per month instead. Or $200 per week. It gets tricky with the weird quarterly tax due dates, but you are a smart cookie and can figure out the math. The point is that you don’t have to save it all up and then make the payment. If you have cash on hand, you can go in there now and do it while it’s on your mind, even if it’s a partial payment. Something is better than nothing.

4) What if I forgot to pay for a quarter?
Go in there and make a payment now. The penalties are per day, so the sooner you make up the difference the better.

5) What if I have additional questions about the process?
Throw whatever you can at the quarterly estimates and contact a CPA to help you… after Tax Day. Please be respectful of the plight of tax preparers right now. It will not serve you long-term to try to wedge yourself onto someone’s calendar last-minute: almost all the good ones had a deadline for submitting tax materials weeks ago; we’re all exhausted and likely to make mistakes this time of year if we’re taking on too much and not taking care of ourselves; and you want to start off on a good foot when building a relationship with a trusted advisor. The amount of penalties and interest that will be due if you underpay slightly is not that significant if you’re going to be making up the difference in a month, so just pay what you can and get on-track later.

Now, get yourself online and go make those first-quarter safe-harbor quarterly tax payments, already!

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.