Tag Archives: tax

Illinois Small Businesses: Upcoming Aug 5-14 Sales Tax “Holiday” Is Anything But One

My inbox on June 27th.

On June 27th I woke to find dozens of notifications from MyTax Illinois in my email inbox — one for each and every client of ours who files sales taxes.

Just in case you got one or more of these yourself and haven’t logged in to check it out yet, here’s what it looks like —

It doesn’t give you much to go on — just a sort of “hey we saw you’re registered to file sales taxes, so you should read these four bulletins which may or may not apply and you’re unlikely to understand anyway” note.

But, if you dig through the bulletins you’ll find two in particular that could be important to a small business owner. One of them I covered in a recent blog post — Illinois Grocery Sales Tax Reduced by 1% For The Next 12 Months — it’s only likely to apply if you sell groceries that qualify for the low-tax food rate.

The other — FY 2022-24 State Sales Tax Holiday August 5, 2022, through August 14, 2022 (illinois.gov) — which I’ll discuss here, is a notice basically saying that all retailers have to reduce their sales tax rate on certain clothing and supplies by 5 percentage points for a 10-day (Aug 5-14) period, to give consumers a break during back-to-school time.

If you want to skip my rant and go to the section on what a small business owner should do next, scroll down to the next line in bold.

While I’m super-supportive about giving working families a break on prices — this is a terrible way to do it! It costs small businesses more in accounting and bookkeeping work than it could possibly save anyone.

It requires a small business owner — already overworked and without sufficient staff, and having in most cases barely survived the pandemic and still scraping to get by — to paw through every item in their Point of Sale system and change sales tax on an item-by-item basis. It’s hard enough to change sales tax amounts on a department-by-department basis… but item-by-item? Honestly, it will cost them so much more to figure this out than anyone will ever save on this “holiday”. And worse are the folks who don’t keep inventory in an automated system. They are stabbing in the dark and have no way to implement it at all. I just have to hope they don’t get audited by IDOR.

To make matters worse, the guidance says that the retail selling price per clothing item must be less than $125, and that supplies must be used by students in the course of study, in order to qualify. It’s simply impossible to program any Point of Sale system to create a sales tax discount on certain dollar-amounts of products and not others, or to change the sales tax rate on an individual item for some sales but not others (i.e., only after finding out that it will be used in the course of study at school). If small business owners are going to be able to comply with any of these rules, it will have to apply to all sales of a certain product — not just some sales.

This type of well-intentioned law — like the bag tax, carbonated beverage tax, and ill-fated sweetened beverage tax — has my full support from a social perspective. But they are so poorly-worded, difficult-to-enact, and misguided, that no small business could ever properly implement any of them cost-effectively.

This is just like that. Well-intentioned but completely out of touch and indicative that our representatives don’t have a clue what’s going on “on the ground”.

I received a hilarious text from a client when she read the IDOR notice:

Texts from a client when she read the IDOR notice.

As an aside, I wrote my state rep and begged him not to support this kind of thing in the future, and to work with other elected officials to find more reasonable, sustainable ways to provide relief to hard-working families, without crushing small business owners along the way. His response was truly wonderful, and he apologized profusely for not involving stakeholders in the last-minute rush to get it passed.

“Looks like we really did a terrible job here.  You’re absolutely right that this was an example of government decision making at its worst. I think in the abstract these are largely good ideas, but looking at that guidance, it’s clear that implementation is going to be a nightmare. You have my word that I’ll try to do a better job of asking questions like “yes but is this feasible?” or “how much of an administrative burden is it placing on our small business owners?” when we’re contemplating things like this in the future.”

What does this mean for you, the small business owner? What are your next steps?

Follow these steps, in order, to determine what actions to take:

Step 1 – Check this list to see if you sell any products on it:

The great news is, that if you don’t sell any of these products, then you do not need to make any changes or do any extra work. However, I’d recommend rehearsing the phrase, “the sales tax holiday is only for back-to-school clothing and supplies, and as we don’t sell any items that would qualify, we aren’t able to offer you the 5% sales tax discount.” Because for sure there are going to be people who think that anything they buy during the 10-day period will be at a lower sales tax rate.

If you do sell products on the list above, then move on to the next step.

