Tag Archives: tax

New 1099-NEC Form For Independent Contractors

The IRS’s new 1099-NEC Form

The IRS has released — or technically, re-released — a new form for Non-Employee Compensation called the 1099-NEC for use starting early 2021 for Tax Year 2020.

It’s actually an old form that hasn’t been in use since 1982 that was redesigned — originally it was for reporting fees, commissions and other compensation, but in 1983 it was retired and we’ve been reporting these types of income on Form 1099-MISC ever since.

Moving forward, instead of using 1099-MISC Box 7 to report Non-Employee Compensation, we’ll all use 1099-NEC Box 1. Box 4 is to report any federal withholding in relation to the compensation. Boxes 5, 6, and 7 are for reporting state tax withheld, state ID numbers, and state income, respectively. IRS instructions can be found on their website.

To clarify: the requirements for reporting nonemployee compensation have not changed — only the form on which it is reported.

Forms 1099-NEC must be filed with the IRS by January 31 of the year following the calendar year to which the return relates. For tax year 2020, the deadline is February 1, 2021, since January 31 falls on a Sunday. The deadline applies whether filing the form electronically or on paper. Unfortunately, unlike Form 1099-MISC, the IRS will not forward data to states for Form 1099-NEC, so processes for filing these will be determined by each state.

Items such as rent payments, royalties, attorney settlements (not payments for services), and medical healthcare payments will still be reported on Form 1099-MISC, though the form has been redesigned and the boxes renumbered. For tax year 2020, the deadline for filing 1099-MISC is February 28, 2021 if filing on paper, and March 31, 2021 if filing electronically.

I recommend this interesting article for background on why the change is being made, and more information on the specifics of filing 1099-NEC can be found in this excellent summary.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

PPP Update: IRS Doubles Down — What Does It Mean For Your Taxes?

In an effort to push Congress into action, the IRS reiterated its stance on the PPP last week.

Late last week, the IRS and Treasury issued both a revenue ruling and a revenue procedure, doubling down on their stance that since businesses aren’t taxed on the proceeds of a forgiven PPP loan, the expenses aren’t deductible.

This isn’t new news, of course. The IRS is bound to statute on this one and doesn’t have any wiggle room — only Congress can legislate on the topic of what is taxable and deductible, whereas the IRS only has administrative oversight in this arena. They made it clear very early in the game — April 30th, in fact — that they had no intention of accepting deductions for expenses that were paid for with PPP funds.

But in the ensuing months, Congress — despite broad bipartisan support for a measure to render these costs deductible — has been stuck in gridlock and failed to pass legislation making it so. This recent action on the part of the IRS seems designed to signal Congress that only by their action will the original intent of the CARES Act be realized.

However, the IRS took this particular set of guidance one unfortunate step further, at least as far as my clients are concerned.

“If a business reasonably believes that a PPP loan will be forgiven in the future, expenses related to the loan are not deductible, whether the business has filed for forgiveness or not.”

Now, I have been attending the AICPA Town Halls since nearly the beginning of the pandemic, and they are still strongly recommending that no one apply for forgiveness before year-end unless:
1) they need to sell their business;
2) loan covenants are at risk; or,
3) they need to reduce FTEs after meeting a date-driven safe harbor.

Part of the reason for this suggested delay is the aforementioned statutory requirement that prohibits the IRS from permitting any deductions for expenses paid for with non-taxable income. (Also: likeliness of legislation authorizing automatic forgiveness under a certain threshold; and the need for further guidance in many areas that remain unanswered.)

The idea was that if forgiveness was not granted in 2020, then the deductions could be made as usual on tax returns filed in the first-half of 2021. When forgiveness was eventually granted on these PPP loans, one of two things would have happened:
1) Congress would since have acted to protect the deductions and therefore PPP funds could be accepted into non-taxable income; or,
2) Congress would not have acted, in which case the PPP income would effectively be made taxable in 2021.

For the record, it wasn’t just me making this assumption. The entire American Institute of Certified Public Accountants thought the same thing (and in fact are now asking their members to contact elected officials to push for it). As did my most revered and favorite tax writer, Tony Nitti, who spent an entire article describing how wrong he was.

To me, whether the expenses paid with PPP proceeds were deductible hinged on whether forgiveness was obtained; as a result, I strongly maintained that those expenses did NOT become nondeductible until that “condition subsequent” occurred. As a result, if a business were filing its 2020 tax return before word on its forgiveness application had come down from the SBA, the expenses would be fully deductible. After all, we have a little something called the “tax benefit” rule, which allows a taxpayer a full deduction if at the time of filing the return, no event has occurred to render the amount nondeductible. Then, if a future event occurs that is fundamentally inconsistent with the premise on which the previous deduction was based (for example, an unforeseen refund of deducted expenses, or in this case, the forgiveness of a loan), the taxpayer must take the deducted amount into income. Applying the principles of Section 111 to PPP loans, the taxpayer would be entitled to a full deduction in 2020, with a potential income pick-up in 2021 when the loan was forgiven.

But with this recent IRS guidance, as Tony points out — he was wrong (again).

According to the Ruling, it matters not whether the application for forgiveness has been filed by the time the tax return is ready to go; rather, what matters is that the taxpayer apparently knows, in their heart of hearts, that the loan will ultimately be forgiven. After all, as the Ruling explains, “Section 1106(b), (d), and (g) of the CARES Act, and the supporting loan forgiveness application procedures published by the SBA, provide covered loan recipients… with clear and readily accessible guidance to apply for and receive covered loan forgiveness,” a sentence which I would have found laughable had the lies contained within it not ruined the past six months of my life.

I won’t get into the details of what it means to “reasonably expect” forgiveness, or determine partial forgiveness, or whether or not the new safe harbor applies if you “reasonably expect” wrong. (I’ll let Alan Gassman, another fan of Tony’s, dive into those weeds.) But as a short summary:
1) You can deduct expenses on your 2020 return if you find out before the return is filed that the PPP loan didn’t get forgiven or if you decide not to apply for forgiveness;
2) If you guessed wrong about the amount of forgiveness (and therefore deductions), you can either a) amend the 2020 return to adjust the disallowance, or b) deduct the improperly disallowed expenses for 2020 in the year forgiveness is determined.

Somehow, with not only a revenue procedure but also a revenue ruling, the IRS managed not to address two big issues that their rulings raise:
1) How should a Schedule C filer handle the deduction question? For a self-employed person, it’s not the expenses that determine forgiveness, but rather a calculation based on their 2019 income.
2) Which deductions will be limited, and in what order (payroll, rent, mortgage interest, utilities)? This has serious ramifications for the §199A Qualified Business Income deduction, Research & Development credits, and the §163(j) Interest Deduction limitation.

But I am not even going to touch on those two issues. Why? Because I truly believe the IRS made this announcement to rile up Congress members into finally taking action. It might have worked.

As reported in Accounting Today:

The leaders of the Senate Finance Committee, chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, who is now battling a coronavirus infection, and ranking member Ron Wyden, D-Oregon, blasted the guidance issued by the Treasury. “Since the CARES Act, we’ve stressed that our intent was for small businesses receiving Paycheck Protection Program loans to receive the benefit of their deductions for ordinary and necessary business expenses,” they said in a joint statement Thursday. “We explicitly included language in the CARES Act to ensure that PPP loan recipients whose loans are forgiven are not required to treat the loan proceeds as taxable income. As we’ve stated previously, Treasury’s approach in Notice 2020-32 effectively renders that provision meaningless. Regrettably, Treasury has now doubled down on its position in new guidance that increases the tax burden on small businesses by accelerating their tax liability, all at a time when many businesses continue to struggle and some are again beginning to close. Small businesses need help maintaining their cash flow, not more strains on it.”

Grassley and Wyden said they would continue their efforts to clarify in any end-of-year legislation the intended relief in the CARES Act to help small businesses at this critical time. “We encourage Treasury to reconsider its position on the deductibility of these expenses, and the timing of those deductions, to provide relief to the small businesses that need it most,” they added.

In the meantime… as an accountant, what do you tell your clients? As a small business owner, what do you do?