Step 2 – Identify all the products you sell that are on the list above. If any of the clothing items are priced at $125 or more, cross them off. Then make sure none of the remaining products you just identified are on this list of non-qualifying items:

Step 3 – Look at the items that made it onto your “qualified” list, and ask yourself who your clients generally are that buy these items — are they likely to be used for school? If the answer is definitely no, then again — no worries. You do not need to make any changes or do any additional work. (Except rehearsing that phrase from above and teaching it to your staff.)

However, if the answer is maybe or likely, then we’ve got some work to do.

Step 4 – If the answer is maybe, then you have to decide whether it’s worth your effort to go through your Point of Sale system and change the tax rate on each product that qualifies (and then change it back 10 days later) — or if you don’t have a POS system, if it’s worth it to figure out how to manually change the tax rate on each sale of one of these items, and to track how many were sold during the period of Aug 5-14. Because an alternative might be to just leave everything at the higher sales tax rate unless a customer specifically states that they are buying it for school use (you could even ask each customer who buys one of these items during that period if it’s for school use or not) — and then just give them a discount and write down the sale somewhere so that later on when you file your ST-1, you know how much to enter onto the Schedule GT so you get your money credited back to you — yes, I know that this means your cash drawer and your Sales Tax Payable accounts will be off. You can just have your accountant book an adjustment after the correct amount of tax is paid to the state. Or, in all honesty, you could even give them the discount out of the business’ own pocket and it would still be cheaper than reassigning tax rates in your POS system.

Step 5 – On the other hand, if the answer is likely, then you need to:

  1. Create a new tax rate in your POS system called “holiday rate” that is 5 points lower than the current sales tax rate (in Chicago, 10.25% — so the new rate will be 5.25%). Hopefully your system allows enough rate slots to accommodate this. If not, maybe consider the approach outlined in Step 4.
  2. After close of business on August 4th, assign that new rate to all the items that qualify.
  3. Make a note to reassign the old rate to all those items after the close of business on August 14th.
  4. Be sure you can run a report of all the items that sold at this rate, since you’ll need to declare that total on a separate tax form (Schedule GT) when you prepare your monthly sales tax return (ST-1).

If you do not have inventory or non-inventory sales-taxable items stored in your POS system — or if you have a cash register instead of a POS — then you’ll need to look at how you charge sales taxes to each item and come up with a plan that mimics the approach I just outlined. For example, if your system allows you to manually edit the sales tax rate on a sale-by-sale basis, you could keep a list of all the qualifying items by the register, and simply adjust for each qualifying sale. The problem is that only some of the items get the discounted rate, so if this is how your system works, you’d have to run a separate sale for all the qualifying items and then one for the non-qualifying items. You also will need to keep a list of all the sales made at the lower rate, since as mentioned above, you’ll have to note those on a separate schedule when you prepare your sales tax return. And if your system doesn’t allow you to manually edit the sales tax rate, you’ll have to take the approach I mentioned earlier, whereby you just give the customer a discount and adjust the inaccurate books later, hoping it all comes out in the wash.

Step 6 – Once the time comes to file your monthly (or quarterly) ST-1 sales tax return, you’ll notice there is an additional form– Schedule GT, Sales and Use Tax Holiday and Grocery Tax Suspension Schedule. This was created for retailers to report sales of qualifying items sold during the sales tax holiday. Per IDOR:

Form ST-1 has not changed. Retailers should continue to report their normal taxable sales, including sales of qualifying items, on Lines 4a and 4b, Lines 6a and 6b, or Lines 12a and 12b, of Form ST-1 and will then use Lines 2a and 2b, Lines 3a and 3b, or Lines 4a and 4b on Schedule GT to calculate a credit against the tax reported on those lines for the tax they are not collecting during the state sales tax holiday.

So you’ll report the sales of these items, on which you charged the lower tax amount, on Schedule GT and it will flow onto your ST-1 as a credit so that you’re not remitting more to the IDOR than you collected.

Whichever approach you take, make sure to rehearse the phrase, “the sales tax holiday is only for back-to-school clothing and supplies, and as we don’t sell any items that would qualify, we aren’t able to offer you the 5% sales tax discount.” Lots of folks read the headlines, but not the small print.

Hopefully this was all clearer to read than it felt to write it! And please make sure your state representative knows how you feel about having had to think about it in the first place. Small businesses have enough to deal with these days!

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

IRS Mileage Rate Increase For Second-Half Of 2022

Slide from AICPA Town Hall | (c) AICPA

Effective July 1, the IRS standard mileage rate — the amount that can be deducted per-mile in lieu of reporting actual costs — is increasing by 4-cents, to $0.65/mile, per Annoucement 2022-13.

The adjustment is being made in recognition of recent increases in the cost of gasoline. Normally, the adjustment is made annually, but in special cases such as this, the IRS Commissioner will make an exception.

Not only is this amount the official deductible amount when the optional standard method is used, but many businesses, and the federal government, also use it as the reimbursement rate for employee travel and transportation.

If you use a mileage-tracking template, make sure to update the per-mile multiplier. Most programs like Mile IQ do not track actual costs — they simply report the number based on a report’s date range, and the taxpayer or their CPA will do the math on the tax return. In 2011, the last time this happened, the IRS had a field for the number of miles driven Jan 1-June 30 and a separate field for those from July 1-Dec 31 — which is likely to be the case this year as well.

The 14 cents per mile rate for charitable organizations remains unchanged as it is set by statute.

IRS increases mileage rate for remainder of 2022 | Internal Revenue Service

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

National Society Of Accountants For Co-ops Upcoming Webinars

I often write and speak about my experiences as a co-op accountant, and how challenging it was to become an expert in the field with so few resources. Things have changed a lot since back then, with the National Society of Accountants for Co-ops (NSAC), National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA), and the Co-op Professionals Guild (CPG) all offering online education.

The NSAC line-up for the next few months is seriously powerhouse. For anyone in the field or looking to get into it, I strongly recommend a membership, which gets you into all of these webinars below at no extra charge. That said, if you only want to know the specifics of one topic or another, they are affordably priced at $56 each for non-members.

Note: I am not paid or given a discount to promote NSAC — I just think they’re great!

Behavioral Ethics March 9, 2022 | 11:00 AM EST
FREE NSAC Members | $56 Non-Members 
CPE: 1 Credit Hour
As we continue to be challenged by an increasingly complex business environment, it is important to develop ethical reasoning skills that allow us to put ethical decision-making into practice. In this session, attendees will discover how to identify ethical paradigms and learn how stakeholders are impacted by their ethical choices. Additionally, participants will explore real-life cases that will allow them to rehearse ethical practices. Be prepared for any ethical dilemma and register now! Click for more info. 
Agricultural Economic Outlook April 5, 2022 | 11:00 AM EST
FREE NSAC Members | $56 Non-Members 
CPE: 1 Credit Hour
Want to know more about current and expected market conditions affecting agricultural co-ops? This CLN will address the core issues impacting the macroeconomy, agricultural commodity markets, and the agricultural economy with particular focus on the effects of COVID-19 and inflation. Attendees will get an outlook on the agricultural commodity markets; including corn, wheat, soybeans, rice, cotton, hay, cattle, hogs, and dairy, as well as the impact of rising production costs. Gain valuable insight into current market conditions by registering today! Click here for more info.
Financial Ratios for Agricultural Co-ops April 20, 2022 | 11:00 AM EST
FREE NSAC Members | $56 Non-Members 
CPE: 1 Credit Hour 
Designed specifically for Agricultural Co-ops, this session will explore how to analyze company performance based on an evaluation of financial statements, and introduce ratios used in the financial analysis of cooperatively structured organizations. Learn what to look for when comparing a company to its peers and industry norms, and how to analyze company performance compared to strategic business objectives. Take advantage of this revealing CLN today! Click here for more info.
Financial Ratios for Electric Co-ops April 20, 2022 | 2:00 PM EST
FREE NSAC Members | $56 Non-Members 
CPE: 1 Credit Hour
Designed specifically for Electric Co-ops, this session will explore how to analyze company performance based on an evaluation of financial statements, and introduce ratios used in the financial analysis of cooperatively structured organizations. Learn what to look for when comparing a company to its peers and industry norms, and how to analyze company performance compared to strategic business objectives. Don’t miss out on this engaging session! Click here for more info. 
Tax Update April 28, 2022 | 11:00 AM EST 
FREE NSAC Members | $56 Non-Members 
CPE: 1 Credit Hour
This session will bring attendees the latest and up-to-date tax law changes and new tax return reporting items. Additionally, the CLN will explore any anticipated future tax law changes. Some of the topics that will be covered include: Meals and Entertainment, 163(j) Interest Expense Limitation, Net Operating Losses, R&D Tax Credit Update, and State Taxes Post Wayfair. Stay informed about the latest developments that are most likely to affect your organization with this 60-minute zoom! Click here for more info.
Processing of Work Orders for Electric Co-ops May 5, 2022 | 2:00 PM EST
FREE NSAC Members | $56 Non-Members 
CPE: 1 Credit Hour
In this CLN, participants will review the accounting process for construction and retirement of utility plant from the work order stage to unitization. This will include the audit perspective of this process, along with industry trends and common mistakes to avoid. Sign up today for this exclusive guidebook to processing work orders! Click here for more info.
Navigating New FASB Guidance: Your 2022 Guide May 12, 2022 | 2:00 PM EST 
FREE NSAC Members | $56 Non-Members 
CPE: 1 Credit Hour
Join us for an informative overview of new FASB standards that could impact your organization. This session will explore recent developments in the financial accounting standards relevant to cooperatives. Guest speakers Randy Throener and Amy Schreck will discuss the latest FASB guidance so attendees can successfully implement these recent amendments. Take advantage of this educational CLN! Click here for more info.
How Electricity and Demand Really Work & How it Impacts Rates May 19, 2022 | 11:00 AM EST
FREE NSAC Members | $56 Non-Members 
CPE:1 Credit Hour
As cooperatives consider moving from traditional to more innovative rate design structures, it is increasingly important to understand the different billing units required for each innovative design. Three-part, Four-part, Time-of-use, Critical peak, Super off-peak, and other innovative rate designs require an understanding of and access to a range of billing units. These include Non-coincident demands, Coincident demands, Time-based energy usage, KVar, and more. In this encore session from TFACC 2021, attendees will learn some of the billing units required for innovative rate designs, and explore some of the challenges involved in obtaining, using, and explaining them to members. Don’t miss out on this specialized presentation! Click here for more info.