Well, if I’m right, and Congress is duly riled, then hopefully we’ll finally see some movement here, preferably before the end of the year, but (dear lord please) at least before tax season. At which point — poof — it becomes a non-issue (with the exception of the countless hours I and others have spent worrying and writing about it).

And if not?

I’ll share the recommendations of one of the most worthwhile practitioner-guests the AICPA has had on their Town Hall yet, Bill Pirolli (Partner, DiSanto Priest & Co.):

Tax Filing Approaches for Consideration
1) Wait and see
Use extensions until additional guidance or legislation is available
• Pass-through entities don’t need to be concerned until March/April 2021 deadlines
2) File return and pay taxes
• Assumes expenses paid with PPP funds will not be tax deductible
• If this changes, the borrower can file an amended return
3) File return and deduct expenses**
• Contrary to current guidance (but in the spirit of the PPP legislation)

**(CPA Academy is offering a course on how to launch a challenge to the IRS on this topic — and penalty-proof it — this Wed 11/25 and Mon 11/30.)

For what it’s worth, Bill describes himself as a “wait and see” kind of guy.
(I strongly suggest watching Bill’s participation in the most recent AICPA Town Hall — from 32:00 through 52:40. His logical process, description of history and legislative intent, and arguments are thought-provoking.)

I’ve already spoken with my tax partner, and our plan is to put all partnership and corporate clients on extension to avoid the unnecessary cost of approach #2 and the unnecessary risk of approach #3. Haven’t yet decided how to handle Schedule C self-employed filers… but also hoping we won’t have to cross that bridge.

In the meantime, it’s business as usual, trying to close out books and prepare for 1099s… as if it were any other pandemic year-end.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

IRS Labor Day Weekend Planned System Outage

From the IRS “e-News for Tax Professionals” comes a reminder that even though we are scrambling after an elongated tax season to get our S-Corp and Partnership returns filed by the September 15th deadline, this won’t be the weekend to e-file them.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

IRS Sending Overdue Notices For Checks Sitting In Its Unopened Mail

A new notice appeared on the IRS website late on August 13th:

Pending Check Payments and Payment Notices: If a taxpayer mailed a check (either with or without a tax return), it may still be unopened in the backlog of mail the IRS is processing due to COVID-19. Any payments will be posted as the date we received them rather than the date the agency processed them. To avoid penalties and interest, taxpayers should not cancel their checks and should ensure funds continue to be available so the IRS can process them. To provide fair and equitable treatment, the IRS is providing relief from bad check penalties for dishonored checks the agency received between March 1 and July 15 due to delays in this IRS processing. However, interest and penalties may still apply. Due to high call volumes, the IRS suggests waiting to contact the agency about any unprocessed paper payments still pending.

Claudia Hill, EA (always one of my favorite speakers at the annual IRS Tax Forum), wrote an excellent and somewhat scathing article in Forbes regarding the current disaster we as CPAs are dealing with on behalf of our clients — the IRS is many months behind in opening its mail, yet their automated system for sending out scary letters to taxpayers for unpaid taxes is back up-and-running.

Reports Claudia, having spoken to a “a hard-working, somewhat overwhelmed IRS customer service representative”:

… while IRS automated computer billings had resumed, any mail received at the Service Center between March 13 and June 30 was likely still unopened in the rooms of boxes containing mail that had arrived during the Covid-related shut-down. This included tax returns and payments directed to Service Center addresses. The Service Centers received about a million pieces of mail per week during that time. No one was there to open it.

IRS billing process is consistent; it is machine programmed. After the first letter goes out, approximately four weeks later if no money is deemed received, a second notice goes out. Each letter becomes sterner. By the third letter, IRS is reminding taxpayers of their rights to lien, levy and seize in the event of non-payment.

As she rightly points out, ignoring IRS notices can lead to serious problems — because their system is automated, a human being must intervene in order to (as I’ve always described it to clients) throw a cog in the wheel to stop it from churning.