K-2 & K-3 Requirement Issues For Small Businesses

2/16/22 UPDATE: Looks like the IRS may be issuing relief after all!

Check out this article — IRS to delay some K-2 and K-3 reporting requirements for partnerships | Accounting Today

The source is #15 in the IRS FAQ on the topic:

This Journal of Accountancy article walks through the particular scenario where this relief — only for tax year 2021 — applies. They note that:

The relief announced Wednesday applies where:

  • In tax year 2021, the direct partners in the domestic partnership are not foreign partnerships, foreign corporations, foreign individuals, foreign estates, or foreign trusts. 
  • In tax year 2021, the domestic partnership or S corporation has no foreign activity, including foreign taxes paid or accrued or ownership of assets that generate, have generated, or may reasonably be expected to generate foreign-source income (see Regs. Sec. 1.861-9(g)(3)).
  • In tax year 2020, the domestic partnership or S corporation did not provide to its partners or shareholders, nor did the partners or shareholders request, the information on the form or its attachments regarding:
    • Line 16, Form 1065, Schedules K and K-1 (line 14 for Form 1120-S), and
    • Line 20c, Form 1065, Schedules K and K-1 (controlled foreign corporations, passive foreign investment companies, 1120-F, Sec. 250, Sec. 864(c)(8), Sec. 721(c) partnerships, and Sec. 7874) (line 17d for Form 1120-S).
  • The domestic partnership or S corporation has no knowledge that the partners or shareholders are requesting such information for tax year 2021.

To learn more, I recommend this excellent Compass Tax Free 10-Minute Webinar update from 2/17/22 on the new FAQ relief for partnerships and S corporations with Thomas Gorczynski, EA USTCP, and Kevin J. Todd, EA, CPA.

(Our original blog post is below, for context and reference.)

K-2 Mountain (courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

Yes, that photo is of K-2, the second-highest mountain on Earth, where apparently one person dies on the mountain for every four that reach the summit. (Didn’t expect that to show up in my search for a common-usage-right image of an IRS K-2 form.)

The good news is that — as frustrating and arduous as this new IRS K-2 and K-3 reporting requirement is — no one is likely to die while attempting to complete it, and therefore I think we should just all keep this extremely challenging K-2 mountain in mind before we get too frustrated about additional complexities in tax preparation.

In all seriousness, here’s the story:
1) The IRS, in an attempt to deter fraud, for 2021 began requiring all pass-through entities to disclose foreign transactions as part of the tax returns and the K-1 package to shareholders and partners.
2) Initially, the new schedules were only to be used by entities with international transactions to report.
3) In mid-January, the IRS issued revised instructions for the schedules that may require domestic partnerships and S corporations without any foreign source income or assets to prepare Schedules K-2 and K-3.
4) If even one of the partners or shareholders plans to or is required to report foreign tax credits on Form 1116, Foreign Tax Credit, the Partnership or S-Corp must prepare Schedules K-2 and K-3.
5) As a result, the complex and comprehensive “reporting requirement applies to a much larger percentage of pass-through-entity (PTE) returns than perhaps the IRS intended”, as Forbes pointed out.

“This seems like an overly burdensome requirement to quietly clarify in the middle of filing season.” – Tom Gorczynski, EA

All is not lost. Yes, we’re talking about well-over 20 additional pages of tax forms — but it’s likely that you won’t have to fill them all out. An exception from filing Part II and Part III, Section 2, on Schedule K-3 may apply for a pass-through-entity that:

  • only has US-source income;
  • does not have income or deductions that the partners can source or allocate and apportion; and
  • only has limited partners owning less than 10% of the capital and profits of the partnership at all times during the tax year.

(Though the IRS clarified that a business with no foreign-source income must still file Part II (foreign tax credit limitation) and Part III (information for preparing Forms 1116 or 1118) on Schedules K-2 and K-3 if their partners have items of international tax relevance.)

From the NATP Blog: “For preparers who are handling the returns of both the partnership and the partner, the partner can choose alternatives to filing Form 1116 and triggering the Schedules K-2 and K-3 filing requirements if one of the following applies:

  • The partner neither paid nor accrued any foreign taxes and there was no foreign tax credit carryover for the tax year;
  • The foreign tax paid was under the $300 individual reporting threshold ($600 for married filing jointly) for Form 1116, or an election is made under Section 904(j) of the Tax Code to report the credit without the form;
  • Schedule A is used to report a deduction for foreign taxes (which also avoids the $10,000 SALT cap).

“Preparers who are not completing returns for the partner reporting foreign tax payments will need to ask the partners/shareholders directly for their information. If they fail to respond to the request, the preparer will at least have made a documented, good-faith effort to obtain the required information and should be eligible for the good-faith relief outlined in Notice 2021-39.”

To add to the complexity, the availability of e-filing for the new Schedules K-2 and K-3 is:

  • March 20, 2022, for Form 1065
  • Mid-June 2022 for Form 1120-S
  • January 2023 for Form 8865

Therefore, for preparers who have to file Schedules K-2 or K-3, there are three options.
– One is to extend the returns, as e-filing is not available until after the current due date of both the S corporation and partnership returns.
– Another option is to paper-file the return, which will cause delays in processing.
– The third option (what we will likely do for those returns we cannot reasonably extend) is to prepare the K-2/K-3 forms and attach them to e-filed S-Corp and Partnership returns as a PDF. Generally the IRS is not great about referring to these attachments, and some tax software programs have problems delivering them; but at least it will show a good-faith attempt in the case of an audit.

Per Amber Gray-Fenner in Forbes, “These alternatives, while prudent, present some potentially serious unintended consequences:

  • The IRS may be inundated with PDF attachments that it is not prepared to process and review. PDF attachments are often separated from original returns never to be seen again—at least not until the taxpayer receives a notice looking for the “missing” information.
  • Many more PTE returns may be put on extension than would normally be the case.
  • Extended PTE returns mean extended 1040s, which is unsatisfactory to many taxpayers and tax professionals.”

In that same article, my colleague Fred Stein hopes “Occam’s Razor ‘kicks in and IRS realizes the unintended consequences this creates for many small businesses.’ If not, the additional work involved could cause PTE return preparation prices to increase by thirty to fifty percent.”

A summary from last week’s AICPA Town Hall:

We will be reaching out to all our S-Corp and Partnership clients to let them know about these new rules, and to ask that they obtain signed confirmation from each of their owners as to any personal requirement to file Form 1116 or another foreign-related tax form on the 1040 returns.

(For tax preparers who may not have any idea how to fill out these extremely long, complicated, new forms, Greg White is offering a live webinar on February 18th called “A Practical Approach to Quickly Filling Out Forms K-2 and K-3“.)