The problem is exacerbated by the fact that these days, getting an IRS representative on the phone is rather difficult. If you are in this situation, I recommend calling the phone number on your notice during non-peak hours (7-10 am & 6-7 pm), Tue-Thu (if you do not have a number on your notice — the main one is 1-800-829-1040). Be ready to turn on your phone’s speaker and keep yourself busy with a project in the meantime. Or, as was recommended by John Sheeley, EA in his weekly tax update class yesterday, use an app that waits on hold for you and calls you back when a rep comes on the line.

Claudia offers these suggestions for the call:
1) Get your documentation ready:
– copy of the certified mail receipt
– copy of your checkbook showing you wrote the check
– copy of your bank statement showing it has not been cashed
2) If you are told about the mail delay, ask them to place a “stay-up” on your account for as long as they believe it will take to open the mail and process millions of pieces of correspondence and checks.

And good luck!

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

IRS Confirms July 15 Tax Deadline

The IRS confirmed in a press release that the July 15th due date for filing will remain as-is, with no further changes.

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin had said last week that he hadn’t ruled out moving the deadline again, but this newest announcement makes it clear that July 15th is the new April 15th.

Taxpayers who can’t meet the July 15 due date can request an automatic extension of time to file — it’s a six-month extension from the original filing date of April 15 (not the extended due date), which means it will extend the time to file to October 15, 2020.

The IRS offers a plethora of filing and payment options and reminds folks that filing an extension gets you more time to file your return, but not to pay any balance due. If you think you’ll have a balance due, I recommend you work with a professional to calculate what it might be, and submit payment with your extension, to avoid penalties and interest on late payment.

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. This allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

Increase in Chicago Restaurant Tax as of January 1, 2020

City of Chicago Dept of Finance

It recently came to my attention that apparently restaurants in Chicago were not notified by the city of an important change to local taxes they are required to collect.

The Chicago City Council recently doubled the city’s 0.25% restaurant tax, which means that starting January 1, 2020, the city of Chicago’s restaurant tax rate is 0.50%.

Therefore, the total sales tax for restaurants in the city of Chicago is now supposed to be 10.75% instead of 10.50% — this includes state and local sales taxes as well as the city’s 0.50% restaurant tax.

(For restaurants located within the MPEA Food and Beverage Tax zone, the total sales tax will be 11.75% — made up of sales taxes + 0.50% restaurant tax + the 1.00% MPEA food and beverage tax).

Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that this change was communicated widely to restaurant owners, so many of them did not update their Point of Sale systems to increase the tax charged to customers. This means they probably underpaid their monthly restaurant tax and will owe when they file their annual restaurant tax returns.

I suggest the following steps:

  1. Update your Point of Sale software to reflect the 10.75% tax immediately, so you can begin collecting it from customers.
  2. Calculate the approximate underpayment for January and February (0.25% of sales) and add it to your restaurant tax payment for March.
  3. It will all come out in the wash when you file your annual restaurant tax return in August.

For more information on state and local changes to legislation, rulings and ordinances that affect restaurants, check out this briefing from the Illinois Restaurant Association: News Laws in Effect as of January 1, 2020 – Illinois Restaurant Association

And for information on this and other consumer taxes in Illinois, check out this recent article by The Civic Federation.

Tax Season 2020 Opens January 27th

The Internal Revenue Service announced this week that the official opening day of the 2020 tax season for individuals will be Jan. 27, which is when the IRS starts to accept and process 2019 federal tax returns. You have until April 15 to file your return and pay your tax bill.

This year, taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes of $69,000 or less can use free commercial software by going to IRS.gov/freefile. Free File will open by the afternoon of Jan. 10, although taxpayers won’t actually be able to file their returns until the start of the tax season, Smith said.

Source: Tax season 2020: The IRS made it easier to file tax forms for free – The Washington Post

House Passes $42 Billion Plan to Revive U.S. Tax Breaks for 2014

The House finally passed the 2014 extenders, and we’ll see what happens in the Senate.

House Passes $42 Billion Plan to Revive U.S. Tax Breaks for 2014.

(I don’t think this should be a Democrat or Republican issue — it’s obvious to all of us in taxation that if you only ever extend tax breaks retroactively, they are extremely ineffective at generating the additional economic benefit for which they were originally intended.  Plus, it makes tax planning a major and unnecessary headache!)