As you may have guessed, this unexpected new guidance will cause additional time, effort, and cost to all our small business S-Corps and Partnerships — almost none of whom actually have any foreign transaction exposure. After all the requests we’ve made of the IRS to reduce the tax preparation burden on small business owners and their CPAs, I wish I could say this is laughable.

In case that wasn’t enough for you, we’ve compiled a rich list of resources for your reading and watching enjoyment.

AICPA Resources:
Navigating the new Schedules K-2 and K-3 (Sept. 2021 Tax Advisor)
AICPA Comment Letter, K-2/K-3 (Sept. 2021)
AICPA Podcast on Practitioner Insights, K-2/K-3 (Nov. 2021)
IRS offers further K-2/K-3 relief, Journal of Accountancy (Feb. 2022)

NATP Resources:
2/10/22 National Association of Tax Professionals Blog Post – Tax preparers take note: another change for 2021 tax season with Schedules K-2 and K-3

Tax Speaker Resources:
2/4/22 Emergency Update Newsletter
2/9/22 Free 12-Minute Webinar – TaxSpeaker’s Solution to IRS’s New Form K-2 and K-3 for partnerships and S Corporations – YouTube

Compass Tax Resources:
2/10/22 Free 15-Minute Webinar – discussion on the new requirements for partnerships and S corporations with Thomas Gorczynski, EA USTCP, and Kevin J. Todd, EA, CPA
Compass Tax Resources:
2/17/22 Free 10-Minute Webinar – update on the new FAQ relief for partnerships and S corporations with Thomas Gorczynski, EA USTCP, and Kevin J. Todd, EA, CPA

IRS Resources:
Changes to the 2021 Instructions for Schedules K-2 and K-3 (Form
(Jan 18, 2022, IRS)
Changes to the 2021 S Corporation Instructions for Schedules K-2 and K-3 (Form 1120-S) (Jan 18, 2022, IRS)
Changes to the 2021 Partnership Instructions for Schedules K-2 and K-3 (Form 1065) (Jan 18, 2022, IRS)
Notice 2021-39 re: penalty relief for good faith compliance efforts
(June 2021, IRS)

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

IRS Service Issues – What Is Being Done? How Can You Help?

On last week’s AICPA Town Hall they discussed the IRS service issues I posted about recently, as well as the advocacy efforts by the newly-formed Tax Professionals United for Taxpayer Relief Coalition — including the AICPA, NATP, and many other organizations. (Check out their recent media briefing here.)

They were effective in getting a bi-partisan group of nearly 200 members of Congress to send a letter to the US Treasury Secretary requesting the IRS implement the following:

  • Halt automated collections from now until at least 90 days after April 18, 2022;
  • Delay the collection process for filers until any active and pending penalty abatement requests have been processed;
  • Streamline the reasonable cause penalty abatement process for taxpayers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic without the need for written correspondence;
  • Provide targeted tax penalty relief for taxpayers who paid at least 70 percent of the tax due for the 2020 and 2021 tax year; and
  • Expedite processing of amended returns and provide TAS and congressional caseworkers with timely responses.”

Shortly afterwards, the IRS announced they are suspending a small portion of automated notices — which they clarified on February 9 as “notices of unfiled returns and unpaid balances generally, including a final notice of an outstanding balance and intent to levy”.

The IRS identified the suspended letters and notices as:

  • CP80, notice of an unfiled tax return. The IRS sends this when it has credited payments or other credits to the taxpayer’s account but has not received a tax return for the tax period.
  • CP59, unfiled tax return, first notice. The IRS sends this when it has no record of a prior-year return’s having been filed. The Spanish-language version, CP759, is included.
  • CP516, unfiled tax return, second notice. This is a request for information on a delinquent return for which there is no record of filing. The Spanish-language version, CP616, is included.
  • CP518, final notice — return delinquency. The Spanish-language version, CP618, is included.
  • CP501, balance due, first notice. This letter is a reminder of an outstanding balance on the taxpayer’s accounts.
  • CP503, balance due, second notice.
  • CP504 balance due, third and final notice. This also is a notice of intent to levy.
  • 2802C, withholding compliance letter. This letter notifies taxpayers whom the IRS has identified as having underwithheld taxes from their wages, with instructions on correcting their withholding amount.
  • CP259, business return delinquency. The IRS has no record of a prior-year return’s having been filed. The Spanish-language version, CP959, is included.
  • CP518, final notice of a business return delinquency. The Spanish-language version, CP618, is included.

Per the Journal of Accountancy: “How long the letters and notices will be suspended or at what point the backlog can be considered sufficiently cleared to resume them remains unclear. The news release Feb. 9 said the IRS “will continue to assess the inventory of prior year returns to determine the appropriate time” to start sending them again. And there has been no mention of relieving taxpayers from their obligation to file returns or pay taxes that are the subject of the letters and notices, if those returns and taxes are indeed unfiled and unpaid.”

While this is a welcome step, it falls seriously short of what is needed.

In a recent Op Ed, former National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson outlined her suggestions to “fix the IRS”, and the AICPA Journal of Accountancy podcast elaborates on the following four recommendations:

  1. Discontinue automated compliance actions until the IRS is prepared to devote the necessary resources for a timely resolution
  2. Align requests for account holds with the time it takes the IRS to process any penalty abatement requests
  3. Offer a reasonable cause penalty waiver, similar to the procedures of first-time abatement administrative waiver
  4. Provide taxpayers with targeted relief from the underpayment and the late payment penalty for the 2020 and 2021 tax year

The podcast (highly-recommended short listen!) walks through these one-by-one and explains why each is crucial — in a very straightforward manner, providing examples of what kind of struggles real-life taxpayers and their advisors are going through.

A key takeaway: “What we’re trying to do with these recommendations is to lessen the need to reach out to the IRS. In theory, if we’re having to call the IRS less then the IRS will be able to get to people who have other types of problems and get those problems resolved.”

The Washington Post shared an article today highlighting the severity of the IRS backlog and what it means for this tax season.

In testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday, National Taxpayer Advocate Erin Collins noted that as of late December, the IRS had a backlog of 6 million unprocessed individual returns and 2.3 million unprocessed amended individual returns. In addition, more than 2 million Forms 941, Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return, and its amended version remained unprocessed. Many of the latter included claims of the employer retention credit emergency pandemic relief provision.

But all this isn’t enough — they need to hear actual stories from real taxpayers about what you’ve gone through. If you had a challenge with the IRS in the past couple years, and especially if you have an ongoing issue, please contact your Senators and Representatives to tell your personal story. This generally moves them to action, and what we need now is continued and increased pressure on the IRS to make short-term immediate changes that will affect the here-and-now of this tax season.

Find your rep: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
Members of Congress Twitter handles: https://twitter.com/i/lists/34179516/members
IRS Social Media: @IRS

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

How To Make IL Dept Of Rev (IDOR) Business Tax Payments Online: Estimates & Extensions – UPDATED

The step-by-step instructions I painstakingly wrote up earlier this year for making business replacement income tax estimated and extension payments are now out-of-date, because IDOR revamped their MyTaxIllinois website in September (grrrrr). So here are the basic instructions (screenshots are coming soon, but this will have to do for now):

— Log into the business’s My Tax IL account
— On the ‘Summary’ tab, look for the ‘Business Income Tax’ section
— Click on the link for ‘View more account options’

There are two ways to do it from here; the first is:
— In the ‘Account Options’ section, click the link for ‘Make An Estimated Payment’
— Select the period you want to pay (which is 12/31/2021 for tax year 2021 — choose a later period if paying estimated taxes for 2022)
— Click the first ‘Add Payment’ hyperlink in the Payment Schedule table for each payment you would like to schedule.
— If your payment information is saved in MyTax Illinois, then in the ‘Choose’ tab you can select the dropdown under ‘Payment Channel’
— Otherwise, select ‘New’ and enter your company bank info.
— In either case, on the right where it says ‘Payment’, you can change the payment’s debit date and enter the amount.
— Click Submit, and re-enter your password for security purposes

— In the ‘Periods and Submissions’ section, click the link for ‘View Account Periods’
— Click the 12/31/2021 link so that your payment is applied to tax year 2021 (or a later period if paying 2022 estimated quarterly taxes)
— In the upper right corner of this page, click the ‘Make A Payment’ link
— Select the ‘Bank Account Debit’ link
— Click the IL-1120-ST Payment link (ST denotes a “Small Business” payment)
— Enter the amount you want to pay in the Amount and Confirm Amount fields
— Click Submit, and re-enter your password for security purposes

Congrats, you did it!

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.